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Carnegie Mellon Acceptance Tips- Page 2

Carnegie Mellon Acceptance Tips

#25re: Carnegie Mellon Acceptance Tips
Posted: 2/28/05 at 3:01pm

I have to agree. Sure you probably blew them away with your voice and talent, but looking at poor grades reflects that one only applies themselves to things they like. What if they cast you in a role that wasn't your favorite? Some programs also have requirements (like athletics) to have a minimum GPA to be involved in productions.

I have a friends who is a college advisor. No matter how talented a person is, there are still minimum standards for admission. If two people make the final cut (especially for a select program with specific needs-x number of sopranos or character actors, for example) and one has higher grades...
I wish you luck, but realize grades and school work are important too (this is really for those folks still in HS and applying to college programs).

VoiceofReason Profile Photo
#26re: Carnegie Mellon Acceptance Tips
Posted: 2/28/05 at 3:11pm

I could be wrong, but most of the information that I received about CMU this summer, was that talent is first, grades are second. The way it was described to me was that grades are looked at as the last bit...i.e.: two applicants of identical talent and activities and dedication, but one has better grades, that person will get in.

For heaven's sake, don't try to be cynical. It's perfectly easy to be cynical. ~The Importance of Being Earnest~

#27re: Carnegie Mellon Acceptance Tips
Posted: 2/28/05 at 5:39pm

I would like to say that these tips are really helpful for me. Even though I have four years until college I'm already thinking about schools and these tips will be handy with other auditions that I have until then.

"He who falls in love with himself will have no rivals" -Benjamin Franklin

#28re: Carnegie Mellon Acceptance Tips
Posted: 2/28/05 at 6:47pm

Emcee, I think I was at a very similar information session at CMU. According to their pie chart, 75% of your admission into performing arts is based on your audition. So yeah, a person with a "B" average stands a pretty good chance at getting in. The other 25% is of course made up transcripts, test scorse, essays, etc.

I'm anxiously awaiting their letter. I'm hoping I get in, but the theatre department is very selective so I'm not betting the farm on this one.

luvtheEmcee Profile Photo
#29re: Carnegie Mellon Acceptance Tips
Posted: 2/28/05 at 6:49pm

Good luck!

I got in, but not for theatre. I really didn't think I would.

A work of art is an invitation to love.

#30re: Carnegie Mellon Acceptance Tips
Posted: 2/28/05 at 6:53pm

The current pie-chart for the School of Drama is 90% audition/interview, and only 10% academics. Both areas have to accept you independantly, but if the SoD REALLY wants you, they have enough power to make the University let you in, providing they are confident in your ability to keep up academically once you are here.

#31re: Carnegie Mellon Acceptance Tips
Posted: 2/28/05 at 7:05pm

Oh wow, they have changed their pie chart(s) since July, then. I distinctly remember it be 75%. Whatever helps me get accepted, haha.

brdwaybaby17 Profile Photo
#32re: Carnegie Mellon Acceptance Tips
Posted: 2/28/05 at 7:21pm

Man... personally, I think that my grades would help me in more... gosh darnit... I wish that I wanted to do something else with my life... I have the grades and scores to get into good schools... But goodness only knows if I have the talent...

Angel Dumott Schunard
#33re: Carnegie Mellon Acceptance Tips
Posted: 2/28/05 at 7:27pm

Did anyone go to the CMU Pre-College Program for Musical Theatre? My friend went last summer and loved it. I really want to go the summer before my senior year.

#34re: Carnegie Mellon Acceptance Tips
Posted: 2/28/05 at 7:35pm

yeah i heard 90%/10% as well. I have a 1310 combined SAT so I dunno-that'll help I guess. My school grades are mainly B's some lower some higher, but I have A LOT of extracurriculars, a pretty impressive list of accomplishments and my reccomendations are supposedly really awesome. As for the alumni interviews, it's too late now... As for the phone calls, do I just call the office of admission?

luvtheEmcee Profile Photo
#35re: Carnegie Mellon Acceptance Tips
Posted: 2/28/05 at 7:45pm

I got in on a 1320, jesse. For the University, non-musical theatre. If they took that without wanting me for arts, they'll take it for arts, probably.

A work of art is an invitation to love.

#36re: Carnegie Mellon Acceptance Tips
Posted: 2/28/05 at 8:07pm

what were your grades like?

VoiceofReason Profile Photo
#37re: Carnegie Mellon Acceptance Tips
Posted: 2/28/05 at 8:11pm

Angel: I went last summer. Who was your friend? (I was in MT)

For heaven's sake, don't try to be cynical. It's perfectly easy to be cynical. ~The Importance of Being Earnest~
Updated On: 2/28/05 at 08:11 PM

TonyaFanatic Profile Photo
#38re: Carnegie Mellon Acceptance Tips
Posted: 2/28/05 at 10:18pm

colleges care less and less about grades now. the top schools are finding the people who make the most out of their college experience in the people who they let in with the c averages now. i go to swarthmore and a friend of mine had C's on his transcripts and he got in because he's like so smart, not just book smart. he's like WORLDLY smart. another friend of mine got into Point Park University with a like 2.0. But he was really talented. Schools care about grades, but performing arts schools want people that benefit the most from their program and a lot of statistics show that most of the people who come in with high GPAs are usually the ones who cant handle the the performing arts work AND the academic work. usually the people that can handle this balance are people coming from Performing Arts High Schools.and everybody doesnt have the oppurtunity to go to one of those. i believe if you do a lot of extra curriculars, do your BEST at an audtion, and do a great interview youll have just as much chance as anybody.

"Girl, this cupcake is the jumpoff"- Adriane Lenox

Caroline-Q-or-TBoo Profile Photo
#39re: Carnegie Mellon Acceptance Tips
Posted: 2/28/05 at 10:20pm

broadway_Freak- always full of good ideas i see!

"Picture "The View," with the wisecracking, sympathetic sweethearts of that ABC television show replaced by a panel of embittered, suffering or enraged Arab women" -the Times review of Black Eyed

babygiraffeboots Profile Photo
#40re: Carnegie Mellon Acceptance Tips
Posted: 2/28/05 at 10:21pm

I just finished addressing my application for the summer program a couple of hours ago. What I havn't figures out yet though is the summer program selective or one where they don't see anything wrong with your application so they let you in? I'm applying for musical theatre and very excited.

As for me, I'm a sophomore and have been planning college since second grade. My grades have been slipping a bit this year and my past grades are screwed because I'm sick so I'm paranoid even though everyone tells me I have an excuse. Don't mind my random college ramblings.

"Without Jews, fags, and gypsies, there is no theatre!" ~Mel Brooks, To be or not to be

VoiceofReason Profile Photo
#41re: Carnegie Mellon Acceptance Tips
Posted: 2/28/05 at 10:33pm

The CMU MT program is fantastic if you are looking for a conservatory experience. It is basically all of the highlights of freshman year at CMU smushed into the 6-7 week program. There are no final performances, but instead auditons at the end. Selectivity wise: I'm pretty sure they accept almost all applicants (within their limitations space wise). Since there is no audition, I'd assume they are pretty lax about letting people in. Let me know if you have any questions!

For heaven's sake, don't try to be cynical. It's perfectly easy to be cynical. ~The Importance of Being Earnest~

babygiraffeboots Profile Photo
#42re: Carnegie Mellon Acceptance Tips
Posted: 2/28/05 at 10:37pm

Thanks VoiceofReason, I'm really excited. I also have to comment on your icon, capitol steps is amazing.

"Without Jews, fags, and gypsies, there is no theatre!" ~Mel Brooks, To be or not to be

#43re: Carnegie Mellon Acceptance Tips
Posted: 2/28/05 at 10:44pm

"crosses fingers so hard that he breaks them*

luvtheEmcee Profile Photo
#44re: Carnegie Mellon Acceptance Tips
Posted: 2/28/05 at 10:46pm

jesse - I had a GPA in the high 90's, but that's with a ton of honors and AP weights, etc. My core academic grades were usually in the A/A- range, and some dipped into the B+ range here and there during senior year.

ETA - but my grades and extra curriculars were all they were looking at, so it's a bit of a different ballgame.

A work of art is an invitation to love.
Updated On: 2/28/05 at 10:46 PM

#45re: Carnegie Mellon Acceptance Tips
Posted: 2/28/05 at 10:52pm

wow... high marks. No AP courses for me. You're a smart one Emcee!

#46re: Carnegie Mellon Acceptance Tips
Posted: 3/1/05 at 9:27am

jesse, as difficult as it is, there's nothing you can do now but wait. To harass them with calls, letters, videos, etc. isn't going to help and may just annoy them. Your audition at CMU is overwhelmingly what will decide whether or not you get in. Having said that, you have to keep in mind that hundreds of kids have auditioned and they only take a very small number. Lots of kids who are very talented will be rejected. It's the same as at any of the top programs. There are just very few spots to fill. This is why it's important to find lots of schools where you'll be happy and to audition at several, and even to apply at some of the programs which don't require auditions. Hopefully, you've done that. Good luck to you!

Angel Dumott Schunard
#47re: Carnegie Mellon Acceptance Tips
Posted: 3/1/05 at 5:16pm

VoiceofReason, do you know an Erin? She has brown hair and an amazing and sort of raspy voice.

#48re: Carnegie Mellon Acceptance Tips
Posted: 3/1/05 at 6:55pm

Thanks erin-I have auditioned for other schools-none that are nonaudition cause my grades are not great as I've mentioned elsewhere. I am still setting my hopes on CMU since I want to go there so badly.
Is it true that they log your calls?

#49re: Carnegie Mellon Acceptance Tips
Posted: 3/1/05 at 7:43pm

I got a call from someone that called themselves "The Student Connection" or something from CMU. They called just to ask if I had any questions about the school. I thought of some standard ones to ask and we ended up talking for about 10 min or so. Should I read into this, or does everyone get calls that auditioned or applied? One more thing-I THINK that they said that they were going through files on March 1st. I THINK, I can't reall remember.
Any thoughts? Anyone else who auditioned get a call from the student connection?
