Swing Joined: 10/11/17
Hi there!
I am in New York for a few days for training for work and wanted to rush Come From Away but can’t because the work day starts before box office opens ??
I was wondering if it would be possible for someone to rush on my behalf and I could pay for both of our tickets. Please let me know :)
Thank you!
Swing Joined: 10/11/17
I ended up buying a ticket so I am no longer searching for rush but thank you for those who replied. I couldn’t find a button to close the thread so I’m posting an update
If you haven't seen the show yet, you will love it. A lot of fun...music is great.....I went on Thursday night...Lots of Newfoundlanders in the mezzanine waving their country's flag at the curtain calls. It was cool.
Enjoy....You can also get an autographed poster or autographed playbill. Money goes to Broadway Cares charity.
Looking to rush this soon. How has it been rushing during the week?
Broadway Star Joined: 7/28/13
tmbyru said: "Looking to rush this soon. How has it been rushing during the week?"
How many tickets would you need and are you looking for only seats or SRO too?
2 tickets - not really looking to do standing room. I've seen the show twice so sitting on the sides wouldn't bother me.
Broadway Star Joined: 7/28/13
tmbyru said: "2 tickets - not really looking to do standing room. I've seen the show twice so sitting on the sides wouldn't bother me."
Then I suggest a non-holiday-week Tuesday morning line and arriving at 6:30AM.
Broadway Star Joined: 7/28/13
Can anyone give a few pros and cons to the locations of both the Come From Away rush seats versus the SRO.
Rush seats are usually side partial view seats. SRO spots offer a better view, especially if you get one of the 12 spots in the center.
Broadway Star Joined: 7/28/13
ACL2006 said: "Rush seats are usually side partial view seats. SRO spots offer a better view, especially if you get one of the 12 spots in the center."
So the close to the stage pro of the seats, and not having to stand, doesn't outweigh the partialness of the viewing?
From my own personal experience, the view from SRO is better than from the rush seats.
Understudy Joined: 6/9/17
CFA Saturday 12/2:
First people at 5:00am. 5ish people at 6am. 9 people at 7am. Line increased quickly after that. 25ish at 8:30.
(Also has SRO for 2 shows)
I'd expect the rush/SRO lines to get crazy this time of year due to the holidays season. 5/6am seems about right to get in line now.
Swing Joined: 3/19/13
Are they selling SRO for both shows in the morning now? Or are they still doing evening shows at 3? Thanks!
They now sell SRO for both shows in the morning, when the box office opens. This changed backed in mid-October. I think it was too much for the box office to be selling the SRO while the matinee was going on.
Broadway Star Joined: 7/28/13
ACL2006 said: "They now sell SRO for both shows in the morning, when the box office opens. This changed backed in mid-October. I think it was too much for the box office to be selling the SRO while the matinee was going on."
Ah, good to know.
How are we predicting rush this next week with the influx of tourists? Best day to try to get tickets?
I think it depends on the holiday. I’m going to give it a go early Christmas morning, under the impression that most people would prefer to sleep in and deal with the usual morning traditions rather than sit outside in the cold at 6am.
I don't think there is in fact a performance that day, I could be wrong through.
Their schedule is different for Christmas week. They have a 7pm show on Christmas day, two shows Tuesday AND Wednesday (2pm & 8pm), Thursday at 7pm, Friday at 8pm and Saturday at 2pm & 8pm. No show New Year's Eve.
ACL2006 said: "Their schedule is different for Christmas week. They have a 7pm show on Christmas day, two shows Tuesday AND Wednesday (2pm & 8pm), Thursday at 7pm, Friday at 8pm and Saturday at 2pm & 8pm. No show New Year's Eve."
Exactly. They’re one of a handful of shows that will have evening performances on Christmas.
Curious if anyone rushed CFA today and what time they got there. Trying to rush tomorrow
Broadway Star Joined: 7/28/13
Megsamegatron said: "Curious if anyone rushed CFA today and what time they got there. Trying to rush tomorrow"
I doubt there's any correlation between Christmas morning and the morning after.
Bonus points to anyone rushing this week. Extra crowded and temps in the single digits in the morning. Good luck to all & bundle up!
Swing Joined: 3/17/17
I just rushed this morning. Man at the front wanted 5 seats for the evening show. He switched on and off with his son, and at 9:40pm his daughter came and joined them. Total BS.
Then the next 4 in front of me wanted 2 each for the matinee, leaving me the final 2 matinee seats. It was cold and snowing lightly. I arrived at roughly 7:40. They let us in the box office area at 9:50, and tickets started at 10 on the nose. There were many more people than available seats/SRO by the time the box office opened.
So all in all the wait wasn't bad, especially foe the time of the year, but as has been the theme for me all week it's been bloody cold!