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Darren Criss sings "Something's Coming" from WEST SIDE STORY on Glee!- Page 2

Darren Criss sings "Something's Coming" from WEST SIDE STORY on Glee!

#25Darren Criss sings
Posted: 9/23/11 at 5:28pm

Per the vocal coach, speaking on THE GLEE PROJECT, they often get just a couple of hours to learn a song and lay down the vocal track. I have no idea why; it seems to me the cast is big enough that everyone should have some free time to learn their songs.

Exactly- it's super super fast paced... I think part of it may be that they often get the scripts pretty last minute too, and they obviously have to have the tracks down before they start filming the episode, so it wouldn't surprise me if they do get the scripts and then are called in to do the vocals later that day or something.

Anyway, yeah, Darren's definitely not quite at that "flawless, super trained Broadway voice" level, but in a way I kind of like that about him.. I dunno, there's just something about the bit of roughness/imperfection in his voice that I find refreshing. It gives it a little bit more character to me, I guess?

But I do also think he gets better and better with songs the more he does them, so if he'd had more time with this one he could probably have gotten it pretty polished :)

I don't need a life that's normal. That's way too far away. But something next to normal would be okay. Something next to normal is what I'd like to try. Close enough to normal to get by.
Updated On: 9/23/11 at 05:28 PM

#26Darren Criss sings
Posted: 9/23/11 at 5:50pm

Off all the boys on the show, Criss has by far the best vocals. We all know Glee is auto-tuned beyond belief, I wouldn't really judge him until he's done a week in How To Succeed.
I watch Glee, I'm by no means a super fan gleek, but that said, if the show serves as a introduction to get more kids interested in theatre and gets them buying tickets to shows, then it's all good with me. I don't think the show is the monstrosity people like to jump on the band wagon and think it is.

#27Darren Criss sings
Posted: 9/23/11 at 6:27pm

I am not entralled with Glee. I have watched it on occasion but I just can not catch the Glee "fever". My age must be showing. However, when someone linked some YouTube performances of Darren Criss, I listened and was perplexed at what the big fuss about his vocal talent was. I found his voice thin and irritating. I listened to "Something's Coming" to see if I had misjudged him. While definitely an improvement with all the studio help, this young man has nothing vocally that I find exceptional other than what I would term a moderately pleasant singing voice. I would not pay to go to HTSIBusiness to hear him sing.
Updated On: 9/23/11 at 06:27 PM

#28Darren Criss sings
Posted: 9/23/11 at 6:55pm

I think that Criss's zeal appeal was from the first episode when he covered Katy Perry's " Teenage Dream" . It was an infectious song, he had great screen charisma, the camera shots were close-up, quick and edited to give him the star treatment. It didn't hurt that Colfer's character had butterflies and was swooning over him. If you examine that clip closely, the guy has two left feet, let alone an average voice. It's all about timing and marketing. Not that he's without talent, but I'll be curious how many fans go to see How To Succeed.

#29Darren Criss sings
Posted: 9/23/11 at 7:15pm

I'm just kind of curious... are people commenting in here mostly just going off of Darren's Glee songs? I personally think he sounds best totally live, and quite of a few of the Glee songs have been way overproduced to the point where I think they make his voice sound weaker than it is, so that's why I'm wondering :)

Like I said, I totally recognize that he's not the best singer ever but I just personally adore the tone of his voice. I could listen to it all day. There's a brightness and sultry-ness about it that I find really appealing.

I do think he sounds his best with songs that have a bit more of a jazz flavor, though. Like this:
I think he sounds fantastic on.

I don't need a life that's normal. That's way too far away. But something next to normal would be okay. Something next to normal is what I'd like to try. Close enough to normal to get by.
Updated On: 9/23/11 at 07:15 PM

#30Darren Criss sings
Posted: 9/23/11 at 7:40pm

I thought Criss' "Teenage Dream" with the male chorus was brilliant. And I'm of the age where I might never hear a Katy Perry song otherwise. So it's not just the children who are hearing new types of music on the show.

I still think Criss' "Something's Coming" is astonishingly mediocre, but before we criticize it further, perhaps we should all listen to Chris Colfer sing "I'm the Greatest Star."

WTF?! I think Colfer's voice is very interesting, but instead of even trying to find reasonable songs for him to sing, they insist on giving him women's power ballads that force him to sing falsetto in places where he lacks the necessary power.

Colfer's "I'm the Greatest Star" is the Special Olympics version of FUNNY GIRL: it's "not bad for a boy"!

Ryan Murphy has some sort of hard on for the transgendered, which is fine with me, except he doesn't actually go there. He just makes gay boys sing girls' songs. But not interesting choices of girls' songs. (Those who watched THE GLEE PROJECT know exactly what I mean.)

#31Darren Criss sings
Posted: 9/23/11 at 7:41pm

(Board error resulted in duplicate post.) Updated On: 9/23/11 at 07:41 PM

#32Darren Criss sings
Posted: 9/23/11 at 7:57pm

haha, it's funny with Chris's voice- when he's actually given the right songs to sing, I think he sounds angelic and so beautiful (I Want To Hold Your Hand, Blackbird, Pure Imagination, as a few examples). But then they keep giving him all these womens' songs to sing and it's like... just because he can technically hit the notes doesn't mean it's where his voice sounds best, especially not now that it's dropped quite a bit!

He CAN go low quite effectively, actually, and that's where is voice gets a really lovely full tone, so I'm not sure why they don't make better use of that.

That's why I tend to love his duets with Lea, because when they sing together Lea handles the higher stuff that really needs a strong girls' voice to sound right, and Chris does the lower harmonies that really fit his voice well.

But yeah, Chris has some of the best showmanship on the show imo, so I'm excited to see the performance even if the song just wasn't right for him vocally :)

I don't need a life that's normal. That's way too far away. But something next to normal would be okay. Something next to normal is what I'd like to try. Close enough to normal to get by.

best12bars Profile Photo
#33Darren Criss sings
Posted: 9/23/11 at 8:03pm

After reading through all these posts, I have to agree that you can't get everything out of a recording, especially if the performance wasn't intended to be just an audio version of the song.

As a "recording artist," I stand by my assessment of his voice as my opinion. But it's only an opinion of THIS recording, not everything he's ever sung. I started my post by saying I didn't watch Glee, so that gives you the perspective.

I also realize that we've had major musical talents who didn't have great voices. Most of them (not all) were character actors, like Mostel, Channing, Stritch. They could stop a show, but it wasn't with "vocal prowess." It was with star quality.

I suppose you could even listen to classic film stars like Fred & Ginger and Ruby Keeler and say their voices were fairly ordinary. I guess I like to distinguish between someone who is a "singer" and someone with a "good voice." I could compare it to a violinist who may own a Stradivarius, but not be a good violinist.

This may start another argument, but I always thought Whitney Houston had an incredible voice, but I thought she was, for the most part, a lousy singer. She could hit "wow" notes, and had incredible range and control. But I got zero emotion from her power-belting. The only time I really liked her was in the innocuous but fun up-tempo songs, like "I Wanna Dance With Somebody." It didn't demand an emotional range, and she was pretty spectacular as a result. But all those "heart thumping" ballads made me cringe, because I thought she was an emotional void.

On the other side of the coin ...

There are stars who I would say didn't have great voices (Fred, Ruby, Ginger), but they WERE good singers. All three could sell a song for all its worth. Fred, in particular, had remarkable timing (not surprising), and his phrasing, particularly on a swing number was as good as Ella's or Bing's. They had better "instruments," though.

So it's how you measure it, really. Darren Criss may be able to "sell" a number. He may be charming and have "star quality." I don't watch the show, so I can't comment on that. I can only listen to this recording of "Something's Coming" and hear that he doesn't have a great voice. No Stradivarius there. And if this were to be released on a CD, I would say he's not even a good singer. I'm not pulled into it emotionally. He's just hitting notes.

"Jaws is the Citizen Kane of movies."
blocked: logan2, Diamonds3, Hamilton22

#34Darren Criss sings
Posted: 9/23/11 at 8:30pm

I watched every episode of "The Glee Project" and enjoyed it. Ryan Murphy made me feel uncomfortable, as my thoughts often drifted, as he evaluated the contestants (especially the males), to "I wonder what he's thinking about those guys besides their performance?"... I am no prude, but he gave me a creepy feeling when he looked "through" those young men. There was,IMHO, something chicken hawkishly attendant in the whole thing. Not saying that it was present...but it is just something there that I could not quite help but question.

#35Darren Criss sings
Posted: 9/23/11 at 8:55pm

I agree with every word of best12's remarks 2 posts up.

I also agree with this from sni89:

"haha, it's funny with Chris's voice- when he's actually given the right songs to sing, I think he sounds angelic and so beautiful (I Want To Hold Your Hand, Blackbird, Pure Imagination, as a few examples)."

I wish the show would do more with exploring what a counter-tenor (using the term loosely) can do with various types of music and less with Kurt's cliche mimicking of Broadway divas. (That being said, his "Judy Garland" on "Happy Days Are Here Again/Get Happy" was divine!)

I don't know about the "chicken hawk" aspect of Ryan Murphy (also not saying it wasn't there), but quite frankly I thought the entire staff (except the choreographer) came off quite badly on THE GLEE PROJECT. It's probably affecting my viewing of GLEE.

#36Darren Criss sings
Posted: 9/23/11 at 9:13pm

Darren Criss may be able to "sell" a number. He may be charming and have "star quality." I don't watch the show, so I can't comment on that

Just for the record, I do think that's a LOT of his appeal- he's just really dang charming, and just has such an energy about him when he performs that, for a lot of people, it's really infectious :)

I do totally get what you mean about Something's Coming not really having much emotional connection to it, but again I'd probably chalk that a lot up to the fact that they just don't get much time at all TO get into the songs they do for the show. I think they just do it so quick that a lot of times they have to kind of go in to the studio, hit the notes, and be done, you know?

In general, watching videos from his concerts and stuff, I've never felt an emotional disconnect at all when he sings. Though I guess it's kind of hard for me to tell at this point if that's my bias and love of his voice/music speaking or not haha

But, just to throw out an example if you're curious at all to see something more from him, here's him doing a song from A Very Potter Sequel which he wrote. It's a parody so the lyrics are obviously a little cheeky/silly, but I actually find it a really beautiful song, and feel like he really sells the emotion of it (even though, as he explains, it's meant to be sung by a girl):

So if you feel like checking it out and seeing what you think, awesome, if not that's cool too :)

But yeah, I do completely see how Something's Coming was pretty much just him singing the words, so I can see how it would be a let down if you're looking at it from the standpoint of if it were an actual legitimate performance placed in the context of West Side Story.

But hey, it is supposed to be a high school kid singing the song for an audition, so from that perspective, I don't think it's too bad :)

I don't need a life that's normal. That's way too far away. But something next to normal would be okay. Something next to normal is what I'd like to try. Close enough to normal to get by.
Updated On: 9/23/11 at 09:13 PM

#37Darren Criss sings
Posted: 9/23/11 at 9:26pm

IMHO, lack of prep time may excuse the young singers (most of whom are in their teens or early 20s), but it doesn't excuse the show.

Particularly given the age of most of the cast (I can see assuming that Matthew Morrison has sung "Maria" before and should be able to pull it off with little notice), I think the show should be better organized.

Even if a script isn't finished, they should be able to identify which songs will be sung a week or even two weeks in advance. That way the performer could run through the number with the vocal coach and then take it home to work on in his/her spare time.

And, yes, I realize the premise is that somehow everyone in this glee club learns and performs one or two new songs every week. (When I was in high school, only the half-dozen obsessed theater queens--nobody you'd know--could have done that. Putting together a review took six to eight weeks.) But I don't think bad singing is the way this show should create "realism".

#38Darren Criss sings
Posted: 9/23/11 at 10:03pm

It's funny because I think Chris Colfer would sound fantastic singing "Something's Coming." It's actually appropriate for his range.

Jimmy, what are you doing here in the middle of the night? It's almost 9 PM!

#39Darren Criss sings
Posted: 9/23/11 at 10:27pm

I see no reason why we need 18 GLEE threads, so can we note that the clip of Lea Michelle and Idina Menzel singing "Somewhere" has been released?

And, yes, as predicted by others, the key has been lowered so that they can belt it. Of course it isn't Maria's number anyway, so who knows why Rachel Berry is singing it? (It appears her birth mother--played again by Idina Menzel--appears as a ghost to lend moral support and sing harmony.)

Here's my idea for a GLEE episode: McKinley offers a new course entitled "How to Choose Appropriate Audition Material".

Kurt and Rachel are forced to take the class twice.

#40Darren Criss sings
Posted: 9/23/11 at 10:46pm

I already commented on it, but I cannot believe how much they screwed up "Somewhere." Wow. It is awful and indulgent.

That's a good point about it not being Maria's song, too.

Jimmy, what are you doing here in the middle of the night? It's almost 9 PM!

PalJoey Profile Photo
#41Darren Criss sings
Posted: 9/24/11 at 12:00am

Actually, I think Lenny would have loved Darren Criss's "Something's Coming."

E.Davis Profile Photo
#42Darren Criss sings
Posted: 9/24/11 at 2:20am

I love how they turned "Somewhere" into a 80's power ballad. With a very obnoxious and cliched bass beat.

"I think lying to children is really important, it sets them off on the right track" -Sherie Rene Scott-

JustAGuy Profile Photo
#43Darren Criss sings
Posted: 9/24/11 at 2:21am

Changing the subject...just a bit. Have any of you listened to Criss's "It's Not Unusual"? Throughout a good deal of the number he sings "it's not unJusual" and it just drives me crazy, I can't believe no one told him this when they were laying down the tracks.

Where in the world does that "J" come from?

Listen to it...and tell me I'm not hearing things.

"Just a Guy. Your feelings are touching. I am gladdened by the thought that you will one day wind up 6 feet under as we all do." - MrRoxy ------ "I do not suggest you walk out the door onto a New York street with your vulnerable child part exposed and not protected..." - Jason Bennett

best12bars Profile Photo
#44Darren Criss sings
Posted: 9/24/11 at 8:14am

LOL Yep, it's there. I'd say for most of us, the "j" in "unusual" is silent. Very weird.

Maybe he's being antisemitic in a cute, sexy, fun, subliminal way. :0)

"Jaws is the Citizen Kane of movies."
blocked: logan2, Diamonds3, Hamilton22
Updated On: 9/24/11 at 08:14 AM

My Oh My Profile Photo
My Oh My
#45Darren Criss sings
Posted: 9/24/11 at 11:50am

Wow, I think BwyWorld is definitely NOT the place for fair assessment of a song cover, lol.

I don't like nor dislike Glee because I've seen exactly 10 min. worth of the show, which was cute.

That cover as a whole is good. The dude's voice isn't "Broadway" but that could be a good thing as people tend to get spooked by crazy Broadway vibratos which come across differently on film than they do on stage.

One thing I HIGHLY praise Glee, for the most part, NOT adapting the Broadway songs they use on their show and honoring them by using in most all cases their original orchestrations. Bravo! That's when I know they are truly interested in promoting or at least respecting the integrity of Broadway musicals instead of throwing a Mackintosh and "tricking" them with "modern" sounds of trash.

Recreation of original John Cameron orchestration to "On My Own" by yours truly. Click player below to hear.

#46Darren Criss sings
Posted: 9/24/11 at 11:58am

PalJoey, are you making a droll reference to Mr. Bernstein's sexual tastes?

'Cause if not, huh?

#47Darren Criss sings
Posted: 9/24/11 at 12:27pm

My Oh My: You should probably listen to "Somewhere" before saying that...

Jimmy, what are you doing here in the middle of the night? It's almost 9 PM!

My Oh My Profile Photo
My Oh My
#48Darren Criss sings
Posted: 9/24/11 at 12:50pm

^ *Gulp*

Did they lower it to Mackintosh levels? Yipes.

Recreation of original John Cameron orchestration to "On My Own" by yours truly. Click player below to hear.

darquegk Profile Photo
#49Darren Criss sings
Posted: 9/24/11 at 1:32pm

I don't quite remember it enough to be sure, but that "Somewhere" might be a cover not of the Broadway version, but of Phil Collins's cover of the song in the Eighties.

(I personally wish they did the Tom Waits version.)
