Not giving a standing ovation doesn't mean they didn't enjoy themselves. Not everyone feels the need to give a standing ovation to everything. If anything, Roundabout shows tend to have older audiences (especially in the front orchestra where the subscribers generally sit) who are more likely to award standing ovations only in very special circumstances.
Regarding the Will Chase line, I've never heard that before so I presume it was ad libbed.
I also find that the front orchestra is the last to stand if at all, for some reasons being that they feel that they are blocking the view for others or simply do not know how many other people in the back/mezz are also standing and don't want to be alone. Sounds silly, but just some theories.
Datchery: Helena
Murderer: Rosa
Lovers: Neville + Helena
So excited to FINALLY have seen Helena/Neville as the lovers. Just as funny as I imagined and probably more so. The makeout session at the end caused gasps from my area of the audience.
1/27/13 (didn't know if it was reported yet):
Datchery: Bazzard
Murderer: Puffer
Lovers: Helena & Neville (ahhh amazing)
Jasper came in second place for murderer. HUH?! Haven't been following this thread too closely... Has he ever been voted murderer?
Broadway Legend Joined: 12/5/04
He has not. He usually doesn't even come close. The Chairman, if you'll recall, pretty much discourages the audience for voting for him as too obvious a choice: "Where, then, the mystery?". He even repeats that phrase. Doesn't matter all that much, I suppose, since we see Jasper's "confession" anyway.
He hasn't been voted the lover, either.
And I wouldn't be suprised if they never "allow" it to happen and just go with the 2nd place winner.
When I saw the show, when a few people started to vote for him, the actor tallying the score said, "have you NO imagination?".
I don't know if anyone knows this, but does anyone know anything more about the Jasper/Helena lovers ending? I know it's never been selected, but someone asked Betsy Wolfe on Twitter about a Rosa/Helena ending and she said something to the effect of that if you want that, you should vote Jasper/Helena and you'd be in for a surprise.
I am pretty intrigued to say the least, though I doubt they will ever actually win.
Oh, also worth noting that Alison Cimmet was on for Puffer again last night. Dunno if Chita is sick or what.
I know Jasper is discouraged. There were so many in my section who voted for him and our ensemble member said something to the effect of, "Clearly you weren't paying attention." I imagine that the board outside doesn't lie, and it goes back to the "is the vote rigged" question. Perhaps there is a special scenario in that case, however.
Does anyone know if the lovers' scenes were totally rewritten for this production? If not, anyone have an old script handy to see the Jasper/Helena scenario?
I have the prompt book in front of me:
The dialogue involves Rosa confused between the "two Johns": the one she feared and the one that was "hidden behind his eyes". She asks which is he.
His response is the one that loves her.
Broadway Legend Joined: 12/5/04
Awww. So sweet. Thanks Dramamama.
HeyMrMusic was asking about Jasper/Helena, though, and I'm curious too. Also, what the hey, while you're at it, howzabout Jasper/Puffer?
Jasper/Helena: She tells him about all the evil he attempted which makes him the most fascinating & attractive guy ever!
Puffer tempts him with the idea that sooner or later he will relapse and need her opium.
Broadway Legend Joined: 12/5/04
Now I really want to see Jasper/Helena. With Will and Jessie, that would be hysterical.
Thanks so much.
Oh man, now I want to see Jasper/Helena too. Too bad! I wish maybe Roundabout could do a fun little video of some of the really funny endings that were never performed? Maybe?
Swing Joined: 1/30/13
I would have thought Jasper wanted to be picked the way he was rallying for votes. We saw the show last Friday and it was a very outspoken show. The cast was talking to us from the stage the entire time and so I asked Jasper/Will who to vote for and he would in turn thumbs down or thumbs up whoever I pointed to then when it came turn to him he begged for us to vote for him. He looked pretty anxious to be chosen and even told the counter that we voted for him over 15 times so he would get chosen....she ignored him. I mean, I knew the show was interactive but this was just too funny of a night...
Understudy Joined: 9/29/09
Last night (1/29)
Datchery: Helena Landless
Murderer: Rosa Bud
Lovers: Helena & Neville Landless (hilar!)
1/30/13 (evening)
Datchery: Bazzard
Murderer: DURDLES!!!!
Lovers: Helena and Neville
Possibly the funniest performance and ending I've ever seen. Was anyone else there tonight!?
Broadway Legend Joined: 3/15/07
The funniest part of tonight was when the parasol was dropped and fell into the audience. Betsy's in character reaction was priceless.
We should all try to go all at once one night so we can scream/rig/encourage the Jasper/Helena paring. lol
I dunno, Helena/Neville might have been the best for me, aside from the sheer GLEE on Robert Creighton's face when he won.
I mean, the dancing around with capes and scarves, the wild makeout session, the awkward unintentionally lewd hand gestures from Mr. Karl that led to a bit of confusion in my section about what he was doing...
Broadway Legend Joined: 3/15/07
I've seen the Helena/Neville before. It was just as funny, but lost that "surprise" element. However, she didn't to the face covering and he didn't mock her last time. I do adore these two.
Hand gestures? I didn't notice that! I just kept noticing Betsy making faces at them.
2 questions for those that were there tonight. 1, since Durdles won, did he still do the bit right after Jasper's confession? "I saw who it was...convenient flash of lightning..."
2, how was Janine Divita as Drood??
Broadway Legend Joined: 3/15/07
Durdles did the exact same speech, but instead of saying a name at the end he just screamed "ME!!!!!!" He was great, but it makes the speech worthless. How did he see the murderer's face if it was his own? Oh well, I'm being picky and it's only the 2nd time in history Durdles was murderer.
Janine Divita was...fine. She wasn't bad by any means. She seemed to be rushing through all her lines and not even trying to find the humor. Her "actress/diva freakout" in act two was funnier, even though the stuffed dog wasn't as funny as Stephanie's real dog. She did her own thing vocally which was nice to see and she has quite a lovely voice. My only real issue with her is she never truly had a commanding stage presence that I feel the character needs.
Awww! I wish I could have been there. I LOVE Robert Creighton. He is definitely an unsung hero in this production. I think his comedic timing is excellent, and he is SO lovable on stage as Durdles. And...he has a beautiful voice! He's tops! Seriously.
I love the idea of a bunch of us going one night. I would love to see if we can get Rosa as Datchery. I would LOVE to see that. And preferably before Betsy Wolfe leaves...LOL. But that might not happen. I wish I was there that night she did it!
Anyway, tonight sounded like a great night! Was Chita in?
Both Chita and Stephanie were out. I thought Alison Cimmet and Janine DiVita acquitted themselves nicely. Janine looked great in the costumes and her diva scene was definitely really, really funny.
What was fascinating to watch was how they restaged a lot of the dance numbers because of being short one girl. The "Moonfall Quartet" tonight, for example, was just Jessie Mueller and Betsy Wolfe so really not a quartet at all, and the Opium Den Ballet was different as well, with Rosa incorporated into more of the choreography at the end.
This is definitely the type of show where you could have fun noticing differences like that, due to repeated viewings....LOL!