Very exciting Daniely is extending. I know they'll probably stunt cast for the holiday season but I do hope Daniely extends another month into November so I can see him!
Jason Danieley sets a new personal record for "the" note in "The Gun." NEW "GUN" RECORD! @ChicagoMusical :35.58 BanjoJay, who tells me the time every show, had the hugest smile when he told me.
Dylis Croman will continue on as Roxie Hart for a little while longer.
Great to hear she extended! Gives me a few weeks to see Dylis, Lana, and Jason in the roles.So rare for a repeat viewer like myself to get a completely new set of leads in this show!
I have no idea who she is.
I don't either. It's only for 6 weeks, so it's not a long run.
One guess as to who will be her "Velma" mentor.
I have no idea who she is but she's only 21 years old... which means that the cast around her is going to look comedically ancient.
I've been meaning to get over to the Ambassador and check out the show - one of the few long running ones I haven't been able to see. I go back and forth on their casting practices - but when they get it right, and stunt cast people like Patti Labelle (doubt it'll happen given her schedule, but if she ever did do the show at some point on Broadway in the years to come, people would flock to the theater for tickets - there's an awesome clip of her doing these nuts riffs up on Youtube during a leg the show played on the West Coast) it elevates the material and adds an extra something to the show.
After I saw the Patti LaBelle video, I came upon this (rather risque) video of Florence Henderson singing "When You're Good To Mama" black leather and whips. I don't know how to process that one. It's from 2013.
Happy Birthday to Mary Sunshine (a.k.a. Ryan Lowe).
Broadway Star Joined: 12/23/15
Werk it, Florence Henderson. LOL
The Disney Channel star (Veronica Dunne) who will be Roxie has a FANTASTIC voice! She would have been a magnificent Cinderella if the show was still running.
Wow... Lana Gordon has extended once more as Velma Kelly! This is probably the longest "Chicago" has gone w/o AFW as Velma. I guess the show decided they needed Lana to mentor Veronica Dunne as the newest Roxie.
Good for her. What was looking like just a 4 week run has turned into a 4 month run. Any new blood/energy for this show is always a welcomed site.
Happy Birthday to Miss Terra C (Velma Kelly)!
Stand-by Joined: 3/10/13
Hey guys, I have two more questions about the show.
1.) When did the producers start to stunt cast?
2.) When did the producers start only offering the leads short contracts? It seems to me that most of the time a lead would do the show between 2- 4 months then leave and come back eventually and do the same 2-4 month contract.
The lovely Lana Gordon getting ready for showtime as "Velma Kelly". (via ChicagoTheMusical on Twitter)
Patti LuPone FANatic said: "Wow... Lana Gordon has extended once more as Velma Kelly! This is probably the longest "Chicago" has gone w/o AFW as Velma. I guess the show decided they needed Lana to mentor Veronica Dunne as the newest Roxie.
There's no mentoring going on.
1) what do you consider stunt casting? When I'd watch the show I'd hear often "that's the woman from cheers" re bebe, is that stunt casting?
2) Chicago. Tends to only do couple month contracts cause they like to leave it open incase a star wants to do it. It's been like that since the early 2000s, that's how Fran and Barry like it.
3) @pattifan you find that performance of Florence that risqué? I love that performance.
Dallas Theatre Fan said: "Hey guys, I have two more questions about the show.
1.) When did the producers start to stunt cast?
2.) When did the producers start only offering the leads short contracts? It seems to me that most of the time a lead would do the show between 2- 4 months then leave and come back eventually and do the same 2-4 month contract.
Yes, me old fashioned, but seeing Florence Henderson in black leather and brandishing a whip is risque. (She'd make a fantastic Mama Morton.) I wonder who is next for "Billy Flynn", once Jason Danieley's current run ends?
Congratulations to Ryan Lowe for his 12th year (today) as Mary Sunshine in "Chicago."