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Over the Moon Profile Photo
Over the Moon
#75re: Carrie
Posted: 4/8/06 at 12:22pm

well i just watched the videos on youTube of the selected musical numbers and the singing was good and the dancing in "In" was also good just omgosh the scenery was atrochish! all the musicals i've seen had a least some backdrops that were really looked like they were dancing in a box half the time!

Over the Moon Profile Photo
Over the Moon
#76re: Carrie
Posted: 4/19/06 at 1:33pm

Does any one have the Cds? (disc 1 and disc 2) of Carrie...i need more rewriting the songs a bit.

#77re: Carrie
Posted: 4/19/06 at 1:36pm

Please. Just. Don't.

I don't normally crush people's dreams...but...

Over the Moon Profile Photo
Over the Moon
#78re: Carrie
Posted: 4/19/06 at 1:40pm

i am in cohorts with producers of the movie Asphalt Beach who want this done as half as i i dont plan to stop. We plan to write it and show it to the copyright holders of Carrie and approach them with the idea.

#79re: Carrie
Posted: 4/19/06 at 2:00pm

Info about impressions, etc. of Carrie from a post I made in another thread:

Lestat may be bad, but I doubt it's the new CARRIE. I've seen archival video of Carrie on Broadway, and why Carrie is so legendary is because it was so odd.

The production Carrie received was wrong for Carrie, but it was a wonderful physical production, that looked really great, never slowed down for a second, and contained the marvelous coup de theatre of the descending staircase at the end. The set design was interesting, the staging was gorgeous, albeit really abstract, and the choreography was frenetic and textured.

The problem of course, was what does any of this nonsense have to do with Carrie? Why are those girls wearing togas to gym class? Why are those boys dancing while they kill pigs? Why do Carrie and her mom live in a log cabin?

Having seen (at least on an old videotape) Broadway's Carrie, I can say that it was the mismatch of concept with musical, along with some outstandingly bad writing and composing that did Carrie in.

Carrie was an experiment. It let us know what would happen if you staged "Grease" on the set of "Oedipus Rex" and let Robert Wilson direct it.

Unless LESTAT is so confoundingly conceived, it may close, but it won't be the legend that Carrie so rightly deserves to be.

I know that I downloaded most of the score from Napster way back when internet piracy was not "illegal." However, I don't know how much luck you'll have with that today. There are bootlegs out there, auctioned from time to time on eBay, as well as archival videotapes that circulate from time to time. I would watch auction sites for it. Good luck. It's an interesting (albeit not very good) show.

Mister Matt Profile Photo
Mister Matt
#80re: Carrie
Posted: 4/19/06 at 6:02pm

"the choreography was frenetic and textured"

I'll agree with frenetic, but "textured"? As in a Laker Girls half-time show where they do they same move, but on different beats sort of way? What do you mean? The Out For Blood dance/ballet/thing made absolutely no sense. Chris and Billy kill the pig and dance and celebrate the blood letting or whatever while a team of shirtless guys dance and do acrobatic tricks around them, having nothing to do with the scene or the action at hand. It was like the precursor to Notre Dame de Paris.

I do agree with most everything else you say, however. The show had two major failings: the conceptual staging and the book, which included the erratic use of rhyming dialogue. I do think the majority of the score is quite good and that the show has potential to be a hit. It's just too bad the director turned it into a vanity production that focused more on the concept than the story, which is not a tale of horror, but of tragedy and despair. Perhaps the story will resurface as an opera someday.

As for Stephen King novels, I think Misery, if adapted from the novel, not the film, is be a viable source for a dramatic musical. The parallel stories of the author and his fictional heroine could be spectacular. I would love to hear what Jeanine Tesori could do with it.

"What can you expect from a bunch of seitan worshippers?" - Reginald Tresilian

#81re: Carrie
Posted: 4/19/06 at 6:13pm

"I'll agree with frenetic, but "textured"? As in a Laker Girls half-time show where they do they same move, but on different beats sort of way?"

I said textured. I never said it wasn't tacky.

Personally, "Out for Blood" is my favorite part. It's such a schlocky D-Level Vegas show. Particularly when Billy smears himself with the blood of the pigs, and Charlotte d'Amboise is wearing that terrible red sequined majorette costume! I've never seen truer Theatre (with a capital 'T').

The production was brilliant, it was just for a different show. A musical of "Medea" staged that way might be the best thing ever. Debbie Allen is the winner!

wonderwaiter Profile Photo
#82re: Carrie
Posted: 4/19/06 at 6:26pm

I said textured. I never said it wasn't tacky.

Absolute brilliance.

And no one grew into anything new, we just became the worst of what we were."

Mister Matt Profile Photo
Mister Matt
#83re: Carrie
Posted: 4/19/06 at 6:29pm

Bird crap on satin is textured, too.

"What can you expect from a bunch of seitan worshippers?" - Reginald Tresilian

Over the Moon Profile Photo
Over the Moon
#84re: Carrie
Posted: 4/19/06 at 6:39pm

I agree...i think they should have acted out Out For blood more or even with the song being so long and the meaningless ballet dance break they could've transistioned into something else.

#85re: Carrie
Posted: 4/19/06 at 6:48pm

"I agree...i think they should have acted out Out For blood more or even with the song being so long and the meaningless ballet dance break they could've transistioned into something else." was perfect the way it was. If "Carrie" worked it would be unremarkable. Mediocre.

The way it was was the only way it should be. A bad idea, remembered, but best forgotten.

Over the Moon Profile Photo
Over the Moon
#86re: Carrie
Posted: 4/21/06 at 4:10pm

whats the whole point of "Wotta night"? i mean its the begining of the prom so y r they singing about such a wild night

ThePinballWizard Profile Photo
#87re: Carrie
Posted: 4/21/06 at 4:12pm

They sing it because they are excited about being at the Prom and going to the Prom. So much so that they start Jazzercising.

"Isn't it strange that we spend most of our time learning to do what they put people in asylums for." - Jane Fonda on Acting

Over the Moon Profile Photo
Over the Moon
#88re: Carrie
Posted: 4/22/06 at 2:05am

hmmm still seemed pointless to me, they could of rewrote a diff song maybe more like the song that plays at the prom when Tommy and Carrie go in in the Movie...thats a great one...any one know what its called?

#89re: Carrie
Posted: 4/22/06 at 2:07am

You really just DON'T get Carrie.


Aren't you like...15?

Updated On: 4/22/06 at 02:07 AM

Over the Moon Profile Photo
Over the Moon
#90re: Carrie
Posted: 4/22/06 at 2:09am

and what does my age matter...(off Topic)

#91re: Carrie
Posted: 4/22/06 at 2:11am

Just to put it all in perspective.

A big film company is working with a 15 year old on re-writing Broadway's most famous flop for the big screen. A flop whose composers refuse to release the rights. Not even to people who have proven themselves over and over as capable.

Carrie without Charlotte in red lingerie is no Carrie I wanna see.

PLUS, "Wotta Night" is so 80's it would make Cyndi Lauper She-Bop.

Updated On: 4/22/06 at 02:11 AM

Over the Moon Profile Photo
Over the Moon
#92re: Carrie
Posted: 4/22/06 at 2:14am

ok sweety i only got half of what you said but for your information im not 15 im older and my age actually doesnt matter but yes i am in fact working with Producers on the side to try to bring "Broadways most famous flop" to the big screen it didnt work on the stage so were trying out for the screen and yes the producers refuse to relase the rights but once this script is written and reviewed we will attempt to change the Producers minds.

#93re: Carrie
Posted: 4/22/06 at 2:19am

whats the whole point of "Wotta night"? i mean its the begining of the prom so y r they singing about such a wild night


And you obviously have NO idea what a PROM is if you even have to ASK "why are they singing about such a wild night?"

Even Terry Hands and Debbie Allen understood a prom is all about fun and going wild. Even the misplaced disco ball knows. And lord knows, it was MISplaced.

Over the Moon Profile Photo
Over the Moon
#94re: Carrie
Posted: 4/22/06 at 2:20am

well obviously we have diffrent views on this song and all i said was it could of been Revised or replaced with a better song.

#95re: Carrie
Posted: 4/22/06 at 2:26am

Well, it seems our views ARE completely different. lack one.

I hope I don't sound bitter or angry. I'm going for a more mocking tone.

ThePinballWizard Profile Photo
#96re: Carrie
Posted: 4/22/06 at 2:36am

OH that disco ball. If only I could have been a fly on that disco ball. You know now that I think about it....

It now makes sense to me why there was a giant handrail in the middle of that damn white staircase....

It was so that Barbara Cook didn't roll down the stairs...

"Isn't it strange that we spend most of our time learning to do what they put people in asylums for." - Jane Fonda on Acting

#97re: Carrie
Posted: 4/22/06 at 2:42am

Barbara Cook worked the hell out of that handrail.

And to think - it had to support her during her heavy days.

Heavy times...


#98re: Carrie
Posted: 4/22/06 at 2:54am

oh! I just finished my last paper for my English class and it was "Factors that influence the success or failure of Broadway musicals." I used this as one of my 8 sources.

Sorry, just felt the need to share that at 2:53am.

"How bout a little black dress?"~hannahshule "I have a penis, not a vagina." ~munkustrap178

Over the Moon Profile Photo
Over the Moon
#99re: Carrie
Posted: 4/22/06 at 2:58am

babra cook? i thought it was Betty Buckley??
