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"Aida" - 7/9/04

#25re: 'Aida' - 7/9/04
Posted: 7/10/04 at 3:08pm


It was ridiculous.

During Elaborate lives at the end, she cried. During Enchantment reprise, she cried.

Couldn't understand a word she said.

TheGirlinTheFrock Profile Photo
#26re: 'Aida' - 7/9/04
Posted: 7/10/04 at 3:12pm

NYY, how horrible! If i saw that i would have had a very strong urge to jump up on stage, slap her, and scream "suck it up!", bow to the audience, hop back off and return to my seat.

See thats why its a balance between emotional and UNemotional. Aida is the type to cry every time she reads a touching Hallmark card.

Though scattered and divided we are still its heart...AIDA SEPTEMBER 5th, more longing backward glance... I AM NOW "TGIF!"

#27re: 'Aida' - 7/9/04
Posted: 7/10/04 at 7:00pm

<< because the character of AIDA doesn't show much emotion. >>

She is a Princess, and has been taken as a slave... she is not supposed to show emotion? Dont understand that one. Have you ever seen Heather Headley in the role? Just curious.

"Get a job!!!" "Thank you... honey"

amasis Profile Photo
#28re: 'Aida' - 7/9/04
Posted: 7/10/04 at 9:25pm

Regarding Toni crying... I just remembered this moment right before "Gods Love Nubia", when Aida says something along the lines of: "Nubia will never die. Whether we are enslaved, or far from our native soil, Nubia lives in hearts. And therefore it lives." When Toni did it, Aida was crying when she said those words. It was terrible.

Taryn Profile Photo
#29re: 'Aida' - 7/9/04
Posted: 7/11/04 at 3:19am

I saw Aida with Adam and Simone's understudy about two years ago (a short while before he left the show). It was on a NYC trip with my school's theatre club and we were in the third row and I just about hyperventilated when he came on stage. (My friends love reenacting this story. :P) And he was awesome, of course. Those seats were just plain AMAZING. I wanted to find the director and kiss him for every time he put Radames down stage left, because I was on the right aisle seat. I was so sad when he didn't come out to the stage door. ;_; Felicia Finley was SO incredibly nice at the stage door, though.

QueenMuppet Profile Photo
#30re: 'Aida' - 7/9/04
Posted: 7/11/04 at 6:17am

I always loved Heather as Aida and up to now, she is the best Aida by far (in my opinion).
I remember how emotional she got on stage... she was always crying her eyes out during Elaborate Lives, The Gods love Nubia and I, for one, loved her for it!!!

Deborah has a great voice but is showing no emotions at all on stage. I guess it's a matter of taste but I prefer Aida to be emotional during her final Elaborate Lives .... I mean, Hello? Radames and Aida are going to die together! Time for some emotion here!!!!!
Deborah doesn't seem to get the fact that she is going to be buried 'beneath the sands of Egypt' in a minute. Her Elaborate Lives is cold. Great voice, but what about the acting!!!!

Heather was the best and she was extremely emotional on stage.


PS. I have the same opinion on Adam though. Love him :)

'He really wasn't good as Fieyro. Is it just me or does he sort of come across as a pimp? Just...the hand motions I've seen him do and the attitude..not that Taye is a pimp.' - SallyBrown on Taye Diggs as Fiyero

#31re: 'Aida' - 7/9/04
Posted: 7/11/04 at 12:36pm

i have always wanted to see heather as AIDA. i love her on the soundtrack. the cast i saw was maya days, adam, idina, and some new people. i forgot their names. oops.

"People asking questions, lost in confusion. Well I tell them there's no problems, only solutions." ~The one and only John Lennon

luvtheEmcee Profile Photo
#32re: 'Aida' - 7/9/04
Posted: 7/11/04 at 12:41pm

Aida isn't a movie!!

ok, sorry... *steps off soapbox*

And yay for more Adam love!

A work of art is an invitation to love.

#33re: 'Aida' - 7/9/04
Posted: 7/11/04 at 12:53pm

sorry! that's what i meant!

"People asking questions, lost in confusion. Well I tell them there's no problems, only solutions." ~The one and only John Lennon

luvtheEmcee Profile Photo
#34re: 'Aida' - 7/9/04
Posted: 7/11/04 at 12:59pm

lol, it's ok! re: 'Aida' -  7/9/04

A work of art is an invitation to love.

Testing1232 Profile Photo
#35re: 'Aida' - 7/9/04
Posted: 7/11/04 at 1:40pm

Very well said, QueenMuppet !! I mean..come on... shes been taken as a slave, and is now going to be killed... show SOME eomotion !!!!

#36re: 'Aida' - 7/9/04
Posted: 7/11/04 at 8:31pm

"I mean, Hello? Radames and Aida are going to die together! Time for some emotion here!!!!!"

True...but to be buried alive with a guy who is like Adam or Cheyenne (or Matt Bogart or WilL Chase, for that matter...) what a lovely way to go...

Wicked_Elphie Profile Photo
#37re: 'Aida' - 7/9/04
Posted: 7/11/04 at 8:42pm

NNY-lol! I agree, I really can't think of any better way then that!

"Take a breath. Take a step. Take a chance. Take your time." -L5Y

Wicked_Elphie Profile Photo
#38re: 'Aida' - 7/9/04
Posted: 7/11/04 at 8:42pm

NNY-lol! I agree, I really can't think of any better way then that!

"Take a breath. Take a step. Take a chance. Take your time." -L5Y

QueenMuppet Profile Photo
#39re: 'Aida' - 7/9/04
Posted: 7/12/04 at 3:47am

Very true.

But still, there have to be tears... even if they are tears of joy!!!

'He really wasn't good as Fieyro. Is it just me or does he sort of come across as a pimp? Just...the hand motions I've seen him do and the attitude..not that Taye is a pimp.' - SallyBrown on Taye Diggs as Fiyero

crp2000 Profile Photo
#40re: 'Aida' - 7/9/04
Posted: 7/12/04 at 3:39pm

IMHO - Deborah Cox is the best thing to hit AIDA since Heather Headley - though Schele Williams & Simone are extraordinary in the role as well.

Still don't understand the hype behind Adam - his voice is EXTRA annoying to me...he sounds like a constipated Elton John.
Wish Will could've stayed to close the show.

TheGirlinTheFrock Profile Photo
#41re: 'Aida' - 7/9/04
Posted: 7/12/04 at 3:49pm

Well crp2000 we all have our own opinions.

I saw the show sunday. Adam was in (finally :) ). It was fabulous. Deborah has a great voice when she belts. I am not fond of it when she isnt belting. But thats just my opinion. The one thing that was great and weird at the same time was how much he sounds like he does on the cast recording. It was very surreal. BUT since he sounded so much like he does on the CD it caught me off guard when Deborah started to sing. I was expecting to hear Heather, and when it wasnt i was like "what?" and then half a second later i realized and was okay.

I also agree, if there is one time in the show for Aida to show any emotion would be during the Elaborate Lives Reprise to the end.

Side note: I was pretty good w/ not crying up until the end, then Adam said "here take my hand" and i just lost it. I was in hysterics.

Though scattered and divided we are still its heart...AIDA SEPTEMBER 5th, more longing backward glance... I AM NOW "TGIF!"

crp2000 Profile Photo
#42re: 'Aida' - 7/9/04
Posted: 7/12/04 at 5:07pm

Gotta love opinions.

TheGirlinTheFrock Profile Photo
#43re: 'Aida' - 7/9/04
Posted: 7/12/04 at 5:16pm

Opinions are great. Gotta love America! "ha America" - sorry gotta love RENT too.

crp2000: since we all love opinions what is you opinion about the way deborah sings EL Reprise? We all know you love her, but what about that song in particular? Do you think she should show emotion or like it the way it is. If so why?

Though scattered and divided we are still its heart...AIDA SEPTEMBER 5th, more longing backward glance... I AM NOW "TGIF!"

DAME Profile Photo
#44re: 'Aida' - 7/9/04
Posted: 7/12/04 at 5:17pm

I miss the Deborah Cox doesn' do .... thread. I can't believe it was deleted.


TheGirlinTheFrock Profile Photo
#45re: 'Aida' - 7/9/04
Posted: 7/12/04 at 5:25pm

DAME - i am still going through withdrawls. Whos for making this the new offical thread for it?

Though scattered and divided we are still its heart...AIDA SEPTEMBER 5th, more longing backward glance... I AM NOW "TGIF!"

crp2000 Profile Photo
#46re: 'Aida' - 7/9/04
Posted: 7/12/04 at 5:36pm

TheGirlinTheFrock - I enjoyed Deb's EL reprise. I must say, after playing #20 on my AIDA OBC for years prior to Deb's arrival - it was this number I was particularly interested in hearing Deb do - if only to compare it to Heather's stellar rendition. Though Deb's acting isn't nearly as emotional as Heather's, I feel her vocals are just as strong and show ample emotion. I wasn't disappointed at all - no change needed.

I officially declare this thread the new DEBORAH COX IS A SUPERSTAR thread!! Let the posting begin!!!

#47re: 'Aida' - 7/9/04
Posted: 7/12/04 at 5:53pm

I saw it back in June with Deborah Cox (excuse was Tuesday, So Deborah's Understudy). I didn't know the show at all and was just curious.

I totally loved the opening & closing museum moments and the book. Just didn't love the performance of Aida. The Radames was Will Chase who was gr8 and Of course Strongest Suit Rocked I loved Lisa Brescia's performance. Wasn't too keen on Dolenz.

Curious thing is that even though I left the show feeling like I was robbed, I liked the music. Well, when I got the OBCR and heard Heather...I was hooked. I can only imagine what her performance would have been.

crp2000 Profile Photo
#48re: 'Aida' - 7/9/04
Posted: 7/13/04 at 3:50pm


#49re: 'Aida' - 7/9/04
Posted: 7/13/04 at 4:27pm

crp2000: 'IMHO - Deborah Cox is the best thing to hit AIDA since Heather Headley'

Well, I guess so, if you ignore the fact she couldn't act to save her life. Deborah has two facial expressions (smiling and not smiling). And what about all the pointing business?
AIDA: 'My only hope is silence (Deborah points at her mouth), you've never seen my face (Deborah points at her face).' What's that all about? She is doing it all the time.

Love, no need for sign language, we are not stupid, you know.
But hey, maybe she's doing it for the tourists who can't speak English that well. Ah, bless her, that would be quite sweet of her.
