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You are all being made mock of on the datalounge..- Page 2

You are all being made mock of on the datalounge..

#25re: You are all being made mock of on the datalounge..
Posted: 9/4/04 at 1:03pm

I for one am proud to be a member of BWW! :)

Millie42 Profile Photo
#26re: You are all being made mock of on the datalounge..
Posted: 9/4/04 at 1:06pm

I just have to laugh at one message board mocking another.
As if they are clearly having the most sophisticated of conversations by mocking us.
Such jealousy. re: You are all being made mock of on the datalounge..

"My friends have made the story of my life." -Helen Keller

Sumofallthings Profile Photo
#27re: You are all being made mock of on the datalounge..
Posted: 9/4/04 at 1:08pm

I refuse to be defined by Wicked.

BSoBW2: I punched Sondheim in the face after I saw Wicked and said, "Why couldn't you write like that!?"

jrb_actor Profile Photo
#28re: You are all being made mock of on the datalounge..
Posted: 9/4/04 at 1:08pm

And, now, we are mocking them! So, HA! :)

#29re: You are all being made mock of on the datalounge..
Posted: 9/4/04 at 1:10pm

Wow, this reminds me of middle school.

Eyemakeup3 Profile Photo
#30re: You are all being made mock of on the datalounge..
Posted: 9/4/04 at 1:11pm

It's the circle of internet life!

Be proud they were "forced" to speak of us all, you are a spirited bunch, go forth and post!

And is just me..or does "mascara4" seem like a certain missing hairfree poster we've lost..hmmm?

La "who? La indeed.

"Real friends are very special, but you have to be careful because sometimes you have a friend and you think they are made of rock, then suddenly you realise they're only made of sand." Maria Callas (American soprano. 1923-1977)

Millie42 Profile Photo
#31re: You are all being made mock of on the datalounge..
Posted: 9/4/04 at 1:12pm

" Wow, this reminds me of middle school."

haha. Ok, so we are the theatre/chorus dorks. Who are they?

"My friends have made the story of my life." -Helen Keller

Borstalboy Profile Photo
#32re: You are all being made mock of on the datalounge..
Posted: 9/4/04 at 1:13pm

My favorite was "Thank God I live in L.A. We don't go to plays here." No, just Schwarzenegger movies.

"Impossible is just a big word thrown around by small men who find it easier to live in the world they've been given than to explore the power they have to change it. Impossible is not a fact. It's an opinion. Impossible is not a declaration. It's a dare. Impossible is potential. Impossible is temporary. Impossible is nothing.” ~ Muhammad Ali

#33re: You are all being made mock of on the datalounge..
Posted: 9/4/04 at 1:15pm

Ok, so we are the theatre/chorus dorks. Who are they?

The catty but secretly insecure "popular" girls.

And I'll have you know I was a musician dork, thankyouverymuch. re: You are all being made mock of on the datalounge..

mamamia sammy Profile Photo
mamamia sammy
#34re: You are all being made mock of on the datalounge..
Posted: 9/4/04 at 1:17pm

Whatever happened to broadwaylilhead?

BroadwayWorld: A home for the dangerously unhinged

Millie42 Profile Photo
#35re: You are all being made mock of on the datalounge..
Posted: 9/4/04 at 1:17pm

"And I'll have you know I was a musician dork, thankyouverymuch. "

I graciously apologize.
I need to change it to theatre/chorus/band.
I guess I just left them out because at our school, the band was in its own world. They were quite exclusive.

"My friends have made the story of my life." -Helen Keller

EddieVarley Profile Photo
#36re: You are all being made mock of on the datalounge..
Posted: 9/4/04 at 1:20pm

It's like I keep asking;


I mean, really when did they become the internet oracle round table?
PLEASE...mock me! Hahaha

You all rock, this is a great place to play, "F'em!" as my Mom used to say.

iflitifloat Profile Photo
#37re: You are all being made mock of on the datalounge..
Posted: 9/4/04 at 1:22pm

Eh. Everyone is always going to be a loser in someone's opinion. It should only be of concern when it becomes a univeral perception. *That* might indicate a problem.

Sueleen Gay: "Here you go, Bitch, now go make some fukcing lemonade." 10/28/10
Updated On: 9/4/04 at 01:22 PM

zepka102 Profile Photo
#38re: You are all being made mock of on the datalounge..
Posted: 9/4/04 at 2:14pm

"All that chat is one big bitter queen b**** fest and very little original content (does anyone even go to the other parts of the site????)"

thats the best part... and yet they go on to kind of support the site:

"So, while not perfect, they are far from being a joke to me. It makes getting the news I want a lot easier than anywhere else "

::bust a move::

BT Profile Photo
#39re: You are all being made mock of on the datalounge..
Posted: 9/4/04 at 2:17pm

Oh yes, the "Data Lounge" where all the COOL people hang out... puhlease

I sing for myself. I sing when I want, whenever I want to, just for me. I sing for my own pleasure. Do you understand that?

zepka102 Profile Photo
#40re: You are all being made mock of on the datalounge..
Posted: 9/4/04 at 2:18pm

i wish i was a part of them re: You are all being made mock of on the datalounge..

::bust a move::

#41re: You are all being made mock of on the datalounge..
Posted: 9/4/04 at 2:19pm

I really wasn't going to comment on this, as it would then be giving credence to something that really doesn't deserve it. However, this may be a perfect chance to say just a couple of things about BWW.

I am fascinated and invigorated by the broad range of people represented here. On the 'on topic' side, we get everything from young people first discovering theatre (complete with their charming first crushes and obssessions) to Tony award winners and current Broadway performers. There are people from all over the country, from all around the world even, who all weigh in with their views and opinions on what's happening in their area. And there's MY favorite part, having people like Margo, Magruder, Namo and MusicMan (just to name a few) who can educate, enlighten and inspire us with their knowledge and acumen.

As for the 'off-topic' board, what more could you ask for? A thrilling opportunity to share thoughts and opinions on anything that comes to mind! A place where thoughts, feelings, joy, grief, rage, lust and again obssession can all be expressed, digested, shared, vilified, bantered - and dare I say it, even learned from. And AGAIN, with every type and kind of person imaginable!

I'm happy it exists, and thrilled to be a part of it.

BroadwayMonkey Profile Photo
#42re: You are all being made mock of on the datalounge..
Posted: 9/4/04 at 2:20pm

DGrant- Let's get married.

Real men are tenors.

Glebb Profile Photo
#43re: You are all being made mock of on the datalounge..
Posted: 9/4/04 at 2:21pm

Gotta luv ya DGrant!

" ...the happiness in the tune convinces me that I'm not afraid."

#44re: You are all being made mock of on the datalounge..
Posted: 9/4/04 at 2:22pm

*bows to the coolness that is DGrant*

As always, well-said. If the folks at datalounge think we're all embittered has-beens and wannabes, that's their loss. I happen to be a never-been-and-never-will-be, and I'm quite content with that fact. re: You are all being made mock of on the datalounge..

#45re: You are all being made mock of on the datalounge..
Posted: 9/4/04 at 2:30pm

They like us! They REALLY REALLY like us!!!

*tears* *runs off with Oscar*

On a clear day I can see myself for miles ~Taboo

NoDayButToday2 Profile Photo
#46re: You are all being made mock of on the datalounge..
Posted: 9/4/04 at 2:47pm

i find it sort of a compliment that we are so well known. maybe they arent exactly describing us in hour finest moments, but they ARE talking about us... who is more pathetic, the 'weird' message board or the people talking about the weird message board?

zepka102 Profile Photo
#47re: You are all being made mock of on the datalounge..
Posted: 9/4/04 at 2:49pm

well obviously they've got nothing to talk about if they have to talk about us

::bust a move::

#48re: You are all being made mock of on the datalounge..
Posted: 9/4/04 at 2:50pm

*remembers all our threads about ATC*

SamIAm Profile Photo
#49re: You are all being made mock of on the datalounge..
Posted: 9/4/04 at 2:52pm

Trust me, those DataLoungers are a bunch of nasty folks. Stay far away from there.

Danger, Will Robinson!

"Life is a lesson in humility"
