Swing Joined: 9/4/04
First Time poster. Probably last as well.
I would take a look at this. Pretty funny!
Hmmmm, interesting....
"Bare" (Lol) the worse thing I have ever seen in years!
Everyone is entitled to their opinions.
Datalounge a little jealous of our BWW family?
You know what they say about opinions?
You know we are huge when we merit a thread like that on datalounge. There are going to be some nasty things said over there about us.
Opinions are like a** holes. Everyone's got one and most of them stink.
I might get hurt when someone I care about critisizes me, but I think I can survive a strangers comments. :)
I have too much fun on BWW.COM, to stop now. :)
Broadway Legend Joined: 12/28/03
OMG they so totally hurt my feelings!
(Some of you who are talking about it being a joke and criticizing the spelling of its members...you might want to run some of *your* posts through spellcheck first- just a hint!)
Some of the responses did make me laugh, though. But probably not the way they would have wanted it...
Updated On: 9/4/04 at 12:16 PM
hey...we're big enough news to be gossip!
Lady G, I try to spell check my stuff but sometimes get too lazy. Please correct me any time for I honestly respect you greatly. :)
I have trouble with anyone who takes anything on Broadway seriously!
Wow, what a douchebag.
The fact they mentioned a certain Mr. Varley pisses me off!
I'm sort of tempted to say something nasty on the board.....
But I'm much, much better than that.
Broadway Legend Joined: 12/28/03
"Lady G, I try to spell check my stuff but sometimes get too lazy. Please correct me any time for I honestly respect you greatly. :)"
Lol, I was talking to the datalounge posters.
Updated On: 9/4/04 at 12:22 PM
Broadway Legend Joined: 3/4/04
Nice to see that a few teeny-boppers have defined the whole board.
But really, being mocked on datalounge as a fluffy forum? Not the greatest of insults.
Updated On: 9/4/04 at 12:23 PM
Any comments insulting theatre, Broadway, or the level of fame of Standing Ovations' performers is just too full of ignorance and/or bitterness to even be bothered with.
And, we gripe enough here about what is being posted on the board--so what if they are doing it, too.
But, I will tell you this--remember that many of the people who will be posting in that thread are BWW members. And that thread gives them a chance to say anything as nasty as they please with complete anonymity.
well said jrb
Yeah, I'm not going to loose sleep over it. Some random people don;t know anything about Broadway. Who cares?
Broadway Legend Joined: 5/18/03
Imagine being made mock of!
LMAO at broadwayguy.
I've told you this multiple times, but I love you. A lot.
hahahahah. Glebb, I can only imagine what being "made mock of" would be like.
Broadway Legend Joined: 5/18/03
Thank you Monkey
The nerve of those people!
Broadway Legend Joined: 3/4/04
lol Updated On: 9/4/04 at 12:40 PM