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Carrie Revival?

#100re: Carrie Revival?
Posted: 6/3/06 at 10:41pm

I knew it was! I remember you telling me about the RSC and that there was a revival in the works, I hope it works out, you're lucky that you have the work in progress script!

#101re: Carrie Revival?
Posted: 6/4/06 at 9:49pm

I was just watching the Stratford DVD (I know, I know I shouldn't discuss this), but I was actually amazed at the differences between the Stratford Audience and the Broadway Audience. It seemed as though, those in Stratford were very reserved and clap when they were supposed to, yet in New York, the audience went completely wild throughout the whole entire performance (well, from what I've seen...Act I). The scenes with Betty Buckley practically brought the house down! On the other hand, Stratford was unlucky because they had Barbara Cook as Margaret, who no doubt is a great singer, but did not fit the role. Her voice was too weak, and she couldn't really convey the true emotions the audience wanted out of Margaret, that ultimately Betty Buckley did. If only the show was revived on Broadway and Betty signed on again, it would be great. Also, I noticed that the Stratford DVD is the show with the Soundboard Recording, so maybe the rowdiness of the audience wasn't heard, but I'm pretty sure the audience was reserved (well, that's what Linzi said in her interview).

wonderwaiter Profile Photo
#102re: Carrie Revival?
Posted: 6/4/06 at 10:28pm

On the other hand, Stratford was unlucky because they had Barbara Cook as Margaret, who no doubt is a great singer, but did not fit the role.

If Barbara Cook had wanted to, she could have fit the role. Barbara Cook is an inveterate performer, and can do anything she sets her mind to. I don't know at what point the Stratford video was filmed, but I know that Barbara Cook was over it. She felt that Terry Hands and Debbie Allen were ignoring the outstanding problems with the show, and trying to fix things by simply rehearsing the dance numbers over and over again. That, coupled with almost being decapitated by the set, (No, I don't have the dirt on that - wish I did, though) caused her decision to leave the show. I suspect that the RSC's archival video was shot after this decision was made.

And no one grew into anything new, we just became the worst of what we were."

west end artist1 Profile Photo
west end artist1
#103re: Carrie Revival?
Posted: 6/4/06 at 10:42pm

by wonderwaiter about barbara cook

She felt that Terry Hands and Debbie Allen were ignoring the outstanding problems with the show, and trying to fix things by simply rehearsing the dance numbers over and over again. That, coupled with almost being decapitated by the set

that is taken straight from an interview with her

The truth is she was awfull in that role and couldnt have played the role if she had wanted to,When we(artists)get musicals we dont decide we are not gonna play the role to the best of our ability coz we dont like the show as we are been paid to do a job(it also doesnt look good personnaly if we get bad reviews).She was simply miscast in that role ,her voice is weak,She cant play such an aggressive woman,Everything she did with role was awfull.As for the decapitation(over blown by miss cook)it was where the wall flips around ready for open your heart.The best thing that happened to carrie was that she left coz betty was perfect for the role and gave one of broadways great perfomances that had the audience gripped.
As for the person saying about the audience difference with stratford audiences and broadway ,well thats a good observation but the reasson is quite simple.
Firstly UK audiences back then were a lot more reserved(especially at the rsc)but the main reasson they are louder on the act 1 broadway dvd you have is that it was the final performance and everyone went to see the show to be a part of theatre history (you can also here booos on the broadway act 1 dvd at the end of the act 1 finale from thoose who just wanted to be there for that purpose)


#104re: Carrie Revival?
Posted: 6/4/06 at 10:55pm

westendartist1- Thank you for agreeing with me! I don't think she fit the role at all. I mean, she is a great performer, but she didn't have the intensity of Margaret. Her choice in leaving the show was definitely a great one, because through her departure, Broadway received one of the most gripping performances to ever hit the Broadway stage. As for the booing at the end of Act I on the DVD, you're completely right. You can vaguely hear booing in the last few seconds as the curtain goes down on Act I, but at the same time others were going crazy! Hopefully when it's revived there will no longer be a reason to boo!

wonderwaiter Profile Photo
#105re: Carrie Revival?
Posted: 6/4/06 at 11:05pm

Actually, my sources for my post were Not Since Carrie: Forty Years of Broadway Musical Flops by Ken Mandelbaum, and The Happiest Corpse I've Ever Seen by Ethan Mordden. Those, undoubtedly, were based on interviews with her as well as knowledge of both productions.

I will agree that Betty Buckley was a perfect fit for the role, and a far better choice than Barbara Cook. However, I feel like Barbara Cook's performance on the Stratford archival video, specifically, was phoned in. Barbara Cook could do better, had done better before, and has done better since. Whether or not it was a personal choice to "decide we are not gonna play the role to the best of our ability coz we dont like the show as we are been paid to do a job(it also doesnt look good personnaly" is beside the point. It is entirely possible that at that point in the proceedings, the "phoned-in" performance WAS the best thing she was capable of in the present situation, personal choice notwithstanding.

And no one grew into anything new, we just became the worst of what we were."

west end artist1 Profile Photo
west end artist1
#106re: Carrie Revival?
Posted: 6/4/06 at 11:13pm

that video was shot 4 nights in to the run so at that point she had no excuse to be holding back(and cook quoted that in an interview that was used for not since carrie)
I have also seen her do a lot better and she is a great artist but she was not phoneing in her performance in carrie she was really trying you can tell ,but she was just lowsy

#107re: Carrie Revival?
Posted: 6/4/06 at 11:19pm

Barbara Cook was definitely trying, she just didn't have enough intensity to make Margaret seem threatening. "And Eve Was Weak" just seemed...well....weak. Watching Betty Buckley perform it live was a complete thrill. It's a shame not many people could see how much power she was putting into her portrayal of Margaret White. When Carrie hit Broadway, it had only 4 weaknesses, "Out For Blood" (the worst), "Wotta Night", the set obviously (while interesting, didn't fit the story's true meaning), and the book which was quite flawed. The score itself had some truly brilliant moments where I was on the edge of my seat.

wonderwaiter Profile Photo
#108re: Carrie Revival?
Posted: 6/4/06 at 11:29pm

Sorry, guys. We're just going to have to agree to disagree on the Barbara Cook thing. Yes, Betty Buckley was electrifying, and yes, Barbara Cook was a disappointment, but I honestly feel like Barbara Cook could have been a good Margaret White if her heart had been in it. Sure, the video was shot four nights into the run, but who's to say what went on during rehearsals, dress rehearsals, and previews? At four nights into the Stratford run, the show would have been frozen, so anything affecting her performance would have already happened by then.

And no one grew into anything new, we just became the worst of what we were."

west end artist1 Profile Photo
west end artist1
#109re: Carrie Revival?
Posted: 6/4/06 at 11:36pm

i could tell u everything what went on during rehearsals etc

#110re: Carrie Revival?
Posted: 6/4/06 at 11:37pm

Please do!

wonderwaiter Profile Photo
#111re: Carrie Revival?
Posted: 6/4/06 at 11:40pm

Okay. Do tell... I live in Georgia, and was not present for either the Stratford or Broadway engagements of Carrie. I've enjoyed learning everything I can about the show, so if you have more information then by all means - let's hear it!

And no one grew into anything new, we just became the worst of what we were."

mrkringas Profile Photo
#112re: Carrie Revival?
Posted: 6/5/06 at 12:02am

I think just to say that she was "weak" because she lacks the steel belt of Buckley or Maureen McGovern's tones is too harsh.

Barbara Cook as a lovely warm voice that in its prime was stronger than most of the wannabees around today. For whatever reasons she didnt give the same bravura performance that Buckley went on to give. Is that miscast? Perhaps. It certainly isnt an indictment on her abilities and a slur against those who dont belt.

wonderwaiter Profile Photo
#113re: Carrie Revival?
Posted: 6/5/06 at 12:11am

mrkringas, I thought Maureen McGovern was great, too!

Funny story about the workshop - I've always loved (and always will love) Annie Golden, but her Carrie sends my cats into heat.

And no one grew into anything new, we just became the worst of what we were."

#114re: Carrie Revival?
Posted: 6/5/06 at 12:35am

The workshop actually sounded great actually and Maureen McGovern was actually a great Margaret, maybe she can be considered for the revival! Annie Golden has a great voice and she can definitely belt, but I couldn't imagine her as Carrie. It's amazing to hear (for those who have heard the workshop) how different the song "Carrie" actually was. "Out For Blood" sounded really horrible in the workshop, but even with the addition of a catchy 80's rock beat behind it, it could not be saved from it's horrible lyrics. At least it wasn't called Crackerjack on Broadway (still don't know the meaning of it). Overall, some aspects of the workshop stayed the same, and some aspects should have been put in the final production.

All_For_Laura Profile Photo
#115re: Carrie Revival?
Posted: 6/5/06 at 6:55am

I would really like to hear the workshop now! I love maureen! Anyway, I think Betty was just the better choice, because of her acting ability and ability to create the character.

...What happened next, was stranger still, a woman breathless and afraid, appeared out of the night, completely dressed in white. She had a secret she would tell, of one who had mistreated her. Her face and frightened gaze, my mind cannot erase...But then she ran from view. She looked so much like you...

west end artist1 Profile Photo
west end artist1
#116re: Carrie Revival?
Posted: 6/5/06 at 1:03pm

hi there

I dont think Barabara cook was awfull coz she couldnt belt she was awfull because she lacked the intensity to make miss white the threat she needed to be(i thought she sang open your heart very well)but she never had a the air of danger that should have been looming throughout the show she was just MISCAST
M mcgovern was very good on the workshop audio as miss white and had a very similar voice to buckley(thats why i always thought it was odd that they would cast cook)The workshop song line up was awfull and they had a lot of work to do but they did have the book going in the right direction at that time.

as for the gos on rehearsals this is what i know as fact

From day 1 of rehearsals several cast members knew this show was goona be in trouble due to the fact the script and songs were been re written almost twice a day(right up to the opening night they were still re writting to the point that in the stratford programme the song ONCE I LOVE A BOY is still in even though it was replaced with when theres knowone).The cast also felt that terry hands was not in charge of the show or what was going on around him and diddnt really know how to fix things he was also over powered by choreographer debbie allen(the cast says they were several arguments between the 2 due to her using all the rehearsal times to keep changing the dance routines).Barbara cook and Linzi Hately were left sat around a lot of the time due to this which angered cook to the point she one day left rehearsals telling them to call her when they were ready to work with her.
When rehearsals began for carrie they were 3 songs in the show that eventually got cut they was also a replacement song for crackerjack(or out for blood as it would be called on broadway)but they went with crackerjack instead.
Barbara Cook was also said to be difficult to work with and rarely spoke to the younger cast members during rehearsals so just sat on her own.
The dance routine for IN was changed an amazing 14 times which the cast were not happy about(or the director).They were even talk of the show tanking on broadway before the stratford run had even opened.
The 4 lead teen cast members playing sue,chris,tommy and billy got on really well as did linzi with everyone(some cast members say she was one of the sweetest people they had ever worked with).
The cast oftern worked later than they should have as the director tried to come up with new ideas to improve the show(though he just ended up cutting a lot of scenes out making parts of Carrie incoheriant)
The opening night went well and they got a huge applause(audiences seem thrilled by the show)and for a second it looked like they had it right but then the reviews came out.Unlike people like to say the stratford reviews were not all bad they actually had quite a few good ones which gave them confidence that with a few changes they could make it work in new york.Cook announced she was leaving the show mid way through the stratford run(a lot of cast members were happy at this news as THEY TO thought she was miscast)and the story of her almost been dicapatated by the set been the reasson she left is rubbish(though she did almost get hit by a revolving panal)she left because she wassnt happy that the director diddnt seem to have a handle of the show.
Once the show ended its sold out run in stratford betty buckley was hired and the cast went back in to rehearsals ready for the new york opening.The cast were blown away at betty and would sneak in to the rehearsal room to watch her and linzi practice(one cast member said they thought she would give the performance of a lifetime ).Buckley also had a lot of faith in the show and was excited to be a part of it(she pretty much staged hers and linzis performance of Eve Was Weak.The director started making changes to the show (he had already had someone come in to work on the orchestrations)but he again seemed unclear on what to do(he cut one song,replaced another,added a few more bursts of fire)yet failed to get to the route of problem.The cast also thought the costumes and sets were silly and diddnt tell the story at all(they called it the operation room as it looked like one)
Charlotte who played Chris hated out for blood but always gave it her best and all the girls hated Dream On (wotta night also wassnt popular)
And then the show hit broadway and well the rest they say IS HISTORY

Mister Matt Profile Photo
Mister Matt
#117re: Carrie Revival?
Posted: 6/5/06 at 3:19pm

Funny about the Barbara Cook debate. I have to agree that she was simply wrong for the part. Saying that she is good enough to be right for Mrs. White is like saying Ethel Merman could pull off Eliza Dolittle. A good performer does not mean they can pass in any role simply on talent. There is much more to casting than that. Barbara Cook's talent is legendary, but the role simply doesn't fit her voice or persona. I don't think she would be right for Mama Rose, either.

"What can you expect from a bunch of seitan worshippers?" - Reginald Tresilian

#118re: Carrie Revival?
Posted: 6/5/06 at 4:23pm

Wow, that's surprising. After seeing Charlotte performing "Out For Blood", she seemed as though she was the only one having any fun. She really got into it, and I haven't really seen so much energy come out of one person. I can believe she didn't like the song though, because it was completely pathetic. It seems as though the cast was just going along for the ride considering they basically hated almost the whole concept of the show (sets, costumes, choreography). The other 14 dance routines used for "In" couldn't have been as bad as the end result, because I've never seen such aerobics in my life. I think Betty did perform the role of a lifetime, she was brilliant and really got into the character, it was almost scary. I also understand why the cast disliked "Dream On" and "Wotta Night", because first of all, they must have felt weird about the set (a raised shower?!) and the song was really bad. Same goes for "Wotta Night", the choreography was terrible and the song didn't fit the scene at all, it was all about the happiest time in Carrie's life (until the pig blood), and it was ruined by a song you'd hear in a bad TV Movie. Don't get me started on the Disco Ball.

Mister Matt Profile Photo
Mister Matt
#119re: Carrie Revival?
Posted: 6/5/06 at 5:14pm

"Same goes for 'Wotta Night', the choreography was terrible and the song didn't fit the scene at all, it was all about the happiest time in Carrie's life (until the pig blood), and it was ruined by a song you'd hear in a bad TV Movie."

To be fair, Wotta Night only sets up the scene for the prom. Carrie hasn't arrived yet. It's just a song about the atmosphere of excitement. I do think Heaven and Octet are rather strong and the use of the Evening Prayers melody for the Alma Mater just before she gets the blood was chilling. As for the choreography, it was all bad. Every number. As was the majority of the staging and costuming. The book and score definitely had a chance for success, but it was killed by conceptual vanity.

"What can you expect from a bunch of seitan worshippers?" - Reginald Tresilian

west end artist1 Profile Photo
west end artist1
#120re: Carrie Revival?
Posted: 6/5/06 at 6:00pm

im going to get shot here

but i actually liked some of debbie allens choreography i thought IN was actually very good and expressed teenage sexuality very well(and it was a gym class so the acrobatics were quite fitting)i also thought wotta nights choreography had some good moments(as a dancer i can appreciate glimpses of brilliance in a flawed routine).Charlotte had great fun in the show as did a lot of the cast they just diddnt think it was been handled right thats all.
Though when all is said and done Terry hands is to blame he was clueless about this type of show and i just hope the new director approaches it with the wit what is needed to make carrie redeem itself

#121re: Carrie Revival?
Posted: 6/5/06 at 6:09pm

I do agree, Heaven and Octet were both great and fit the scene. The reprise of Heaven actually fit the scene completely and was a great song to lead into the pig blood scene. I'm not sure what to really say about "Wotta Night", you do make a point that it fits the scene, but in my opinion, I just don't think it was that great. It might have been the awful choreography that killed it for me. It did fit the whole 80's thing the show was going for. It did take place in the 80's didn't it? I think removing Alma Mater is a good change, because they can make the scene much more dramatic by playing Heaven instrumentally in the background, and this time the blood will be spilled from above and not from a bucket, so the scene can be really dramatic if done right. I'm just hoping "The Destruction" is staged much more dramatically (without lame lasers). I hope a lot of fire is used! I know my advice will mean nothing in the creation of the production, but I think there should be a pause before "The Destruction" actually begins, just like in the movie. It could be really frightening with great lighting and sound effects. They could have the things they called Carrie playing through the speakers in a sort of THX effect. They could also have the shrieking sound just like in the movie when Carrie locked all of the doors with her mind, it would be brilliant! It just seemed so rushed in the Original Production, Blood then killing. A dramatic pause would frighten the audience. Overall, I hope this revival will satisfy those who said Carrie would never grace a stage ever again.

All_For_Laura Profile Photo
#122re: Carrie Revival?
Posted: 6/5/06 at 6:17pm

I may be alone, but I love "And Eve was weak" as it is. That scene is chilling! Do we know when this production will be running and in what part of Englad? I will be back to London for another theatre visit in February!

...What happened next, was stranger still, a woman breathless and afraid, appeared out of the night, completely dressed in white. She had a secret she would tell, of one who had mistreated her. Her face and frightened gaze, my mind cannot erase...But then she ran from view. She looked so much like you...

#123re: Carrie Revival?
Posted: 6/5/06 at 6:31pm

westendartist1- Don't worry you won't be shot! "In" is actually a guilty pleasure to me. I actually liked the choreography a lot, it was a great opening number and I'm very depressed it won't be considered for the revival. "Ain't It A Bitch" doesn't really sound like it will have that much choreography, just judging from the workshop. The orchestrations will probably change a lot giving it more of a 80's rock beat. I still don't like "Wotta Night", it was just strange. Like one of the reviewers said, the prom should have been called "The Prom Night Of The Damned". I agree with you about Terry Hands as well, he seemed completely clueless. The abstract look was a HUGE mistake. The revolving panels were interesting, but it was completely unusual. The show was definitely improved though when it was moved to Broadway (cough...Barbara Cook). I was just wondering do any of you think that any of the OBC would ever sign on again if the show was revived on Broadway, I know it will definitely not be an Anglo-American cast again, but I think it would be amazing if some of them did sign on again!

west end artist1 Profile Photo
west end artist1
#124re: Carrie Revival?
Posted: 6/5/06 at 10:25pm

hi guys

to the comment about the destruction if u read one of my earlier posts about what i found out about the new act 2 you will see they will be a lot of use of real fire.They also is a pause after the blood is dropped where it goes silent as they are using the film line there of there all gonna laugh at you.Linzi hately was approached ages ago to either play margaret(i think shes to young)or miss gardner but she said no and i have no idea about the rest of the cast(i hope they approach buckley)
Also agree that the song wotta night is awfull its badly written and feels cheap(though for me some of the choreography worked)
As for eve was weak well every carrie fan loves that it was a huge point in the show which really stood out hately and buckley were jaw dropping in this song(even the critics had to agree that it was a high point)

