She is in until Dec. 3.
I liked it better when it was "Chicago - A Musical Vaudeville" and had a colorful set and costume changes. After a while, black on black gets tiresome.
Star, when was it like that?
@ Patti the original production was like how star descibed. Look on YouTube for clips.
Speaking of YouTube
So many greats in the ensemble - Deidre Goodwin, Jennifer Frankel (rocking that ponytail), Lillie Kae Stevens, Rosa Curry, Michelle Robinson, Caitlin Carter plus the sexy Rocker
Any word on the casting through December? I just bought tickets for Dec 12th for my first time, and I see all 3 leads will be done by then.. just wondering if we have any word or announcements who may be joining!
Thanks in advance!
Congratulations to "Chicago" on its 21st anniversary!!
Lifeoftheparty2 said: "Any word on the casting through December? I just bought tickets for Dec 12th for my first time, and I see all 3 leads will be done by then.. just wondering if we have any word or announcements who may be joining!
Thanks in advance!" Soon, there will be a new Billy Flynn. Telecharge is my main source for casting of Chicago principals.
Charlotte d'Amboise and Leigh Zimmerman together? That's too good to be true.
Will try to catch it on this coming Sunday, and if I can't, hopefully the new Billy Flynn will be a good one.
Hey Kander, I'll be in the front row for both shows on Sunday.
Here are the latest cast updates from For those of you who have missed AFW, she'll be Velma for three months. Also, Tom Hewitt has extended until Nov. 27th. I must say that he was impressive when I saw him. He hold that particular note "the" for the longest time. Before he began that note, I saw that he huffed two or three times. I'm not sure if his particular "the" note (in "Both Reached For The Gun" is longer than Jason Danieley's, but it is tremendous.
The Chicago National Tour is revving up. It will start fairly soon with dates in Canada. I'll probably go to one of the Fort Worth dates (Feb. 16 --18). I'm surprised the main Chicago website has not updated their tour information.
Patti LuPone FANatic said: "Hey Kander, I'll be in the front row for both shows on Sunday."
Sorry Patti! I just saw your reply. It was a shame to miss you.
Leigh Zimmerman has such a Golden Age movie star quality. It was surreal to see how her features caught the limelight. Her Velma was more fierce than I had imagined, but it worked well comparing Ms d'Amboise's goofy, charming and sly characterization, especially in the number "My Own Best Friend". Ms Zimmerman is no doubt a good dancer, but I found her upper body less fluid, especially in the opening number and when she was next to Ms d'Amboise. Well, I'm afraid no one currently on Broadway is able to out-dance Charlotte! By the way, Ms Zimmerman did a clean, effortless split at the end of "I Can't Do It Alone". Overall Ms Zimmerman is a phenomenal Velma and please rush to see her if you plan to see the show.
She reminds me of Julie Newmar in a ways... a sort of statuesque beauty. I'm not sure what her height is...maybe 5'10"? She was a lovely person when I spoke to her. It's always possible that we might not get another chance of seeing her as Velma (considering that there was a 6 year gap since she last played Velma).
Broadway Star Joined: 3/5/04
it is just amazing that these 50 somethings are still dancing so well...It is about discipline and life style. Brava!!!!! For their dedication.
The first stop of the newest Cellblock Tour is in Saskatoon, Saskatchewan, from Nov. 24-25. From a Thanksgiving Day photo, I can see that Dylis Croman is Roxie, with Lana Gordon as Velma Kelly.
The CellBlock Tour dates have finally been posted on the Chicago the Musical Website:
I saw Chicago on Wednesday night. What an amazing show. I loved every second of it. Charlotte D'Amboise is one of the great performers of our time and Leigh Zimmerman is an all out power house. What a rockin orchestra, you could tell everyone on that stage was enjoying what they were doing; bliss. This show is funny, shocking, entertaining, and full of razzle dazzle. It is truly one of a kind and I now know why it has been running for 21 years. You cant get the songs out of your head! My oh my was it phenomenal. Tom Hewitt, Brian O'Brien, Natasha Yvette Williams, Raymond Bokhour, and R. Lowe are all sensational. If you have not seen it, go. I f you have, go again.
Charlotte d'Amboise has extended her stay as Roxie Hart to January 28, 2018. She's an absolute treat to watch!
If only I had the time this week to see the show. It's been awhile and you know I won't see it with AFW who comes back again starting next week.
.....for three whole months.
My favorite Roxie has to be DeLee Lively. Remember the first time I saw her it was at the Tony Award; she was preseningt one of the awards and I said to myself "Wow". Been following her ever since.
Sorry for the mistake in my post. I meant to have said Bryn Dowling not DeLee Lively. There are lots of cool pictures, but with the exception of Barrett Martin and a chance glimpse of the male dance captain David Bushman, the male cast members are not included. The photographer could have take one group picture of the male ensemble.
Just because it wasn't published, doesn't mean it wasn't taken.
Still, the fact remains that with regards to Chicago publicity / photos, the male cast members seem to get short shrift..on many occasions. The published photos are the ones that the public sees.