TheatreFan4: "What the f**k? I mean Cynthia Erivo was lauded to high heavens and you want to throw out "They didn't like her cause she's not American!" about a production of a British show. That was Composed, Written, Designed, Costumed, & largely choreographed by Brits? This is such a stupid statement that I question your objectivity on really anything."
T.S. Eliot, the author of the poems the songs are based on, was an American expatriate residing in England.
Broadway Legend Joined: 7/20/13
For those seeing the show today, Leona's understudy Jess Hendy, will be on as Grizabella.
Broadway Legend Joined: 2/8/16
Went last night and have been thinking about Lewis...
She's not an actress so I'm going to avoid criticizing her performance. This said, I left the theater with a new appreciation for what actors like Paige have done with the role...
While Lewis is fine when singing, the nuances of the role are simply not there...
10086sunset said: "Went last night and have been thinking about Lewis...
She's not an actress so I'm going to avoid criticizing her performance. This said, I left the theater with a new appreciation for what actors like Paige have done with the role...
While Lewis is fine when singing, the nuances of the role are simply not there...
I'm sorry, but what? She's not an actress therefore her performance can't be judged the same way you would a performance from another performer? She's performing the role on Broadway, where tickets are quite expensive. She doesn't get a pass, and should be held to the same standard as anyone else.
Featured Actor Joined: 2/29/16
To be fair her acting has improved a tremendous amount since the first preview. I remember cringing every time she would walk or move because it was totally unrealistic for a dying cat. Now her acting is at a point were she is a little bit more comfortable and knowledgable of the character that she is playing. She hasn't gotten to the point were she fully understands the character but is getting there.
She also performed the role in London prior to Broadway, which means she's had more rehearsal and performances than the rest of the company.
Broadway Legend Joined: 2/25/05
adamgreer said: "She also performed the role in London prior to Broadway, which means she's had more rehearsal and performances than the rest of the company.
That is in no way correct.
Featured Actor Joined: 7/12/16
She tweeted a picture today of her rehearsing with Andy Blankenbuehler, so she's definitely putting in extra work to get better. I give her credit for that.
Broadway Legend Joined: 2/8/16
adamgreer said: "I'm sorry, but what? She's not an actress therefore her performance can't be judged the same way you would a performance from another performer? She's performing the role on Broadway, where tickets are quite expensive. She doesn't get a pass, and should be held to the same standard as anyone else. "
I think ALW put her in a pretty difficult position casting her. There's simply more to the role than standing out there for 12 minutes over two hours and basically singing Memory.
I can't in good conscience compare her performance to those of Paige, Buckley, Liz Callaway...It's not so much as giving her a pass. It's choosing to cut her a little slack.
I'm happy to read she's been working on her performance and has gotten better from the first preview.
Broadway Legend Joined: 6/21/06
Review of Sunday matinee, August 7: Leona Lewis was out. Grizabella was played by Jessica Hendy. I really enjoyed Jessica's performance as Grizabella. She had the Grizabella stagger, she acted it and did a fantastic job singing "Memory"! I did not love the new Grizabella hair in fact my soon to be six year old specifically commented "Grizabella is supposed to have curly hair!"
This was my daughter's first official Broadway show. She has been to smaller shows so she was taught how to behave in a theater. I bought her the DVD of Cats and she has watched it a dozen times as well as listened to the original cast recording. She knew all the cats by name, the order of the songs, what they look like...I did my best to prepare her so it would be enjoyable for her and not a distraction for those around us. At intermission I did ask the women behind me if they were being disturbed.
I sat on the aisle, in the orchestra, and had her in the second seat just in case she became overwhelmed when the cats went up and down the aisles. When she was asked days before the show if she would be scared she said "oh the cats are just people in costume." However once the lights went down she said "I am so excited I can't watch!" and then when the eyes started to fill the theater she said "they are coming, they are coming" - her suspension of disbelief was in place. During "The Naming of Cats" one was standing right by us, making eye contact and it did make her a bit uncomfortable. Her favorite cat is Victoria the white cat. I had no idea when I purchased the seats what fate would deal us. I couldn't have planned this. At one point Victoria came down our aisle and started to sing right by us. Victoria reached her paw to my daughter. I assured her it was ok to reach out and they touched. When Victoria ran back up on stage my daughter's face was buried in her mother's shoulder. She was crying. "What's wrong?" we asked and she said "I am just SO happy!" Thank you Georgina Pazcoguin!! You touched my daughter and the memory will never leave her.
ok...Daddy's review. First off I am a big CATS fan. Loved the lighting. What a difference LEDs make! The set and costumes for the most part were passable. There were times I did not like the overlaying leg and arm pieces, (specifically Mungojerrie and Rumpelteazer, to change the cats into a specific character. The missing instruments that were substituted by keyboards was noticeable. You CAN tell the difference. It is like listening to a recording versus hearing it live. Fake trumpets played off a keyboard will always sound like fake trumpets. It does steal from the experience. Mistoffelles jacket was dynamic as was his performance - great job Ricky Ubeda! Rum Tum Tugger was a gigantic disappointment from the moment I saw this specific performer on stage, I did not enjoy Tyler Hanes. I saw him in the company during the first two numbers "Jellicle Song for Jellicle Cats" and "The Naming of Cats" it was OBVIOUS he was not singing. Why? Because puffing your mouth and blowing air while fluttering your lips randomly is distracting and noticeable when you are standing next to your fellow performers who are actually singing. I'll go easier on the actual Rum Tum Tugger performance because that was the direction he was given but I really didn't think even the audience found him as likable as the original version/direction. Believe it or not I liked Macavity much more! His dancing during the fight scene was awesome! The Gumbie Cat number is usually a favorite of mine but I did not like the cats tapping...much preferred when the roaches and beetles tap with the Gumbie Cat. Bustopher Jones was adequate with his changes. "Growltiger's Last Stand" was always a magical theatrical moment for me when the back wall came down to create the ship. I did miss Growltiger/Griddlebone's aria too. It is sad that it couldn't have been left in as is or tweaked to be politically correct. Unfortunately, I tried to be open to Gus's recollection of being the Rumpus Cat for the Pekes/Pollicles but when that finished it felt like a mashup 'this is the best we could do' especially when it slammed to a hault for Skimbleshanks to start. I enjoyed Skimbleshanks and was glad to see that building the train was still part of the choreography. The tire appeared to be smaller and didn't soar closer to the audience or higher. The flying by wire of Grizabella...well, insert an eye roll, ok...the lighting didn't stay on her long enough after her feet left the tire so the moment was quickly forgotten.
Overall, I really enjoyed CATS. IF I wasn't as familiar with the show as I am I wouldn't have known the differences. Wow to the $199 orchestra ticket price for the matinee but seeing my daughter be transported by theater is exactly what I hoped for. Added bonus for us...the 4 seats in front of us were empty the entire show! My daughter had a completely unobstructed view. She proclaimed as we were walking away from the Neil Simon theater "I'll never wash my hands again!"
CATS haters will always be CATS haters and that's fine...but for those of us who do love it - let us please.
In the GMA performance, Lewis looked like she was coming out of a fever dream: her eyes were glassy and it was as if she had no idea where she was. Here voice was serviceable enough but her movements were just... bad. Like Catherine Zeta-Jones bad.
@ Brian07663NJ
I hope you don't mind, but I've sent that part about your daughter and "Victoria" to Gina (a close friend of mine) so she can see the impact her work makes. Thank you for sharing that moment with all of us. xo
@ Brian07663NJ
I hope you don't mind, but I've sent that part about your daughter and "Victoria" to Gina (a close friend of mine) so she can see the impact her work makes. Thank you for sharing that moment with all of us. xo
Broadway Star Joined: 3/5/04
The miscast Leona can rehearse until her contract is up- the reviews are in- she got raked over the coals. She had 6 weeks to get it right. And it doesn't take a Sarah Bernhardt to act that part. And imho- her voice is good-not stirring enough to give goosebumps.
Broadway Star Joined: 12/23/15
@ Brian07663NJ
Happy to hear your performance was tainted/ ruined by Leona
Broadway Legend Joined: 6/21/06
@ SarahNYC absolutely I do not mind. Thank you for doing so. Actually I hand wrote a letter to Gina sharing the story about how she made that moment so special for my daughter. I dropped it off in a card at the stage door on Monday night hoping that she did receive it! Unplanned things like this really make live shows all the more special. No doubt this had a lasting positive impact for my daughter's love of theater. I'm so aware of how hard actors work. It is truly a labor of love and I hope this story for Gina continues to give her that added enthusiasm to enjoy what she does each performance.
@ broadwayguy91 lol "wasn't tainted" I believe you mean? However, I was actually interested to hear/see Leona just to form my own opinion.
Broadway Legend Joined: 8/20/06
Saw the show last night. Entertaining for sure, but still the same laborious experience to sit through as I recall from before. So many dead spots and slow pacing. The production only takes flight when they dance, which is luckily 75% of the time. Blankenbeuhler has retained the distinction of Lynne's original work yet gives it a slick polish that both the dancers ( and audience) of today have come to expect.
The dancing is certainly the highlight of the show and there is some excellent choral work. The movements are crisp and precise and this "tribe" works together beautifully.
Standouts for me included:
Christine Cornish Smith- the most sexy and ravishing cat on the stage.
Christopher Gurr- strong set of acting chops.
Sara Jean Ford- great diction and clarity in voice.
Eloise Kropp- terrific personality and dynamite tapper
Andy Huntington Jones- commanded the stage whenever required.
Georgina Pazcoguin- wobbly in all of her dance moments, and guilty of making the most strangest of faces.
Ricky Ubeda- who while is gumbly-like in flexibility, doesn't quite have the maturity of a Broadway performer-just yet. #rawclay
Jess Leprotto and Shonica Gooden- saddled with the longest and most wearisome song (Mungojerrie & Rumpelteazer) to sit through.
Leona Lewis- enough said about her already. her voice didn't even sell me.
Full house and the audience seemed to eat it up. Happy nine lives to them!
Stand-by Joined: 6/28/16
As I sit here watching cats, (don't worry it's intermission), does anyone else think that old Deuteronomy looks like the monster on the plane wing from Twilight Zone's "nightmare at 20,000 feet" episode?