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Company Closing Sunday - anyone else going?- Page 4

Company Closing Sunday - anyone else going?

Katecab99 Profile Photo
#75re: Company Closing Sunday - anyone else going?
Posted: 6/28/07 at 5:12pm

as for me, i have 2 other friends who said they would take the tickets. although i have a feeling i'm not going to be getting much better seats by rushing unless i get there at some truly obscene hour of the morning. i'm probably better off sticking to what i've got.

obsessedjb Profile Photo
#76re: Company Closing Sunday - anyone else going?
Posted: 6/28/07 at 5:27pm

ok so a friend was going to go on sunday but she has a family emergency (luckily she has already seen it) and won't make it back in time to see it so I'm taking her ticket and now I have an extra orchestra row m..if anyone wants it PM me
Updated On: 6/28/07 at 05:27 PM

luvtheEmcee Profile Photo
#77re: Company Closing Sunday - anyone else going?
Posted: 6/28/07 at 5:36pm

12 and 1 tomorrow? Ugh. I shouldn't complain, but I really don't want to sit around for five freaking hours. I mean, it's the very end so I'll do what I have to do, but argh.

A work of art is an invitation to love.

#78re: Company Closing Sunday - anyone else going?
Posted: 6/28/07 at 6:36pm

I wish I could be there. I loved Company, and there's nothing like a final performance, bittersweet and all.
I remember the finale for Thoroughly Modern Millie, met a lot of fellow fans at the stage door, as well as most of the creative team, which is quite rare. This Sunday I'll be on LBI to see the final performance of TMM at The Surflight (Ashleigh Davidson is a terrific Millie!).
Be with you in spirit!

CyCoSpAz2 Profile Photo
#79re: Company Closing Sunday - anyone else going?
Posted: 6/30/07 at 9:33pm

I just bought my tickets... I will be in the Rear Mezz, but I have been dying to see the show since it opened, and it is my last chance.

luvtheEmcee Profile Photo
#80re: Company Closing Sunday - anyone else going?
Posted: 6/30/07 at 9:47pm

I can't believe it's tomorrow. I feel like it just began...

A work of art is an invitation to love.
Updated On: 6/30/07 at 09:47 PM

#81re: Company Closing Sunday - anyone else going?
Posted: 6/30/07 at 9:55pm

The recording is making me feel a tiny bit better, but yeah - this week went by really really fast.

Safe travels to all those coming from far and wide for tomorrow's performance re: Company Closing Sunday - anyone else going?

The morning star always gets wonderful bright the minute before it has to go --doesn't it?

ben1986 Profile Photo
#82re: Company Closing Sunday - anyone else going?
Posted: 6/30/07 at 9:59pm

Again from what I was told at the box office tomorrow there is not rush. I'll be there though rear mezz!

jg65662 Profile Photo
#83re: Company Closing Sunday - anyone else going?
Posted: 6/30/07 at 10:41pm

Wait a minute, there is no rush for the last show? Was anyone else told this as well?

ben1986 Profile Photo
#84re: Company Closing Sunday - anyone else going?
Posted: 6/30/07 at 10:51pm

I went to the box today and asked, they told no rush!

#85re: Company Closing Sunday - anyone else going?
Posted: 6/30/07 at 10:59pm

They had been toying with that option for a few weeks. But I guess today they finally just told people flat out that there is definitely no rush. But if you want to go, the tickets you will get are probably rush price anyway, since they are rear mezz. So its basically the same thing

The morning star always gets wonderful bright the minute before it has to go --doesn't it?

orangeskittles Profile Photo
#86re: Company Closing Sunday - anyone else going?
Posted: 6/30/07 at 11:10pm

Actually, someone asked the day the posting notice was closed and the box office said there would be no rush for the final show then. Their answer has been consistent all along, it's the "fans" that have been holding out delusional hope for a few weeks.

Like a firework unexploded
Wanting life but never knowing how
Updated On: 6/30/07 at 11:10 PM

jg65662 Profile Photo
#87re: Company Closing Sunday - anyone else going?
Posted: 6/30/07 at 11:27pm

Has anyone sat in the rear mezzanine for the show yet? Damn it, I was counting on rushing it like I did for all the other ones but maybe I'll see if tkts has anything before I check the box office at 12.

ben1986 Profile Photo
#88re: Company Closing Sunday - anyone else going?
Posted: 6/30/07 at 11:27pm

I asked about the $36 tickets for my roommate and the man today told me that they were all out.

jg65662 Profile Photo
#89re: Company Closing Sunday - anyone else going?
Posted: 6/30/07 at 11:34pm

Oh no! I had planned to go, If I knew there was no rush I would have bought tickets before hand. I hope tkts have some left.

luvtheEmcee Profile Photo
#90re: Company Closing Sunday - anyone else going?
Posted: 6/30/07 at 11:35pm

No, no one's ever been in the rear mezzanine. Oy.

Seriously, the view from up there is fine. Great, actually. I honestly think the show is best seen from the mezzanine.

A work of art is an invitation to love.

keen on kean Profile Photo
keen on kean
#91re: Company Closing Sunday - anyone else going?
Posted: 6/30/07 at 11:41pm

Walked by the theater this afternoon to pick up my tickets for tomorrow and lingered long enough at the box office window to hear a beautiful final few bars of "Someone is Waiting." No problem with the last high note this afternoon!

jg65662 Profile Photo
#92re: Company Closing Sunday - anyone else going?
Posted: 6/30/07 at 11:44pm

I'm sorry, I didn't mean to sound like no one has ever sat there before, I just wanted to know what the view was like from there cause I haven't sat there yet.

Well, I guess since rush is off, I will have to see what tickets are left at tkts or the box office....hopefully there will be something.

luvtheEmcee Profile Photo
#93re: Company Closing Sunday - anyone else going?
Posted: 6/30/07 at 11:48pm

If you haven't ever seen it from above, all the more reason to go up there for your last chance. You should experience it that way once. re: Company Closing Sunday - anyone else going?

I'm super-irritable. I want to crawl into a hole and pretend that tomorrow is not tomorrow.

A work of art is an invitation to love.

jg65662 Profile Photo
#94re: Company Closing Sunday - anyone else going?
Posted: 6/30/07 at 11:53pm

It's ok, I understand! :)

I will def be up there tomorrow then (somehow, ha)

Katecab99 Profile Photo
#95re: Company Closing Sunday - anyone else going?
Posted: 6/30/07 at 11:54pm

totally understood. i'm excited for the show on one hand, but i'm dreading the end on the other. re: Company Closing Sunday - anyone else going? Updated On: 6/30/07 at 11:54 PM

Sondheim Geek Profile Photo
Sondheim Geek
#96re: Company Closing Sunday - anyone else going?
Posted: 6/30/07 at 11:57pm

I'm so in denial that my "list of things that will go wrong on Sunday" list now has - "You will be so deep in denial, you will actually not show up for the performance" as #1.

SondheimGeek: Is it slightly pathetic that you guys get to be Jedi bitches, and I'm Bitchy the Hutt?
LizzieCurry: No, you're more memorable

luvtheEmcee Profile Photo
#97re: Company Closing Sunday - anyone else going?
Posted: 7/1/07 at 12:07am

I'm excited because closing shows are incredible. There's all of this great energy and love and appreciation. Those two and a half hours will be so full of joy, I know it. It's the downfall after, when it finally dawns on you that it's over that I'm not looking forward to.

A work of art is an invitation to love.

keen on kean Profile Photo
keen on kean
#98re: Company Closing Sunday - anyone else going?
Posted: 7/1/07 at 9:53am

Ah, the final day - truly a sorry/grateful Sunday.

luvtheEmcee Profile Photo
#99re: Company Closing Sunday - anyone else going?
Posted: 7/1/07 at 10:29am

I feel like I got off that plane in Cincinnati so much less than a year plus ago. It's funny, my stomach feels the same way today that it did then. We end right where it was that we began, I suppose.

A work of art is an invitation to love.
