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AUDIO: Liza Minnelli Sings 'Single Ladies' for Sex and the City 2- Page 2

AUDIO: Liza Minnelli Sings 'Single Ladies' for Sex and the City 2

twinbelters Profile Photo
#25Liza Minnelli Uses Autotune to Sing 'Single Ladies' for Sex and the City 2
Posted: 5/22/10 at 11:38am

It's cool. I think some of you are overthinking it. I mean this show has always been run by a group of gay men. This sequel looks like Sex and the City by way of the Road to _____ movies of the 30s. I would expect it to be big and brassy like this song.

With Irma you gotta do something!

shermanslave Profile Photo
#26Liza Minnelli Uses Autotune to Sing 'Single Ladies' for Sex and the City 2
Posted: 5/24/10 at 7:11pm

I made a video for it because I clearly have way too much time on my hands...
Liza video

Please visit Bitchy Waiter

uncageg Profile Photo
#27Liza Minnelli Uses Autotune to Sing 'Single Ladies' for Sex and the City 2
Posted: 5/24/10 at 7:38pm

twinbelters, I am not overthinking it and it doesn't matter to me who has run the tv show in the past, I am just not crazy about it but hope it works better in the film. I do, however, like the musical arrangement.

Just give the world Love.

Bettyboy72 Profile Photo
#28Liza Minnelli Uses Autotune to Sing 'Single Ladies' for Sex and the City 2
Posted: 5/24/10 at 8:36pm

I look forward to the film but Liza needs to stop wearing the sparkly shirt with the knee boots that don't match. She's worn that outfit to death and it's not flattering.

PS-How could Anthony and Stanford afford Liza Minnelli at their wedding? Does Stanford even work?

"The sexual energy between the mother and son really concerns me!"-random woman behind me at Next to Normal "I want to meet him after and bang him!"-random woman who exposed her breasts at Rock of Ages, referring to James Carpinello

#29Liza Minnelli Uses Autotune to Sing 'Single Ladies' for Sex and the City 2
Posted: 5/24/10 at 9:49pm

"PS-How could Anthony and Stanford afford Liza Minnelli at their wedding? Does Stanford even work?"

...I was wondering that but didn't want someone to claim over-analysis.

Likewise, when did they really get together? I haven't watched it in ages, but didn't they hate each other in the series? I remember they made out once in the first movie on New Year's Eve, but... was that the only precedent?

"Your lyrics lack subtlety! You can't just have your characters announce how they feel! That makes me feel angry!"

Bettyboy72 Profile Photo
#30Liza Minnelli Uses Autotune to Sing 'Single Ladies' for Sex and the City 2
Posted: 5/24/10 at 10:06pm

They gave each other a New years peck in the last movie-thats the extent of their relationship. Oh, and they were sitting next to each other during the final scene with everyone having breakfast.

Unless they come up with some great reason for them being together, it will seem like jumping the shark and pandering to the gay demographic because in the series Anthony was repulsed by Stanford and didn't he drop a dime on Stanford's boyfriend being an escort?

"The sexual energy between the mother and son really concerns me!"-random woman behind me at Next to Normal "I want to meet him after and bang him!"-random woman who exposed her breasts at Rock of Ages, referring to James Carpinello

#31Liza Minnelli Uses Autotune to Sing 'Single Ladies' for Sex and the City 2
Posted: 5/24/10 at 10:48pm

Okay, that's what I thought. Then yeah, this is pretty stupid. It basically reads like they have two gay characters popular with the fans so they figured hell, we might as well shove 'em together.

"Your lyrics lack subtlety! You can't just have your characters announce how they feel! That makes me feel angry!"

MiracleElixir Profile Photo
#32Liza Minnelli Uses Autotune to Sing 'Single Ladies' for Sex and the City 2
Posted: 5/25/10 at 9:13am

Saw it last night at the premiere, but yeah, they don't really make much of an effort to explain why they're together -- and they kind of offensively play up the gays-can't-do-monogamy stigma by having Anthony walk around the wedding telling people Stanford's letting him cheat.

For what it's worth, lots of Broadway folk: Norm Lewis, Kelli O'Hara, Kyle Dean Massey...

Phyllis Rogers Stone
#34Liza Minnelli Uses Autotune to Sing 'Single Ladies' for Sex and the City 2
Posted: 5/25/10 at 10:58am

What about Marcus? Did he and Stanford break up in the last movie and I forgot?

Contemplating this sequel is making me think about all the dumb things in the movie that I didn't really think too hard about.

Remember how Miranda told John James Preston "you're crazy to want to get married" or whatever and that turned him into such a pansy that he sat outside the church whining about making sure it was still "just us"? Or having Steve cheat on Miranda? Or having that hour in the middle where Sarah J just looked awful in every scene?

#35Liza Minnelli Uses Autotune to Sing 'Single Ladies' for Sex and the City 2
Posted: 5/25/10 at 11:40am

I saw a screening of the movie a few weeks ago, and this scene, in the beginning, was ridiculous but funny. It was way too long though. After that, the movie went downhill verrry quickly. It was one of the worst pieces of trash I have ever seen. My friends and I were horrified every minute. Save your money and watch the Liza clip, it's all you need.

BroadwayNYC2 Profile Photo
#36Liza Minnelli Uses Autotune to Sing 'Single Ladies' for Sex and the City 2
Posted: 5/25/10 at 12:02pm

One of the most horrible things I've ever heard in my life. I like Liza but this is dreadful.

DAME Profile Photo
#37Liza Minnelli Uses Autotune to Sing 'Single Ladies' for Sex and the City 2
Posted: 5/25/10 at 3:34pm

Yes. Horrible "piece of trash" movie . The Liza bit was cute in the movie. But it did go on. It pretty much went downhill from there. The person who said it was a "gay Ishtar" was right on.


MrMidwest Profile Photo
#38Liza Minnelli Uses Autotune to Sing 'Single Ladies' for Sex and the City 2
Posted: 6/25/10 at 3:00pm

Did anyone notice Kyle Dean Massey in the choir at the wedding and Matthew Risch standing on one of the white bridges?

"The gods who nurse this universe think little of mortals' cares. They sit in crowds on exclusive clouds and laugh at our love affairs. I might have had a real romance if they'd given me a chance. I loved him, but he didn't love me. I wanted him, but he didn't want me. Then the gods had a spree and indulged in another whim. Now he loves me, but I don't love him." - Cole Porter
