Passion - applause for your crazy papparazzi skills, haha.
JP2 - YAY! Just curious, what precisely are we in agreement on? Haha.
Is Becca Tobin still in the cast? and did she ever go on as Sherrie?
Broadway Star Joined: 10/10/07
Yes, Becca is still in the cast, and as far as I know she has not gone on as Sherrie.
JP2 - YAY! Just curious, what precisely are we in agreement on? Haha.
"I remember seeing it on TV, while I was in a Broadway/theatre/life slump and thought, "what is this craziness? And who is that hysterical oddly adorable man" (referring to Mitchell Jarvis)
I went back and watched it when I actually got into the show while youtubing and was like "Oh my God!! That was it!!" Haha. "
Oh. ^_^
Just bumping through.
P.s. I wonder what happened with The Audition video. You can't get to it on YouTube which means it's either been made private or its been taken down.
Could it be because people were complaining?
^^ According to Wesley Taylor's facebook, the video was switched to private.
"The Audition" has been officially set to private. We're sorry if we offended anyone.
I guess there were too many complaints. He also responded to someone's comment about the video being offensive.
we have to be able to laugh at things that are painful. ive always believed that. i am sorry if i offended anyone.
Updated On: 11/4/09 at 04:48 PM
Aw, he can be such a lamb. Haha.
That's a shame that so many people got bent out of shape about it.
Seriously people? Like its a JOKE. Chill out..
That's redic that he had to set it to private.
I didn't even have a chance to save that one, but thank Vista for snipping tool, haha.
Does anyone know of any new discount codes for a performance that goes up to December 20th? I know I asked earlier and someone gave me the code "ROAMSS" but of course my family waited to long to get tickets so there are no more available discounts with that code for December 20th. Are there any others that I would be able to use? Thanks!
ROATIX is the only one I know and it's only good til 11/22. I haven't seen any that go farther than that.
New tweet from ROA
"Tickets for the Broadway production of ROCK OF AGES are now on sale through Sunday, September 12, 2010!"
Well, this is great news for the show!!! Do you think they've recouped their investment yet??
Aw, yay!
I just wonder how many cast members will stick with it to the end. I have high hopes :0)
Didn't most of them just sign for another year? I think even Kerri wants to stay longer.
I had a blast on Thursday.
It was, however, the first time I wanted to clock someone for trying to talk louder than the music. Is it that important that it can't wait until intermission, dude?? Also the girls next to me had their phones ringing and they were texting. GAH!!!
Kerry and Tom have about 5 months left on their contracts. The rest of the cast is signed on until the summer (September?).
Oh Blue I feel your pain - when I went on the 15th I was with a group from my college. Two of the girls on the trip were texting and chatting the ENTIRE time, I was going to throw them right off the mezz.
Then there was an obnxously loud man, who was so bad at holding his alcohol I mistook him for being mentally challenged. He came in from intermission 5 minutes late having a full on conversation with his wife, so loud I couldn't hear the show. Everyone was shushing him which only made him shout out "AW SHUT THE F***UP!!" Until someone called him a fatty. I thought I was about to witness a murder.
JP2 - That's good news :0)
The girls next to me did not drink at all during the show, just text. The obnoxious man and party, who knows.
lol, on your obnoxious man.
I hope to go back to see the show again in January.
Seeing Emily as Sherrie today. I'm actually quite excited. I'll post my thoughts later tonight. :)
Emily Padgett was Ah mah zing. So good I'm actually seeing her again tonight!!
Double Rock of Ages in one day??
Hoe do you people have these resources!?!?
Lol starstruck i was thinkin the same thing
especially people who see like 5 shows a week
Broadway Star Joined: 10/10/07
Emily blew me away today. I wasn't sure what to expect, but I absolutely loved her.
Broadway Legend Joined: 12/10/04
wait, this show is now selling tix till next labor day? Damn.
>>>Hoe do you people have these resources!?!?
I think you need to make friends with the box office employees.
I might even try it soon :)
Broadway Star Joined: 10/10/07
Lotto and Rush... nothing special, is how I have resources. I figure some people spend their money on going out drinking on the weekends, or fancy clothes, shoes, etc... I spend my extra on broadway. There are worse things I could spend it on.