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Carrie Revival?

#125re: Carrie Revival?
Posted: 6/5/06 at 10:31pm

one other thing that bothered me was the shower scene. Not "Dream On", that was already a disaster, but when the girls were screaming "Carrie!Carrie!". I heard "Plug It Up!" in the background, but I think that's the real line the girls should be using (what would make it worse, but more real, is if the girls actually threw tampons at her!) Also, is calling Carrie "Scary White" that offensive, it sounded really stupid. It was a great way to lead into the title song, but it just sounded dumb. I'm very excited about "The Destruction" and I'm really hoping Betty considers signing on, I know she's a bit older, but I really hope she can perform the role, even if it's a limited engagement. Linzi, I'm a bit upset about, she really fit the role, but that was then this is now, I'm sure the producers will find a great unknown to fill her shoes, and she will knock our socks off!

west end artist1 Profile Photo
west end artist1
#126re: Carrie Revival?
Posted: 6/6/06 at 8:06am

the scary white is still in the new script

but i think that works quite well it keeps in tone with the show

One more thing i forgot to mention ,in the act 1 script ive got of the new carrie production it says in the notes at the begining

Carrie the musical is set in the late 70s early 80s

so it doesnt look like there bringing in to this year(which is good in my opinion)

All_For_Laura Profile Photo
#127re: Carrie Revival?
Posted: 6/6/06 at 8:14am

So my question is this. Do we know where and when this new production will be playing? I would love to see it, but without this info I can't! It is really exciting that they are reviving it, but is it going to be a west end show or simply a regional production? Thanks so much!

...What happened next, was stranger still, a woman breathless and afraid, appeared out of the night, completely dressed in white. She had a secret she would tell, of one who had mistreated her. Her face and frightened gaze, my mind cannot erase...But then she ran from view. She looked so much like you...

Eastwickian Profile Photo
#128re: Carrie Revival?
Posted: 6/6/06 at 8:24am

As they're still working on the script and casting for a workshop production of a notorious Broawday flop, I would guess it'll take another couple of years to reach a full-blown professional production (if at all).
Updated On: 6/6/06 at 08:24 AM

west end artist1 Profile Photo
west end artist1
#129re: Carrie Revival?
Posted: 6/6/06 at 8:31am

from what ive heard from my freind(and former MD)when he had a meeting with them about been involved he said this.

They are going to workshop the show is taking place in reharsal space in london in sept.A month of jan 2007 was given for a first public performance but that has since been scrapped and now they are not saying when(prob wise since they will prob need to do a few workshops for this).The companys hope for the show is to take it to london (but he did say they were plans to take it out on the road first in the uk as a lot of the shows seem to do now before they come in to london).It was also said that the producers said they def did not want this show going back to broadway after the negative response it got there in 88.On our submission forms for the workshop auditions it said the workshop would be 3-4 weeks long.

Mister Matt Profile Photo
Mister Matt
#130re: Carrie Revival?
Posted: 6/6/06 at 11:01am

"It was also said that the producers said they def did not want this show going back to broadway after the negative response it got there in 88."

That's just ignorant. Have they never heard of successful revivals? If the producers are that closed minded, they have no businesses attempting to rework the show at all. Did they forget it was not well-received in the UK either? Sounds like BS to me.

"What can you expect from a bunch of seitan worshippers?" - Reginald Tresilian
Updated On: 6/6/06 at 11:01 AM

west end artist1 Profile Photo
west end artist1
#131re: Carrie Revival?
Posted: 6/6/06 at 5:49pm

mister matt

dont comment what you dont know about

This issnt BS this is whats happening and as for the silly remark about revivals this issnt sweet charity or oklohoma this show sank big time so its not as easy as doing a revival.The show was reviewed by 17 reviewers in the uk 6 panned it the rest thought it was ok or loved it so it did a lot better in the uk as a comercial piece of theatre.
I think its a smart idea not to take the show to new york as it would just throw up comparrison with the 88 production etc as its still very well known in NY but its not in the UK

#132re: Carrie Revival?
Posted: 6/6/06 at 6:43pm

I would definitely let this new revival of "Carrie" run for a while in London because of the criticism that still lurks in New York. The producers should wait a while until they make the show golden. If it's successful in London, there could be a possibility that the show will make it back to Broadway as a revival, but as of now, I don't think it should happen. I'm not saying it's too soon, because I miss the show a lot, but I just don't want the show rushed to Broadway so in can close after 5 performances like in 1988, even though this script sounds worthy of acclaim if done right. I can't wait for the casting calls (if it hits Broadway) to appear, cause I'll be right there!

All_For_Laura Profile Photo
#133re: Carrie Revival?
Posted: 6/6/06 at 7:35pm

I'll be in the UK February 2007, do you think by that time I will be able to find a showing of it somewhere? If so, then I am really excited! Woman in White on tour and Carrie! Wow! I think it will have a much better chance growing as a revival in London, rather than a revival here.

...What happened next, was stranger still, a woman breathless and afraid, appeared out of the night, completely dressed in white. She had a secret she would tell, of one who had mistreated her. Her face and frightened gaze, my mind cannot erase...But then she ran from view. She looked so much like you...

#134re: Carrie Revival?
Posted: 6/6/06 at 9:21pm

westendartist1- I'm also wondering whether or not the Overture will be changed at all, because the Broadway Overture was fantastic and completely set the mood. That one note where the lights in the theatre just shut off was great and scary. The Stratford Overture is another story, I don't know what that was, it was pretty bad. I also liked the Curtain Call music, but that will also have to change considering half of the songs in the Curtain Call instrumentals have been cut from the revival. I really hope they don't change the Overture! As for the show taking place in the 70's-80's. I hope it's the 80's, It fits the music completely, and this time the costumes will hopefully represent the time period and planet (the costumes in the original production looked like something from outer space, specifically in "Do Me A Favor". This revival is really getting me excited!!!!!

west end artist1 Profile Photo
west end artist1
#135re: Carrie Revival?
Posted: 6/6/06 at 10:30pm

in the act 1 script i have an overture issnt even mentioned(but loads of shows ive worked on dont bother saying about the overture in the script).At the moment the script starts with the noise of girls in a gym class followed by a bell and then straight in to aint it a bitch.
As for if the show will be up and running by feb im not sure it was spoke about january but that seemed to vanish very quick(i personally think no as ive worked on a few workshops before and none have turned over to production so quick)but who knows.
my freind has had to send there copy of the new carrie script back(since turning the job down)but they have photo copied act 2 hehe so should be able to have a look at it this week.

west end artist1 Profile Photo
west end artist1
#136re: Carrie Revival?
Posted: 6/8/06 at 12:09am

god i hope i dont get found out for leaking all this but hey here goes

today i got act 2 of the 1st script for the new workshop
This script was given to a freind when he was offered a job on the show but had to turn it down.He had to send the script back the other day but copied the script first so i could have a look coz he knows im such a big fan and coz ive got my agent to put me forward for workshop cast

here is act 2

Song# What If -carrie(takes place in her bedroom thinking about a life outside of what she lives,here all her bedroom furniture floats
Scene#The Pig Farm-chris billy and 2 boys(the slaughter of the pigs ,very similar wording to the film)
Scene# Im Watching You-sue ,tommy and miss gardner(this takes place in gardners office as she warns the 2 about not been awfull to carrie and that shes keeping her eye on them,well written)
Song#One Night-sue and tommy(the 2 sing about giving up one night in order to help carrie)
Scene#You Dont Fit In(chris and the girls tell sue that if she goes ahead with the plan to get tommy to take carrie to the prom that there freindships are over,we also hear chris and norma hinting about the plan for prom night)
Song#One Night reprise/The colour Of Sin(carrie starts to sing how one night is going to change her life and then margaret comes in and comments and the colour of carries dress(pink but says its red)and how she can tell tonight(prom night)will end in disaster,at the end of the song carrie leaves with tommy and margaret screams there all gonna laugh at you
Song#When Theres No One-Margaret(we all know this one margaret sings about saving carrie and hints at ending carries life)
Song#Under The Stars-Chorus(just a song about the excitment of prom night
Scene-Carries Entrance,My Prom Night,Dont u hurt her(this scene shows carries entrance to the prom and how the kids are amazed by her transfomation(apart from norma who makes a nasty remark)it also shows miss gardner putting carries mind at rest by telling her of her own prom nightmare,and this miss gardner warning tommy again not to hurt her
Song-Heaven-Tommy(sings of how hes falling for carrie and doesnt know how)
Scene#Let The Games Begin(here we see norma announce a tie for prom king and queen so they must vote for there fave couple,We see chris and billy sneak under the stage,and sue arrive outside the hall,and norma switch the ballots and give the thumbs up to chris and billy
Song heaven reprise(full cast sing of there thoughts and feelings we see tommy and carrie kiss as do sue
Scene#The Winner Is (the announcment of carrie and tommy as prom queen and king ,This is very tensley written with so much going on as they make there slow walk to the stage,Sue sees chris and billy and starts running for the stage but miss gardner stops her thinking shes out to get carrie and chucks her out of the prom,Carrie gets the crown on her head and stands there happy with everyone clapping ,And the the blood drops from a bucket above her and everyone goes silent,We start to hear carries heartbeat and then her mothers voice saying there all gonna laugh at you(like in the film)then norma starts to laugh setting off the crowd,chris and billy come out and all the kids clap them as carrie stands there dripping in blood)
Song#Destruction(carrie starts to sing bits of songs from the show as the kids all laugh at her,She slams the gym doors shut and the kids stop laughing,Her hand twitches and her eyes glare at a lighting rig hanging above she makes it fall on to a group of kids below killing them all,Tables start to flip over and walls begin to shake with things falling down and killing the kids,Tommy tries to grab carrie to get her out but she glares at him and he flys backwards of the raised level as he does we see a huge wall of fire raise up behind carrie and thats where tommy just fell,Chris and billy try to get the door open but as they do rubble falls on to them killing them both,Carrie walk down the raised level stairs through the noise and fire past the bodys and walks to the front of the stage and screams before falling to the floor
Scene#like mother like daughter(in this scene the set changes to the kitchin of the white house where margaret hugs carrie as carrie appologises over and over)
Song#carrie reprise (margaret holds carrie as carrie crys but margaret pulls out a knife and stabs carrie in the chest,margaret kisses her head and stands up leaving carrie dying on the floor,but carrie stares at the kitchin table and makes a knife jump of the table in to margaret,Margaret falls to the side of carrie and they die lying next to each other holding each others hand.
Scene#Haunting(sue is at home sat in front of a mirror shaking ,we can hear her mum on the phone saying how everyone died at the prom and sue is in shock,Sue is rocking back and forth muttering scary white over and over,We hear a thunder crash and then lightning lights up her room for a second and we see carrie in the mirror behind her covered in blood

the end

hope this helps
sorry bout spelling and rushing but its 5am here and im knackered


Michael Bennett Profile Photo
Michael Bennett
#137re: Carrie Revival?
Posted: 6/8/06 at 12:19am

Very interesting. It sounds like the author took it to heart and went back to the screenplay; it certainly shows a continued commitment to the project, I mean those changes constitute about 60 percent completely new material.

Yes, obviously it makes sense that the show wouldn't open in New York. But clearly, if they are able to make the show work this time around, and its a hit in the UK - it will eventually be done in the states. I think that is what MisterMatt meant in his comment.

west end artist1 Profile Photo
west end artist1
#138re: Carrie Revival?
Posted: 6/8/06 at 12:29am

yes of course i meen who knows it could well end up in new york at some point i just dont think the producers are thinking any further than the uk at the moment.Carrie is quite a young fun show to ,even with all the powerfull scenes with carrie and margaret its obviously going to try and attract a younger audience(in my opinion anyway)and young fun shows tend to do a lot better in the uk(fame,footloose,dirty dancing,sat night fever etc)than in the states so maybee that is why there focusing more in the uk(and the fact it works out cheaper to stage shows here)

Michael Bennett Profile Photo
Michael Bennett
#139re: Carrie Revival?
Posted: 6/8/06 at 12:44am

Definitely. And don't think for a moment, Ben Brantley and his friends in the NY PRESS wouldn't be on a plane to the UK to check out any new production!

But surely a note of endorsement from them would be especially sweet to the creative team. Who knows, CARRIE could be really good. It's always had that potential, I think.

Bret Profile Photo
#140re: Carrie Revival?
Posted: 6/8/06 at 1:13am

While I may be repeating what others have said, I still want to put in my $.02. I am glad that they are reworking the show, in an attempt to make it successful. While I like "In", I think a new opener could be a good move. I think the biggest mistake is removing "Open Your heart". Its a simple song, but it helps to show Margaret's character, etc. I am very glad they have not changed "And Eve was Weak", as it is the strongest song in the show.


"Wherever you go... I'll be right there. When you get your own private kick in the ass, just remember: it's a present from me to you." Rose's dying words to Louise

#141re: Carrie Revival?
Posted: 6/8/06 at 3:08am

Here's what I want to know...

HOW MUCH of the original writing team has reunited? Did they bring in other song writers for the new songs? Is Gore/Pitchford back together? I remember hearing that Pitchford wanted NOTHING to do with CARRIE anymore, thats why I ask. And has Larry Cohen repeated book duties.

If in the WORLD did these "producers" who aren't named (odd I find...just sayin', no offense!) get permission to use some material, and change others...or, even convince the authors to revisit the work?

All_For_Laura Profile Photo
#142re: Carrie Revival?
Posted: 6/8/06 at 7:02am

Wow, I am really liking this act 2! I love the way it ends! I think this production will be awesome once they start to work on it.

...What happened next, was stranger still, a woman breathless and afraid, appeared out of the night, completely dressed in white. She had a secret she would tell, of one who had mistreated her. Her face and frightened gaze, my mind cannot erase...But then she ran from view. She looked so much like you...

Michael Bennett Profile Photo
Michael Bennett
#143re: Carrie Revival?
Posted: 6/8/06 at 9:10am

Well, without hearing any of the new material its impossible to say that its a "mistake" cutting any of the orginal songs. "Open your Heart" worked, but perhaps they've come up with something that has a similar sentiment but is even more character driven.

west end artist1 Profile Photo
west end artist1
#144re: Carrie Revival?
Posted: 6/8/06 at 10:09am

i wish i could tell you more but i simply dont know even on the submission forms no names were mentioned

what i do know is that pitchfords name doesnt appear on the script (they are 2 new names down for score a book but my freind has said im not allowed to say anything about who they are coz he will get in a lot of trouble if its found out hes reveled that yet alone the highlights of the new script)but gore and cohens name are on the script(the cohen does share credit)
I heard years ago that pitchford was standing in the way(im in footloose in the west end at the mo and it doesnt even mention he did carrie in the bio of him)so im not sure whats changed.
As soon as i know more i will let you know i promise

#145re: Carrie Revival?
Posted: 6/8/06 at 11:42am

That sounds amazing! I'm going to miss "In", but at the moment I'm so excited about the changes that I don't really care if it's cut. Act II sounds great, but let's hope none of the lyrics happen to not make sense, because that was a HUGE flaw in the original production. One other thing, when Margaret stabs Carrie, and Carrie falls to the floor is she going to (like in the movie) chase after her a little bit and say a few strange things (I'm not sure what they were) just to show how insane she is? Also, when the knife from the kitchen table flies and stabs Margaret is she about to stab Carrie again, cause that would make the scene really suspenseful like in the movie.

Michael Bennett Profile Photo
Michael Bennett
#146re: Carrie Revival?
Posted: 6/8/06 at 12:55pm

Well, it must be said, that I think some of the camp factor in the first production came out of the fact that - even twenty years later - how do you stage some of those scenes? How do you make the gym explode into flames, or knives fly across the stage stabbing Margaret White, or even a bucket of blood fall on an actress without electrifying her body microphone.

I'm glad to hear that the authors are working on the story and the script, but I'm even more curious as to how they are going to "solve" these staging obstacles.

#147re: Carrie Revival?
Posted: 6/8/06 at 1:06pm

If EVE WAS WEAK was removed the show would lose it's best song. And many fans would be in an uproar.

It's a power moment for any actress playing the mother.

MB - The fire isn't too bad. I mean, even the original had the line of fire, I'm sure it will be fine (expensive and dangerous).

The knifes is interesting. I hope they don't turn down the lights like they did in the original when things flew. Though the stage may be dark already.

In the original, didn't they NOT drop the bucket of blood because of the body mic? And since she's singing, she couldn't take it off...

I wonder if they could use a pre-recorded track to mouth to so she can take off the mic. They could do something simple like hiding the mic in something on her that can be removed. Or it's time to rediscover the mic.
Updated On: 6/8/06 at 01:06 PM

doodlenyc Profile Photo
#148re: Carrie Revival?
Posted: 6/8/06 at 1:13pm

They should stick a pin in Alice Ripley's schedule right now.

"Carson has combined his passion for helping children with his love for one of Cincinnati's favorite past times - cornhole - to create a unique and exciting event perfect for a corporate outing, entertaining clients or family fun."

"In Oz, the verb is douchifizzation." PRS

Michael Bennett Profile Photo
Michael Bennett
#149re: Carrie Revival?
Posted: 6/8/06 at 1:26pm

Yes, Bsobw, in the original production, Chris ran on stage and dumped a really small amount of blood on Carrie's head - and we are talking tiny - like the amount you use to shampoo your hair, she pulled it down onto her face and actually at a strategic moment was twirled out of her prom dress, revealing a blood stained one underneath. It wasn't very effective at all, but I think they were really limited with what they could do logistically - you cant fry the actress' microphone and you can't have blood splattering out into the audience.

You also can not have walls of fire on stage, there are fire rules both with Equity and with the fire department about open flames in theatres - which is why they used the laughable laser light show.

Technology has indeed improved, but I still think a lot of these special effects are going to be a big issue - both creatively and from a budget standpoint.
