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Best Musical Theatre Podcast?

aces25 Profile Photo
#1Best Musical Theatre Podcast?
Posted: 4/28/24 at 6:52am

There are many musical theatre podcasts and many talk about one specific show per episode. 

What are some good ones that actually analysis the show (as opposed to just banter)? 


#2Best Musical Theatre Podcast?
Posted: 4/28/24 at 10:29am

Broadway Breakdown does great deep dives on individual shows combined with analysis of the current landscape of Broadway.

The Original Cast focuses on individual cast recordings and incorporates analyses of the shows themselves.

Mr. Wormwood Profile Photo
Mr. Wormwood
#3Best Musical Theatre Podcast?
Posted: 4/28/24 at 10:47am

I'll give a second to Broadway Breakdown. It took a bit for me to get on board with the host but he really knows his stuff and also does a great run of episodes at Tony time about the Tonys. The rest of the year is more deep dives into individual shows. 

I haven't listened yet but I have "50 Key Stage Musicals" sitting in my podcast app. I'm sure it will be great because its hosted by Robert W. Schneider who was so good on Broadway's Living Legends.

Miss10036 Profile Photo
#4Best Musical Theatre Podcast?
Posted: 4/28/24 at 11:21am

Count me as another vote for Broadway Breakdown!

I recently discovered and highly recommend Broadway Bound: The Musicals that Never Came to Broadway.  It's also hosted by Rob Schneider, and it dives into shows that closed out of town.  He analyzes what doomed each show, what the bright spots were, and what went wrong behind the scenes.  The first season, which recently wrapped, was about musicals based on movies (which are sometimes based on books), like The Baker's Wife for example.  Adore it and can't wait for season 2.

If you want to go really in-depth, Putting it Together works through every Sondheim show and devotes an episode to discussing each song.  It's quite the ambitious project.  If you ever want to listen to, say, an hour-long episode entirely about The Day Off, you're in luck.  If you're especially into Into the Woods, this one's more behind-the-scenes, but there is a podcast called Giants in the Sky where they're interviewed tons of people involved in the original production.  There's a lot of discussion of its workshops and pre-Broadway development that's fascinating.

Updated On: 4/28/24 at 11:21 AM

#5Best Musical Theatre Podcast?
Posted: 4/28/24 at 11:51am

Love broadway breakdown as well! Very good host that is fresh and engaging. I love it when he compares shows or moments/songs to pop culture. And he is very well connected to the industry 

macbeth Profile Photo
#6Best Musical Theatre Podcast?
Posted: 5/14/24 at 7:33am

Has anyone listened to:

with Christian Borle? Curious if it's any good. 

#7Best Musical Theatre Podcast?
Posted: 5/14/24 at 7:50am

These are more about the drama backstage than the show but they are multi episodes series that each focus on a specific shows development.

Out For Blood-all about Carrie

Burnt-all about Rebecca

then there's one about Sunset Boulevard I forget the name of...


jacobsnchz14 Profile Photo
#8Best Musical Theatre Podcast?
Posted: 5/14/24 at 8:29am

A Musical Theatre Podcast with Jeffrey Scott Parsons

The Distinctive Baritone Profile Photo
The Distinctive Baritone
#9Best Musical Theatre Podcast?
Posted: 5/14/24 at 8:34am

Giants in the Sky (about the making of Into the Woods) is really great.

#10Best Musical Theatre Podcast?
Posted: 5/14/24 at 12:58pm

jacobsnchz14 said: "A Musical Theatre Podcast with Jeffrey Scott Parsons"

I fully second this recommendation.  Jeff is charming and warm and earnest -- yet somehow never tilts into cloying.  I really like this podcast.

#11Best Musical Theatre Podcast?
Posted: 9/19/24 at 10:57am

To anyone who listens to Broadway Breakdown, have you had success in joining the Discord group?  I've clicked every Discord link in all the episodes and get "The invite link is invalid or has expired" every time, even the episode that just dropped today.  Possible I'm doing something wrong, as this is my first time using Discord. 

#12Best Musical Theatre Podcast?
Posted: 9/19/24 at 11:28am

Rentaholic2 said: "To anyone who listens to Broadway Breakdown, have you had success in joining the Discord group? I've clicked every Discord link in all the episodes and get "The invite link is invalid or has expired" every time, even the episode that just dropped today. Possible I'm doing something wrong, as this is my first time using Discord."

I think the link expires after a bit so maybe Matt is posting an expired link, I might be able to add you if you want to PM me.

#13Best Musical Theatre Podcast?
Posted: 9/19/24 at 11:42am

There are many musical theatre podcasts like, 

The Theatre Podcast with Alan Seales

The Ensemblist


Updated On: 1/4/25 at 11:42 AM
