I'm curious what makes you say Melissa is perfect for Velma?
I usually think of Velmas as tall and slender. She would qualify on both counts. Also, M.R.M. has been a dance captain, so she knows what is necessary to play Velma. She's so talented on so many fronts, that it would be a treat for fans of the show to see her play Roxie's partner. After all, Bebe and Ruthie Henshall have done it, perhaps she can have the chance to do it too. As to my original question.....
A) no.
B) add Donna to the list, she's been Roxie, Velma, Mama and June. Amy Spanger also covered Velma but never went on.
C) IMO the best leggy - and one of the best in general - Velma was Ute.
D) Nicole Bridgewater also has been Roxie, Velma, Mama and Liz.
@JBradshaw, any idea who the next Velma & Roxie are?
Well, Terra C will not be Velma (at least for a while). She will be "Morticia Addams" in a San Diego production of "Addams Family." https://www.broadwayworld.com/san-diego/article/THE-ADDAMS-FAMILY-to-Close-Out-Moonlight-Stages-Summer-Season-20160728
Awful show, but Terra will be a great Morticia.
Here is a video clip of Bianca Marroquin performing "Me and My Baby" in Spanish and English. The Central Park show is tomorrow, on August 31, 2016. http://www.theatermania.com/video/chicago-gets-ready-to-celebrate-20-years-on-broadw_1090.html
Chorus Member Joined: 3/6/13
Patti LuPone FANatic said: "Here is a video clip of Bianca Marroquin performing "Me and My Baby" in Spanish and English. The Central Park show is tomorrow, on August 31, 2016. http://www.theatermania.com/video/chicago-gets-ready-to-celebrate-20-years-on-broadw_1090.html
Thanks so much for posting this! My daughter is one of the Camp Broadway Kids and I see her in this clip. So looking forward to the show in Central Park!
Dylis Croman will be "Roxie" from Sept.3-- Sept. 18th, 2016. No word yet on Velma. https://www.telecharge.com/Broadway/Chicago/Overview
also, Natasha Yvette Williams returns as Mama through January 15, 2017. Still hoping for Carly Hughes to return as Velma or someone new.
Just hit :34 on "Gun" note @ChicagoMusical! 2 more and I break my record. All thanks to Gwen Verdon vid going round. "Don't work too hard." (Jason Danieley tweet)
Hello Chicago Fans! I will be in the city from Nov 12- Dec 20. It will be my first time in NYC. I am keen to see Chicago but am aware that many say it is a tired show and not worth seeing. I love the music and hear the orchestra still sounds amazing. If I were to rush the show would you think it's worth it?
Also does anyone know who the principals would be at that time? Any advice on whether they're any good? Thank you.
Double post - sorry I'm on my phone!
Updated On: 9/5/16 at 09:22 AM
Yes, it is very worth it to see "Chicago." Some people view it differently, but I'm a believer in making up my own mind. It is a sassy and sultry show. There is top notch singing and dancing. Ryan Lowe will be Mary Sunshine. He's a long term M.S. His contract runs thru March 2017. As far as the other principals (Roxie, Velma, Amos and Mama), it is too early to know who they might be.
Any idea who's starting as Velma tonight?
Lana Gordon. She'll continue to be Velma until October 11th. AFW will surely return shortly thereafter.
Patti LuPone FANatic said: "Yes, it is very worth it to see "Chicago." Some people view it differently, but I'm a believer in making up my own mind. It is a sassy and sultry show. There is top notch singing and dancing. Ryan Lowe will be Mary Sunshine. He's a long term M.S. His contract runs thru March 2017. As far as the other principals (Roxie, Velma, Amos and Mama), it is too early to know who they might be.
Thanks Fanatic! I've always loved & admired your dedication to the show, and am very excited to see it.
Patti LuPone FANatic said: "Lana Gordon. She'll continue to be Velma until October 11th. AFW will surely return shortly thereafter.
Happy to hear that & good for her!
According to Telecharge:
Dylis Croman as Roxie (thru 9/18)
Lana Gordon as Velma Kelly (thru 10/11)
Jason Danieley as Billy Flynn (thru 9/18)
Raymond Bokhour as Amos Hart (thru 10/30)
NaTasha Yvette Williams as Matron "Mama" Morton (thru 1/15)
R. Lowe as Mary Sunshine (thru 3/26)
With regards to the next Roxie, I have a feeling it might be Amy Spanger. For Billy Flynn: Tony Yazbek or Ryan Silverman. It would be awfully nice if Tony Y. could be Billy Flynn, so he could work together with his A Chorus Line co-star Chryssie Whitehead (currently Go-To-Hell-Kitty and Roxie/Velma u/s).
TheaterMania is sponsoring a Block Party/Street Fair tomorrow on Sunday, Sept. 11, 2016. "Chicago" will be making an appearance at this event. http://www.theatermania.com/streetfair/
Here is a lovely interview of Lana Gordon (Velma Kelly) in "Chicago". She seems to be a delightful person. Paul Wontorek...well, he's Paul Wontorek. http://www.broadway.com/videos/157171/broadwaycom-liveatfive-with-lana-gordon-of-chicago/
Jason Danieley has extended until October 16, 2016 (He was originally scheduled until Sept. 18th). He is not to be missed. Each day, he keeps a record of how long he can hold "the" note in "Both Reached For the Gun." I don't know how he does it. https://www.telecharge.com/Broadway/Chicago/Overview
I noticed during Gordon's interview that when she was asked how long she was in the show for, she responded with "I don't know". Maybe AFW hasn't given a definite return date yet.