Dylan Ratell is on as Mary Sunshine, for about a week or so, as Ryan Lowe goes on his annual vacation to Hawaii. Aloha!
Lana! Lana, Lana bo Bana Banana fanna fo Fana
Fee fy mo Mana, Lana!
"It's so nice to have you back where you belong." Do you have any inkling of the newest upcoming Billy Flynn?
https://www.telecharge.com/Broadway/Chicago/Overview Here is an updated list of Chicago principals. Charlotte D'Amboise has extended from April 9, 2017 --- to April 30th. Then, Bianca Marroquin takes over. Lana Gordon will take over as Velma Kelly for a while, then AFW returns. No idea who will be Billy Flynn past March 5th.
Charlotte d'Amboise as Roxie (thru 4/30)
Bianca Marroquin as Roxie (5/1 - 7/2)
Ryoko Yonekura as Roxie (7/3 - 7/13)
Amra-Faye Wright as Velma Kelly (thru 2/26)
Lana Gordon as Velma Kelly (2/27 - 5/14)
Amra-Faye Wright as Velma Kelly (5/15 - 7/23)
Christopher Sieber as Billy Flynn (thru 3/5)
Raymond Bokhour as Amos Hart (thru 4/30)
LaVon Fisher-Wilson as Matron "Mama" Morton (thru 2/28)
Natasha Yvette Williams as Matron "Mama" Morton (3/2 - 5/7)
R. Lowe as Mary Sunshine (thru 3/26)
Might be time for me to revisit the show and see Lana's Velma.
There will be a ACL reunion very soon in "Chicago". Tony Yazbek (Al in ACL) (re)joins the cast beginning on March 14th. He will perform along with his former A Chorus Line "wife" Chryssie Whitehead (Kristine). Other former ACL cast members in Chicago are: Charlotte D'Amboise (Cassie), James T. Lane (Richie in ACL) and Jason Patrick Sands (Don). Awesome news! https://www.telecharge.com/Broadway/Chicago/Overview
Charlotte d'Amboise as Roxie (thru 4/30)
Bianca Marroquin as Roxie (5/1 - 7/2)
Ryoko Yonekura as Roxie (7/3 - 7/13)
Lana Gordon as Velma Kelly (thru 5/14)
Amra-Faye Wright as Velma Kelly (5/15 - 7/23)
Christopher Sieber as Billy Flynn (thru 3/13)
Tony Yazbeck as Billy Flynn (3/14 - 6/11)
Raymond Bokhour as Amos Hart (thru 4/30)
Natasha Yvette Williams as Matron "Mama" Morton (thru 5/7)
R. Lowe as Mary Sunshine (thru 3/26)
yep, definitely need to see the show again with Yazbeck as Billy & Gordon as Velma. Looks like I'll be making a return to the Ambassador Theater sometime in mid-April.
I do hope there will be a group photo of the "A Chorus Line" alumni in "Chicago": Tony Yazbek (Al / Billy Flynn), Chryssie Whitehead (Kristine/Go-To-Hell-Kitty), Jason Patrick Sands (Don Kerr/Billy Flynn U/S), Charlotte D'Amboise (Cassie/Roxie Hart) and James T. Lane (Richie / Ensemble).
ACL2006 said: "Might be time for me to revisit the show and see Lana's Velma.
Charlotte, Lana and Tony? I'll be back in mid-April for sure!
James T was actually a full time Amos for a bit back in I wanna say '09
fyi peeps Charlotte is out of the show Thurs and Friday. The amazing sexy Robyn is on as Roxie.
Drugs not not hugs people. Sparkles
Just curious, but do Charlotte and Lana perform the cartwheel during Hot Honey Rag? I know AFW and Dylis Croman dispensed with that last time I saw the show.
Pattifan hey gurl!
lana doesn't always cartwheel when she doesn't she feels bad and usually shoots ping pong balls and flowers from her lady area to make up for it.
But really they cartwheel. Only a handful didn't cartwheel. There's an alternate "I can't do it alone" ending without cartwheel there's a couple rag endings without it.
Hey girfriend...what's up? That ping pong scene from Priscilla, Queen of the Desert must have made an impression on you, JBradshaw. I do wish I could see Chicago, now that Tony Yazbek is joining up in two days as Billy Flynn. Can anyone recall any other show that had so many former castmates of a different musical?
A lot of peeps that were in the original "sunset" ended up in "Chicago"
-Angie Schworer (a Roxie and kitty - ensemble for sunset)
-Jennifer West (a Chicago swing and sunset ensemble/Betty u/s which I saw she was great)
-Darlene Wilson (one of the best hunyaks and a sunset ensemble member r.i.p.)
-Amy Spanger (Roxie/Velma standby/June...also a Sunset Betty u/s)
-Lillie Kae Stevens (Chicago swing, amazing)
-Jennifer Frankle (she was a mama/Velma u/s but never went on)
Happy birthday to Tony Yazbek. He (re) joins the cast of "Chicago" from March 14, 2017-- June 11, 2017 as "Billy Flynn." He must be around 39 or so.
Charlotte was recently interviewed by Broadway.com about her return to CHICAGO. She also talks about her time in PIPPIN, CATS & A CHORUS LINE. Also mentions her fellow ACL cast members Tony, Chryssie, James & Jason.
Broadway.com #LiveatFive with Charlotte d'Amboise of CHICAGO
2017 National Tour Cast
https://www.broadwayworld.com/article/Breaking-News-Bianca-Marroquin-Constantine-Maroulis-Beth-Malone-John-Tartaglia-More-Join-the-Munys-99th-Season-20170329 Bianca Marroquin makes her Muny debut as "Cassie" in their production of "A Chorus Line." Awesome!!
Broadway Legend Joined: 4/26/16
So I gather that the current Broadway of Chicago is stronger than usual? Just checking, in case we choose it today.
I would highly recommend you consider Chicago right now...especially with the present cast: Tony Yazbek as Billy Flynn, Lana Gordon as Velma Kelly and Roxie Hart expert Charlotte D'Amboise. She knows the role from all angles and usually adds her own special touches as Roxie. I would love to see Lana and Charlotte in their roles. I did see Tony Yazbek as Billy in 2012.
Has any one seen the current tour cast? I'm tempted as the show is currently in DC.
I have been following the tour, as it were, since there were no tour stops in Texas. I did see a Facebook post by Brent Heuser (Chicago National Tour: Fred Casely) that Lauren Gemelli performed as Velma Kelly for some of the weekend shows. It's very rare for the Velma Kelly u/s's to have a chance to perform the role. He did post a little video interview...a wee bit salty, but interesting nonetheless.
http://www.playbill.com/personlistpage/person-list?production=00000150-aea2-d936-a7fd-eef6db350002&type=cp#cc There's a new person listed as Go-To-Hell-Kitty. Her name is Jessica Earnest. Does that mean that Chryssie Whitehead is not with the cast anymore?
don't know if Chryssie is coming back, but she left to do Will Rogers' Follies at the Pioneer Theater Company this May. Maybe she comes back in June?
It seems that Go To Hell Kittys change every 6 months or so. Has anyone seen the show recently, with Charlotte D'Amboise?