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"Aida" - 7/9/04

crp2000 Profile Photo
#50re: 'Aida' - 7/9/04
Posted: 7/13/04 at 4:57pm

LOL @ PM! Haven't seen the pointing you're referring to, but i can imagine it's funny as shiznit!

My comment was in regards to her singing/vocal ability.
Who on earth goes to see AIDA for the acting??
IMO, Deborah's vocals are indeed on par with Heathers. True, her acting could use some work - and not much work is needed there - but let's keep in mind that this is her first time on a broadway stage.

#51re: 'Aida' - 7/9/04
Posted: 7/13/04 at 5:06pm

Hmm, we could discuss the 'not much work is needed there' bit but we shall leave it as that (because I am nice *cough*)

Yes, watch her next time she sings about faces and things she can point at, it's really funny.

Testing1232 Profile Photo
#52re: 'Aida' - 7/9/04
Posted: 7/13/04 at 5:12pm

I wasnt really planning on posting anymore on this thread, but.... CRP... I know everyone is entitled to their own opinions, but to say "who goes to see "Aida" for the acting?".. HUH??? If we wanted just singing, we would go to a concert.
And Deborah's vocals are on pars with Heathers? Come on. Do you truly believe that? Did you ever see Heather in "Aida"? If you did, I think you would realize that 1) The role of "Aida" certainly does need someone that can act and show emotion

2) Heather's vocals are far better than Deborah's

All you would see to see is Heather's "The God's Love Nubia"...

Dont get my wrong.. I started the thread by stating that Deborah has a very nice voice. But she is basically void of emotion on stage. Just my .02

crp2000 Profile Photo
#53re: 'Aida' - 7/9/04
Posted: 7/14/04 at 10:20am


IMHO - musicals ARE concerts...with cheesy/overly-dramatic acting bits inbetween numbers. LOL!
I haven't seen AIDA 10+ times because of the acting, nor do I know anyone that has, however I meant no disrespect to anyone who does enjoy the acting. My apologies if it came off that way.

Yes - I've seen & heard Heather in the role of AIDA. Even as a HUGE FAN of Heather's, I still feel that Deborah's voice is on par with hers. Please understand that when I say 'on par', I simply mean 'similar/near/alongside' - not necessarily better. I feel that both of these women have extraordinary voices and would rather not put one above/below the other.

We can't compare Deborah's acting to Heather's - remember, Heather's a pro (i.e. college, Ragtime, The Lion King). Heather brought a degree of emotion to the role of AIDA that no one will EVER be able to match - she'd been with the show since the very beginning.

Would love to see/hear both Heather & Deborah in a musical together! Updated On: 7/14/04 at 10:20 AM

javero Profile Photo
#54re: 'Aida' - 7/9/04
Posted: 7/14/04 at 11:50am

LOL @ PM. You have to have a sense of humor on this board. I honestly haven't seen Adam Pascal in 'AIDA' but have listened to the OBC recording nearly a zillion times. To add to crp...'s earlier post, on the OBC he sings like a constipated Elton John with lyrics by Tim Rice. Will Chase was the total package. Since I believe in redemption, I'm going to revisit 'AIDA' Sat evening to see if Adam redeems himself on that stage @ the Palace. I've heard nothing but good remarks about his other work.

#FactsMatter...your feelings not so much.
Updated On: 7/14/04 at 11:50 AM

QueenMuppet Profile Photo
#55re: 'Aida' - 7/9/04
Posted: 7/14/04 at 1:27pm

OI!!!! First of all, Adam Pascal does not sound like a constipated Elton John! Anyone who thinks otherwise will be in trouble!!!

No seriously, I personally think that Adam has one of the most unique, extraordinary and amazing voices I have ever heard... yes, some people might have the opinion that he sounds constipated (which is so not true, ha!) but he does not sound like Elton John. The accent is not right for a start! And if I hear this 'constipated Elton John' joke again I will whip your 'bottoms', crp2000 and javero. :)

Once again, I have to agree with testing1232 (we agree too many times... SCARY!). Deborah has a great voice, very husky almost which I like, but Heather's voice is mind-blowing and totally unique. I have heard voices like Deborah's dozens of times before ... she is nowhere near Heather.

Same goes for Will Chase in my opinion. Great voice but there's nothing unique or special about it. When I saw him he tried to sound too much like a 'rocker' (leave that to the professionals, baby :)) which just didn't do it for me because it sounded wrong. He's got a natural good voice, so don't try to 'growl' like Adam ... he sounded like a constipated Elton John (sorry couldn't resist) :)

QM (Me? Biased? Never!)

'He really wasn't good as Fieyro. Is it just me or does he sort of come across as a pimp? Just...the hand motions I've seen him do and the attitude..not that Taye is a pimp.' - SallyBrown on Taye Diggs as Fiyero

luvtheEmcee Profile Photo
#56re: 'Aida' - 7/9/04
Posted: 7/14/04 at 1:30pm

You're as un-biased as I am... haha!

I, personally, heart Adam, sexy growliness and all... but you all know that. Whip 'em, QM!

A work of art is an invitation to love.

#57re: 'Aida' - 7/9/04
Posted: 7/14/04 at 1:33pm

Adam is wonderful. He does not sound bad in any way, shape or form. *nods seriously* Biasas are underrated.

luvtheEmcee Profile Photo
#58re: 'Aida' - 7/9/04
Posted: 7/14/04 at 1:34pm

Yay for more Adam love!! I'm seeing him a week from today!!!!!!!!

A work of art is an invitation to love.

bdwaygirl Profile Photo
#59re: 'Aida' - 7/9/04
Posted: 7/14/04 at 2:09pm

I *NEED* to go back!

I hung out with Cheyenne Jackson in his dressing room waayyyyyy before he tickled D2.

"unleash the girly"

Our fingerprints don't fade from the lives we touch.

Puppies are babies in fur coats.

Tinfoil...The Terrorizing Terminator

#60re: 'Aida' - 7/9/04
Posted: 7/14/04 at 2:58pm

You know who's a really great Radames?

Cheyenne Jackson!

luvtheEmcee Profile Photo
#61re: 'Aida' - 7/9/04
Posted: 7/14/04 at 3:00pm

... and for those "constipated Elton John" people - Cheyenne sounds nothing like that! So go see him!!

See, NNY? I'm getting better! re: 'Aida' -  7/9/04

A work of art is an invitation to love.

javero Profile Photo
#62re: 'Aida' - 7/9/04
Posted: 7/14/04 at 4:41pm

NNY, I agree w/ you that Cheyenne is great in that role. In terms of aesthetics, with his strapping build Cheyenne looks the part of a warrior-future-king next to Amneris and Aida. In the photos I’ve seen since his return, Adam looks puny in relation to Deborah/Aida who herself is quite petite. That aside, I hope to see what he adds to the production this weekend.

#FactsMatter...your feelings not so much.
Updated On: 7/14/04 at 04:41 PM

TheGirlinTheFrock Profile Photo
#63re: 'Aida' - 7/9/04
Posted: 7/14/04 at 4:45pm

Haha. Emcee, you are getting better. And Cheyenne is amazing. I first say AIDA was with Will Chase. I agree with QueenMuppet, he was great, but nothing to write home about. I also had a problem w/ him singing on his "R"s. Next I saw Cheyenne Jackson. Now at first i was a little bitter that adam wasnt there (dam traffic) but he was terrific - totatlly stole my heart!! Then i finally saw Adam in it. WOW! IMO Adam was the best of all three. I dont know if its because he is ADAM or because he was the original OR that he was just the best. But since i am biased like most of you, i wont even try to figure it out.

Personally, I thought Cheyenne was almost equal to Adam. They were so different so i cant say either was better. BUT coming from a HUGE adam fan, that is the biggest complement ever.

NNY, you crack me up all the time. Isnt Cheyenne going on as Radames on the 24th?

Though scattered and divided we are still its heart...AIDA SEPTEMBER 5th, more longing backward glance... I AM NOW "TGIF!"

crp2000 Profile Photo
#64re: 'Aida' - 7/9/04
Posted: 7/14/04 at 6:10pm

Like Javero - i'm going to make my way to the Palace and give Adam another listen. Though I don't care for his 'solo' performances on the OBC - I do enjoy him on the duets "Written In The Stars" and "Elaborate Lives". He and Heather had GREAT vocal chemistry.

#65re: 'Aida' - 7/9/04
Posted: 7/14/04 at 11:53pm

"Isnt Cheyenne going on as Radames on the 24th?"

Why, yes he is :)

I can't say enough wonderful things about this guy...he deserves all the fans he can get.

And this is also coming from a huge Adam fan (I've spent productions of Rent and Aida clenching my fists and thinking, "You're not Adam. YOU ARE NOT ADAM!" every time Manley Pope or Will Chase were on stage) but Cheyenne is completely majestic and commanding and amazing in that role. SO talented and I am confused to why he's not a huge star yet. I would love to see him originate a role soon. Updated On: 7/15/04 at 11:53 PM

luvtheEmcee Profile Photo
#66re: 'Aida' - 7/9/04
Posted: 7/15/04 at 12:02am

haha... oh, Undiscovered. You hardly ever fail to make me laugh.
Funny, that's what I was saying when I saw Richard Blake. Really, in my head I was like "PLEASE don't crack that note. You just aren't ADAM!"

And just to comment on what Javero said about Adam's build... he's lost a TON of weight. He's VERY skinny (moreso than he was for Cabaret) but from what I've heard (and will see in less than a week!!) he's "ripped!" (lol, TheGirlIntheFrock. Couldn't have said it better myself.) re: 'Aida' -  7/9/04

A work of art is an invitation to love.

#67re: 'Aida' - 7/9/04
Posted: 7/15/04 at 12:03am


Is your name Undiscovered because of Adam's song?

#68re: 'Aida' - 7/9/04
Posted: 7/15/04 at 12:16am

Adam could have chemistry with a spork, in my humble, biased opinion. And it is very unfourtunate that so many guys are not Adam. I'd give my eyeteeth to see him in Rent, I've never heard a better Glory, and I've heard quite a few.

TheGirlinTheFrock Profile Photo
#69re: 'Aida' - 7/9/04
Posted: 7/15/04 at 12:18am

Ha. It should be something that we say to any guy that crosses our path.

Anybody know if Adam or Cheyenne have any plans for after AIDA?Is Adam still gonna be working on Tarzan?

Though scattered and divided we are still its heart...AIDA SEPTEMBER 5th, more longing backward glance... I AM NOW "TGIF!"

luvtheEmcee Profile Photo
#70re: 'Aida' - 7/9/04
Posted: 7/15/04 at 12:21am

See, I'm tired. So in my head, I'm actually picturing Adam singing "Elaborate Lives" to a spork. Thank you, insomniak!

A work of art is an invitation to love.

#71re: 'Aida' - 7/9/04
Posted: 7/15/04 at 12:23am

I was wondering that too. I hope he doesn't do Tarzan, sounds kinda lame... Power to the Spork! Actually, I'd like to be a spork if Adam would sing to me. And yes, every guy should have to pass a standardized test to make sure he is almost as wonderful as Adam.

luvtheEmcee Profile Photo
#72re: 'Aida' - 7/9/04
Posted: 7/15/04 at 12:26am

No! I want to be the spork. Hmmmm... maybe I'll ask Adam to sign a spork. That'd be different. He knows me for doing strange things...

And I don't think there there ARE men as wonderful as Adam... eligible ones, that is.

A work of art is an invitation to love.
Updated On: 7/15/04 at 12:26 AM

#73re: 'Aida' - 7/9/04
Posted: 7/15/04 at 12:28am

Yes, that's why I said ALMOST as wonderful as Adam. And I called the spork :P Bring a spork with you when you go see Aida and ask him to sing to it,see what he does. That'd be hysterical.

#74re: 'Aida' - 7/9/04
Posted: 7/15/04 at 12:28am

They're all either gay or married to women named Cybele.
