Broadway Legend Joined: 7/20/13
Do you see a musical based on Whitney Houston's life working on Broadway. If the right woman to play Whitney was cast, I think the show would be a big, huge hit. What do you guys think?
Broadway Legend Joined: 7/20/13
"Crack is cheap...crack is whack"
The woman had everything: talent, beauty, fame-- and her addiction robbed her of it all. I think there's a story in it.
No one is arguing against that point, just that you couldn't do a traditional end-to-end life story as the narrative.
Stand-by Joined: 7/4/12
A Whitney Houston jukebox musical? It already exists.
Swing Joined: 7/22/14
There's definitely a story in it. I like the idea of a musical on Whitney Houston.
Broadway Star Joined: 7/29/12
Honestly, I feel it could be incredibly successful. Whitney Houston will forever be an iconic vocalist and as Motown and Beautiful have proven, biopic musicals can be wildly successful. Maybe even with a touch of the infamous Bombshell. I feel like her story has everything that could create a really fantastic theatrical piece that audiences globally could enjoy.
Anika Noni Rose as Whitney? Syesha Mercado?
Updated On: 7/22/14 at 10:48 PM
Famous person + songs + who cares about the book... I suppose we can try it a few more times.
To save money, just buy rights to the book from End of the Rainbow, change all the Judys to Whitneys and have her scream Bobbyyyyyyy a few times in the second act.
Err, we may be overestimating the appeal. Her biopic is being made by Lifetime?!
Whitney Houston biopic to include her music but not her voice
Updated On: 7/22/14 at 11:10 PM
I would say use Jennifer Hudson. She can hit all the notes that Whitney does. Just like when she sand "I Will Always Love You" on the Grammys after she died.
Broadway Legend Joined: 7/20/13
The only reason why the Lifetime biopic is getting negative reaction because the network is making it without permission from the Houston family.
"I would say use Jennifer Hudson. She can hit all the notes that Whitney does. Just like when she sand "I Will Always Love You" on the Grammys after she died."
Yes. Even though they look absolutely NOTHING alike.
"Yes. Even though they look absolutely NOTHING alike."
There is something called makeup. How do you think they made Bryan Cranston look like LBJ?
"They were practically sisters."
Is that supposed to be sarcastic? Because I think they do look a little a like. If not, then never mind.
Broadway Legend Joined: 7/22/03
The first time I saw Prince and The Revolution he ended the set proper by asking the audience, "Do you want to take a bath with me?" He slinked up a ramp to a platform upon which a claw tub had magically appeared and in perfect silhouette he opened his button fly pants and climbed in. The tub slowly descended below the stage.
And THAT, just so you know and so that that your children may someday know, is how you would end a Whitney Houston bio musical.
"I'm never sarcastic Matt... unless I am."
I just laughed my ass off!
Updated On: 7/23/14 at 11:54 PM