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Marianne2 Profile Photo
Posted: 9/27/17 at 10:07am

Something that just occurred to me to those complaining and claiming people buying multiple copies of Playbills just to sell.  Maybe there were some people doing that, but some people make artwork with them. Like I bought something from a vendor at Broadwaycon in 2016 that involved Playbills.  And the Broadway Green Alliance was selling flowers made out of them. So, maybe people should think before judging people for multiple purchases of same thing.  Besides, if they got their hands on something first, they don't owe it to anyone to share. And yes, I have missed out on stuff by someone grabbing an item before me. Did it stink? Of course, but I lived. 

"I don't want the pretty lights to come and get me."-Homecoming 2005 "You can't pray away the gay."-Callie Torres on Grey's Anatomy. Ignored Users: suestorm, N2N Nate., Owen22, master bates

Posted: 9/27/17 at 11:22am

If it makes you guys feel better the GHD Tony book didn't really feel special. Pretty much the same photos as the CD insert with some quotes from reviewers.

Posted: 9/27/17 at 11:23am

If it makes you guys feel better the GHD Tony book didn't really feel special. Pretty much the same photos as the CD insert with some quotes from reviewers.

Sorry-Grateful Profile Photo
Posted: 9/27/17 at 11:43am

Marianne2 said: "Something that just occurred to me to those complaining and claiming people buying multiple copies of Playbills just to sell. Maybe there were some people doing that, but some people make artwork with them. Like I bought something from a vendor at Broadwaycon in 2016 that involved Playbills. And the Broadway Green Alliance was selling flowers made out of them. So, maybe people should think before judging people for multiple purchases of same thing. Besides, if they got their hands on something first, they don't owe it to anyone to share. And yes, I have missed out on stuff by someone grabbing an item before me. Did it stink? Of course, but I lived."

It is incredibly easy to tell the difference between someone buying Playbills for collecting, art projects, whatever and someone buying to re-sell.

I've been to over a decade's worth of Fleas at this point. Think about the "free market free for all" mentality you advocate for here. What if at every single Flea from here on out, tons of re-sellers crowded the flea market just as it opened an bought everything they could get their hands on, just to re-sell at a markup? Wouldn't that ruin the very atmosphere Broadway Flea is trying to cultivate, one where Broadway fans all get a chance to buy merch and unique items from their favorite shows? Who would want to go to a Flea where professional re-sellers have already bought up all the good merch before you even have a chance to look through one table? I think it would probably ruin the Flea for your average attendee, which would cause less people to attend in future years, which just has the effect of raising less money for BCEFA.

Look, there's no problem with the mad scramble at the tables, people rifling through merch and grabbing things for themselves just as you spotted something you wanted. That's normal, and part of the fun of the Flea is that joy of finding an item you covet before anyone else has spied it. But there's a huge difference between that and re-sellers indiscriminately buying up any and all merch that they can make a buck on. The Flea isn't some sequin-heavy Ayn Rand, free market dystopia. It's a) A way to raise money for charity while b) allowing Broadway producers and actors to interact with the fanbase (and drum up excitement for their shows in the process). There's a reason that the Flea in particular draws such a younger-skewing crowd. It helps ignite a little Broadway magic for the next generation of theatergoers. When re-sellers use the Flea as a money-making scheme, some of that magic is lost, I'm afraid. This is not an argument about that is allowed (because buying however much you want is, of course, totally allowed). It's a lament of what is being lost for the vast majority of attendees when a small few individuals exploit the fact that such actions are allowed.

TodayTix Code: XGAXA
Updated On: 9/27/17 at 11:43 AM

Posted: 9/27/17 at 11:59am

I didn't realize that there is a market for Playbills from fairly recent shows.  I was surprised people are paying $10 or more for Newsies Playbills at Ebay.  (For OBC, it looks like at least $30,)

I had my own multiple-item-buyer issue the year after Wicked came out. I wanted to buy the original program (it had OBC photos only), but some guy was in the process of buying all of them and wouldn't let me have one as well.  Not the worst thing that's ever happened, but it was annoying.  

Posted: 9/27/17 at 1:38pm

Marianne2 said: "Something that just occurred to me to those complaining and claiming people buying multiple copies of Playbills just to sell. Maybe there were some people doing that, but some people make artwork with them. Like I bought something from a vendor at Broadwaycon in 2016 that involved Playbills. And the Broadway Green Alliance was selling flowers made out of them. So, maybe people should think before judging people for multiple purchases of same thing. Besides, if they got their hands on something first, they don't owe it to anyone to share. And yes, I have missed out on stuff by someone grabbing an item before me. Did it stink? Of course, but I lived."

As someone who is inclined to make art, I would never scoop up (for example) 5 Newsies Playbills if I saw that someone wanted one. Part of being artistic is creative problem solving. I can't imagine what project would require me to have so many Playbills. I mean, it wouldn't be as "green" but for any other person, you could get the same effect by scanning or photocopying a Playbill. 

Also, I agree with what Sorry-Grateful said.

kmac23 Profile Photo
Posted: 9/27/17 at 4:45pm

100% agree with this. The younger crowds were a tad bit vicious. And the half street closures= dumb. Who thought of that idea? T'was my last flea for sure. It's just not worth it anymore.


adamgreer said: "Honestly, I wasn't particularly impressed this year and this will probably be my last flea market. Since they only use half the street now it's EXTREMELY congested. Also, the event appears to have been taken over by social media obsessed teenagers. Poor Stephanie J. Block nearly got trampled by some kids as she was trying to walk down the sidewalk because they wanted a selfie with her. They didn't give her the option to decline, either, as they just kind of surrounded her. It was ugly.

When did this obsession with "going live" start? I can't tell you how many times I walked past people holding up cell phones saying somwcvaroation of "hey guys! I'm live at the flea market.."

It's just not the same event it used to be.


Posted: 9/27/17 at 4:55pm

greenifyme2 said: "If it makes you guys feel better the GHD Tony book didn't really feel special. Pretty much the same photos as the CD insert with some quotes from reviewers."

Was interested in the script book, not the other Tony book

Posted: 9/27/17 at 9:10pm

This was my 22nd year in a row and sadly my last - I have some great memories and would like to add more but when you cannot get to the tables because of the crowds, it is time to call it a day !!!
