I didn't know which board to post this on, so I hope this is appropriate.
Has anyone ever gone as someone from a Broadway play for Halloween?
I am thinking of being Mimi this Halloween...but I don't know what outfit to go with. I'm a college kid, so I'm on a tight budget and want something I can find around the house or for cheap at a vintage place, haha. Does anyone know where I can find pictures of outfits that Mimi wears?
For a costume party I dressed up as THE PHANTOM OF THE OPERA! I got 2nd place out of 15 people!
I never have, but Rose_MacShane certainly has. If you check out her profile she has a picture of herself as Bombalurina (CATS) from several years ago. She made it herself and it was very good. If you go to the MISS SAIGON thread on the off-topic board she even mentions how she made it.
I hope she doesn't kill me for this...
I have been Eponine form LES MIZ, Christine from PHANTOM OF THE OPERA and Elphaba as well It's fun
Do you want movie!Mimi or stage!Mimi pics, BWayRookie?
Broadway Legend Joined: 5/11/06
Max - The Producers (of course!)
and my friends went as Joann, Angel, maureen, and Mimi - RENT
Evita would be an easy one to emulate. Just buy a white, strapless gown, rhinestone necklace and bracelets, a wig in a bun (or if you're a blonde, wear your hair in a tight chignon) and you're all set. Just a suggestion.
I went as the phantom in kindergarden and won first prize for the costume contest out of 30 kids Me and my friend have also thought about going as Thenider and his wife from les mis.
Broadway Legend Joined: 12/31/69
one of the many costume ideas im considering for this year is tracy turnblad- but i think the hairdo may be a bit difficult.
I went as the phantom of the opera for senior dress up day the other year. I think I may go as Freddy from DRS, changing outfits throughout the day this year, or simply Ruprect.
Eponine from Les Mis is SO easy. Oversized coat, pants, shirt and a newsboy cap. The Rent Crew may not be that hard either.
*edit* Peter Pan is fun, too. Me and my boyfriend are both what you would call slight, and did Peter Pan in drag. I wore my guy friend's big green shirt, green tights and scarf-belt and sword and was Peter and my boyfriend found the gaudiest Tinkerbell costume. It was a blast.
Also, if you're willing to go more old fashioned, Cinderella before the ball is VERY easy to do.
Broadway Legend Joined: 5/15/03
I have a funny story about this:
Many years ago, I was teaching at another school (NOT the Mecca of Education) and a group of us decided to dress as charcters from PETER PAN for Halloween. A senior boy was Peter, a math teacher was Smee, the most obese Hispanic girl in the school was Tinkerbell, the librarian was Crock, and I was to be Capt. Hook.
I went to a theatrical supply store and rented the Hook costume, complete with Restoration wig and Fu Manchu beard. We had a great time that day and Tinkerbell was in her glory--she showed up in a tutu and wings and had a blast sprinkling fairy dust all over the place.
As I had to get home immediately, I left the school in full costume and make-up only to have my car break down on the Meadowbrook Parkway. No one would stop to give Capt Hook a hand!
When a police officer DID show up, he made a phone call to his kids and made me speak to them. He couldn't believe he was helping a distressed Captain Hook!
I wonder why?
Broadway Legend Joined: 12/31/69
I was Penny from Hairspray last year- I wore a polka-dotted fifties-style skirt and a pink shirt with a sort of scarf-tie in a bow at the neck (it's hard to explain, but think Jackie Kennedy) and ratted my hair a bit. Didn't win any prizes, but it looked cute. :)
I used to dressed as Broadway characters for Halloween dances in high school...Eponine, Evita, Christine Daae..can't think of the other ones.
Eponine was the easiest and most fun...I shredded the heck out of an old brown skirt and sleeves white top, found a man's belt, tangled my hair, smudged my face, wore battered shoes.
Of course, no one at my school had a clue who any of the characters were. Most thought I was a zombie chick or something from the "Thriller' video when I was Eponine.
Oh, well.
I was Annie when I was 9, Maureen in the cat suit when I was 13, and I'm thinking of dressing up as another Broadway character this year. Any suggestions/ideas?
"No one would stop to give Capt Hook a hand!"
Nice pun, Dollypop.
I was Mrs. Hannigan last year- one of my friends was Annie. I pretty much just imitaed the costume used in the Disney version- frumpy green jacket and pink head tie. I was Sandy two years ago. (from Grease) I wore the tight leather pants and curled my hair. I also smothered school dress code by wearing a very short and tied up shirt.
Two years ago me and a couple friends went as Elphaba, Glinda, and Boq (the guy had a powder blue suit from a show and simply pinned it up to look a little to small, and perfected the walk!) It was tons of fun and it got recognition even from people who didn't know Wicked (cause the characters are so well known of course.)
I think itd be a fun to see a guy dressed like Leif Coneybear... or maybe a guy and girl go as Leo Bloom and Ulla or something cute like that (though Seymour and Audrey would be adorable too.)
I'm a girl but last year I was Mark from RENT. I work at a movie theatre so it was fun to see customer reactions...even though NO ONE knew who I was.
I may go as Eponine this year. I'll have to think of others...
This is probably not going to get many laughs here, but we are talking Halloween costumes. Anyway, I once went to a Halloween party and there was a guy there dressed in a Superman costume, who had someone (dressed as a nurse) push him around in a wheelchair. Bad taste, yes, but you have to give the guy some credit. I wonder, how many people have done the same since? This was back in 1998.
Mistress_Spouzic- that's what wigs are for, dahling!
Anybody know where I can find Belle's blue dress??
Broadway Star Joined: 12/31/69
thats... not exactly... the right shape. its very close tho. im such a pain, i know. i drove bg2 crazy last year over the correct shade of 'smurf' blue- stockings, makeup and a long sleeved shirt.
i love the gothic wigs on that site!
I am in the process of finding the perfect plaid jumper to be the next Marcy Park.