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COMET invites fans to join them onstage at the Tony Awards- Page 3

COMET invites fans to join them onstage at the Tony Awards

cdf1983 Profile Photo
#50COMET invites fans to join them onstage at the Tony Awards
Posted: 6/4/17 at 8:31am

Which would also explain the lack of people talking about it - if only a few emails went out because of an error, then there is still some hope! :P

So perhaps the rest of the batch will be sent out today?

#51COMET invites fans to join them onstage at the Tony Awards
Posted: 6/4/17 at 8:37am

cdf1983 said: "Which would also explain the lack of people talking about it - if only a few emails went out because of an error, then there is still some hope! :P

So perhaps the rest of the batch will be sent out today?



I REALLY hope so!!

disneybroadwayfan22 Profile Photo
#52COMET invites fans to join them onstage at the Tony Awards
Posted: 6/4/17 at 9:31am

Well, someone jut private messaged me on Tumblr and said she got shortlisted too. I hope to God there are more.

And a bit more info:

cdf1983 Profile Photo
#53COMET invites fans to join them onstage at the Tony Awards
Posted: 6/4/17 at 9:40am

All we know is that they're (supposeldy) selecting 80 people and that the emails weren't sent out in one large batch. So, fingers are still crossed!

lyceum Profile Photo
#54COMET invites fans to join them onstage at the Tony Awards
Posted: 6/4/17 at 12:17pm

I got an email last night around 7 saying I was shortlisted for the performance. It was just a form email requesting a copy of some forms of ID (background checks?) and that I write a paragraph about what performing at the Tony Awards would mean to me. Deadline for response is today 5 PM. According to the email "winners" will be contacted tomorrow during business hours or early Tuesday morning. Wish me luck!

disneybroadwayfan22 Profile Photo
#55COMET invites fans to join them onstage at the Tony Awards
Posted: 6/4/17 at 12:23pm

Ahhhhhh! So glad one of us got in. Congrats!!!!!!

#56COMET invites fans to join them onstage at the Tony Awards
Posted: 6/4/17 at 12:43pm

Congrats!  I was really hoping that someone on here got in, if anything, just to get a 411 on the experience!

Now excuse me while I go turn on sad music to mourn my non-selection...*turns on Sonya Alone* 

disneybroadwayfan22 Profile Photo
#57COMET invites fans to join them onstage at the Tony Awards
Posted: 6/4/17 at 12:55pm

Yeah, sounds like it's over. Again, I do feel sad bc it was the only chance I have to perform on the Tonys, but eh  I tried. Nothing I can do now. Really hope you get in, Lyceum!

disneybroadwayfan22 Profile Photo
#58COMET invites fans to join them onstage at the Tony Awards
Posted: 6/4/17 at 1:04pm

Being optimistic here: CDF and I are talking. I wonder if they already picked people, but those who were shortlisted is like the waiting list bc they only have room for few more people? The lack of posts is very weird if it's going to  be 80 people. 

#59COMET invites fans to join them onstage at the Tony Awards
Posted: 6/4/17 at 1:41pm

I go back and forth between thinking it's time to give up hope and being hopeful that maybe we're still in the middle of the selection process, and that there's still a chance. I sure am happy that you're all here so I don't go crazy. :)

#60COMET invites fans to join them onstage at the Tony Awards
Posted: 6/4/17 at 1:42pm

Well, it's odd that I've we've only really seen a couple people post that they're for sure in. Me and my friend both got short listed, and without knowing about the couple that already got in I would have said making the short list means you have a pretty good chance. I'm not too sure now. I guess we'll have to wait until tomorrow. 

#61COMET invites fans to join them onstage at the Tony Awards
Posted: 6/4/17 at 2:22pm

Well, they did send out emails telling people that they've been short listed. I got one. I don't think I'll end up getting it because I accidentally sent the wrong un edited draft of my email that had a couple spelling mistakes a phrasing issues, so oh well :/

whizzer_wins Profile Photo
#62COMET invites fans to join them onstage at the Tony Awards
Posted: 6/4/17 at 5:01pm

I got an email about being shortlisted around 8:15 last night that asked me to send in the best phone number / email, the pictures I submitted, my ID, and a paragraph about what Comet means to me!


Here's to hoping some of us get in. 

#63COMET invites fans to join them onstage at the Tony Awards
Posted: 6/4/17 at 10:08pm

I also received an email last night around 8PM telling me that I was shortlisted. In my initial email I included a candid photo and a headshot and resume, and then in the email last night, re-sent in photos and my ID and then the paragraph that they asked for! I think disneybroadwayfan22 and I may have spoke on tumblr about it? But before that I hadn't heard of anyone else getting an email. I had a few friends who submitted as well but they didn't hear back. 

oncemorewithfeeling2 Profile Photo
#64COMET invites fans to join them onstage at the Tony Awards
Posted: 6/4/17 at 10:31pm

I got the email last night around 8:30, that much to my surprise, I had made the shortlist. I was asked to resend the photographs I initially sent, provide contact info, copies of my ID, and the requisite paragraph. I sent in my info on a complete whim and didn't expect anything because I don't seem to really fit the description of what they wanted (I'm not super young, the "edgiest" thing about me is a higher then average number of ear piercings, and at a size 10, I'm huge by theater standards), but I guess what I initially wrote worked?

disneybroadwayfan22 Profile Photo
#65COMET invites fans to join them onstage at the Tony Awards
Posted: 6/4/17 at 10:46pm

Congrats, you guys! Really surprised in a good way that so much of us got the shortlist.

Lape, what's your name on Tumblr?

#66COMET invites fans to join them onstage at the Tony Awards
Posted: 6/4/17 at 10:56pm

Hashtagalisonhendrix/Lapetiteactrice(sideblog) are my tumblrs. 


And yeah I'm happy to see that people have actually been hearing back from them. Curious to see tomorrow/Tuesday morning how many people are actually chosen for this! 

whizzer_wins Profile Photo
#67COMET invites fans to join them onstage at the Tony Awards
Posted: 6/5/17 at 10:41am

Has anyone heard anything yet? I'm very excited to see which of us end up getting in.

RickOrTreat Profile Photo
#68COMET invites fans to join them onstage at the Tony Awards
Posted: 6/5/17 at 11:33am

I was short listed too but haven't heard anything yet. I'm obsessively sitting by my phone!

#69COMET invites fans to join them onstage at the Tony Awards
Posted: 6/5/17 at 11:45am

Same here. Whenever I get an email my heart skips a little.

disneybroadwayfan22 Profile Photo
#70COMET invites fans to join them onstage at the Tony Awards
Posted: 6/5/17 at 11:51am

It's very early, so not for a little while. I'm pulling for you guys! heart

#71COMET invites fans to join them onstage at the Tony Awards
Posted: 6/5/17 at 11:52am

disneybroadwayfan22 said: "It's very early, so not for a little while. I'm pulling for you guys! heart


" Thank you! If we don't get in we can all just listen to sad broadway music together :)


whizzer_wins Profile Photo
#72COMET invites fans to join them onstage at the Tony Awards
Posted: 6/5/17 at 4:21pm

I still haven't gotten an email or phone call, and no one else I know who was put on the shortlist was either. I hope some of us have been contacted or are contacted soon!

RickOrTreat Profile Photo
#73COMET invites fans to join them onstage at the Tony Awards
Posted: 6/5/17 at 5:32pm

I've been sitting by my phone all day. They said they'd contact during business hours today or early tomorrow...considering that it's 5:30 PM I'm hoping we will hear back early tomorrow! *fingers crossed*

#74COMET invites fans to join them onstage at the Tony Awards
Posted: 6/5/17 at 6:04pm

Well, looks like  nothing for me tonight. I'm guessing that the people they contacted might not be able to say anything yet hence why we haven't heard anything froom anyone. 
