Broadway Legend Joined: 5/11/03
Matt's not gay! Nu-huh, nu-huh! I won't hear of it!!! Not my little squishy bear!!!!!
(Y'all are just trying to ruin my Matt and Marc sandwich fantasies, aren't ya??? Aren't ya???)
Broadway Legend Joined: 12/31/69
CJR - your point is well taken. And Eyes, I'm not sure anybody is really taking it very seriously. It's, of course, annoying to think you're being talked about like that, but that happens all the time in a variety of circumstances. Having discovered that I was mentioned by name and then had false information posted about me, I did take the time to at least correct the falsehood - which I would do in any situation. As to the 'editorial' content, there's no reason to comment or react to their opinions, as they neither matter to nor reflect on anyone but themselves.
That being said, I would like to say this on THIS board, as there ARE people here whose thoughts and feelings I have come to respect and look forward to. Apparently, I have been labled arrogant - and frankly, that's something I've been leery of since I started posting here. I have made a very conscious choice to present my thoughts in a formal style (in most cases) simply to try to have my points made completely and remove the chance for miscommunication as much as possible. The thought that I would be coming across as 'high-handed' has certainly crossed my mind, but I feel the benefit of complete communication overrides that concern.
However, I want to make sure that everyone here knows that if they EVER have a problem, question or concern about anything I've posted, I am always willing to discuss it. I think jrb will back me up when I say that, not only will I listen, but I will recant, rethink or apologize if there is a reason to.
Luv ya DGrant. I completely respect all that you say and you give your opinions in ways not to insult anyone or put someone down. You are definetly one of the most clever and passionate person on this board. And don't let anyone tell you different, ya here?!?
Broadway Legend Joined: 12/31/69
d, you're anything but arrogant, and, being a god among men endowed with powers of coversation, persuasion and charm of which mere mortals may only dream, i know from arrogance.
people, it's like 3 people over there who have an axe or two to grind (obviously from having spent some time here) and thus they have taken the opportunity to swing away.
to each his own, but don't let it be anything more than it is. unless they're stupid enough to libel you for which an ip address can always undermine their anonymity should you really want to make a case, why worry? anonymity in the age of the internet is not really what it used to be, but hey, who am i to burst any bubbles?
they say all that stuff as though they think we care! Lol
Broadway Legend Joined: 10/4/03
i just read this and i am so pissed off right now. they are the ones who are nerds. how dare they make fun of us?! they don't even know us!
Look, kids, if you frequent DataLounge you will see the catty, back biting tendencies of many of the people who post there.
Don't take it too seriously. My experience with that particular board is that a) you can't take much of what they say as truth and b) they are a bunch of bitter, self centered people who only want to throw mud at others.
Don't worry about them. Just tend to your own business and leave them to their misery.
Please note that NONE of em have the b*lls to complain directly to us. I really do not care what a bunch of loser, neverwas cowards do or say. "the mills of the gods grind slowly, but they grind exceedingly fine"
Broadway Legend Joined: 7/22/03
The "theatre industry people we hate..." thread over there is much more interesting. The anti-bww thread is very very weak, devoid of any of the funny bitchiness that a real datalounge thread generally has. That thread reads like something written by the odious Norm MacDonald on an off night. Hint for posters there, "is gay" is not a punchline worthy of the normally witty datalounge. It's clear that the thread was just started by somebody who probably posted over here and doesn't have much talent. One person in particular springs to la mind!
Not that Marquise helped out over there at all, in my opinion.
Thanks to the datalounge thread I had four hot chorus boys come up to me and ask if I was the "key master"..
Like la wow!
You go girl!
La la la la la la la la la la
ahh screw those guys....did ya'll see the post that said something about "having trouble respecting anyone who takes anything on Broadway seriously"? what a douche!
I'm gay? An egomaniac, yes. But, gay? Badge of honor!
I'm so thrilled to be mentioned though! These guys really have my number!
I haven't read much of it, but I do know I was mentioned as being a big ol' flaming fag. Go me, I guess.
Same here Matt! We're celebrities!
what can you say, you guys touched the lives of others so much they had to recognize you individually !
Broadway Legend Joined: 3/4/04
Shoot, I'm such a hypocrite...
I don't think that message has anything to do with us, GovernorSlaton. They say much worse on there without any consequences, so I don't see why a relatively short thread about another message board would cause a shutdown.
I realized that. It's just that I'm pissed that I didn't get to finish that "Sleeping with Broadway Actors" thread. I was on page 149!
Broadway Legend Joined: 12/28/03
I'm still reading it too!
Boo. I want that back up.