TMJ in this case refers to Timothy Michael Jacobsen (known to his f Buddies as Beer Can) who necessitated the jaw surgery. As Clay said "It was worth it!"
Are you giggling behind your hand because you got to say that a gay man had sex with another gay man? Do you get some kind of medal or are your buddies patting you on the back for a job well done. You're pathetic.
No, I am giggling outright at the sad delusions of Claymates. I am giggling at the YEARS of denial said Clymates spent "defending" their idol's heterosexuality when he was in the closet.
Back on topic, this role really does call for a strong voice and those teen-idol looks- David Archuleta would be perfect but he's far too big a star for summer stock. Some sharp producer should put together a Broadway revival and tour.
I would fly to Maine to see Archuleta in Joseph. I just want to take him home and snuggle. (in the most benign way, he's cute as hell)
Clay loves the sound of his own voice a little much for me.
I don't WANT to live in what they call "a certain way." In the first place I'd be no good at it and besides that I don't want to be identified with any one class of people. I want to live every whichway, among all kinds---and know them---and understand them---and love them---THAT's what I want! - Philip Barry (Holiday)