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Embarassing Encounters!

#0Embarassing Encounters!
Posted: 7/9/04 at 11:11pm

Has anyone been embarassed by something they or someone else said while at a stagedoor?

I took my mom to Wicked and she informed Idina we were from her home town (which Idina has said was bad.) and then asked Kristin to flip her hair. I preteneded I wasn't related to her and hid my head.

On a clear day I can see myself for miles ~Taboo

JoizeyActor Profile Photo
#1re: Embarassing Encounters!
Posted: 7/9/04 at 11:18pm

Haha. This didn't happen to me personally, but my friend and her parents went to see Sly Fox. Well, they were waiting at the Stage Door and Rachel York came out.

Well, my friend's mother thought that Rachel was actually Elizabeth Berkely. And she said: "It's Jessie!" Then she continued on her 'rampage' and started to sing 'I'm so excited!' I don't know if any of you are familiar with Elizabeth, but there was one episode in Saved By The Bell where her character Jesse is taking pills to stay away and she starts to sing that song emotionally and then breaks down. Well, my friend's mom continued to sing the song like she did in the show, and Rachel York had to inform her that she was not Elizabeth Berkely. My friend said she was horrified.

I would have been.

Another moment, which didn't happen to me, but was strange, was when I saw Little Shop for the first time. There was this crazy old man outside the stage door who kept telling EACH person in the cast of Little Shop if they had seen The Producers, and that they should be in that show. I was embarassed for him. He told them all that they should be in The Producers.

--- Strange thing is: Hunter Foster has moved to The Producers! Go figure. Maybe the crazy old man was a casting agent, haha.

Mamie Profile Photo
#2re: Embarassing Encounters!
Posted: 7/9/04 at 11:26pm

Not so funny to me ....

I USED to be a fan of a certain actor. I found a photo of this actor on the Internet in the role he was currently playing on Broadway. When I was able to go to the show, I printed the photo on my little home printer and took it with me. I stood at the stage door after the show and when he came out I handed it to him and asked him if he would autograph it for me.

Well, he looked at the photo and hit the roof (at least he would have hit a roof if we'd been indoors). He said, VERY loudly, that the photo was illegal and I had no right to have it and he was taking it with him. And that's exactly what he did. He took the picture, spun around and walked quickly down the street - leaving me and other autograph seekers standing there. I've got to tell you - even though I wasn't the one who took that damned photo, I was still horribly embarrassed. Everyone there stared at me like I was some kind of murderer. I just wanted the sidewalk to open up and swallow me.

Needless to say, that guy lost a fan that evening.
A click for life.
mamie4 5/14/03

Gypsy2 Profile Photo
#3re: Embarassing Encounters!
Posted: 7/9/04 at 11:26pm

Well, every single time I've ever met with Eden Espinosa (which I think is 6 times), I've always made an idiot out of myself. Let me see, the first time I told her I didn't see the show but heard Defying Gravity from the lobby and thought she was great. Then I almost fell on her while trying to squish in the picture with her, my sister, my friend and HER sister.

Second time, I was on my way to my acting class and decided to stop over at the stagedoor. The show hadn't ended yet, and Eden came out and I got REALLY fangirl-y and excited, which scared the cr*p out of her because no one really knew who she was yet. Then I started rambling about wanting to make her a website, sounding really dumb, and then when she walked away I was looking at her tattoo.

Third time, I was with my friend, and I don't really remember being stupid, but my mom took a candid picture where Eden looks like she's going to attack me, and I look like I just peed myself, really terrified, eyes wide, backing away.

Fourth time, I had gone backstage and she was talking to Kerri Butler and i tried to hide so I wouldn't interrupt her, but she came over anyways. Then, coming out the stagedoor, my parents clapped for me to be obnoxious, and OTHER people followed, adn I freaked out and shouted "I'M NOT IN THE SHOW!" Look around and Eden's signing, right nearby.

Fifth, my friend blew in my ear, which makes me scream and freak out and laugh, and Eden was giving me a confused look. And then, the baseball game, I just did something dumb. So Eden thinks I'm an idiot, and I bet you all do too.

You know it and you want it... you just can't believe you've got it.
Updated On: 7/9/04 at 11:26 PM

#4re: Embarassing Encounters!
Posted: 7/9/04 at 11:27pm

hahah crazy people at SD's are always fun.

Omg I remember that SBTB episode! hahaha I would have died if that was my mom. oh my! I once saw Elizabeth on the street and my friend went crazy cause she's a massive SBTB fan.

Another friend of mine told Raul Esparza that he "rocked her socks" - Twas hysterical. He was like umm...great!

On a clear day I can see myself for miles ~Taboo

luvtheEmcee Profile Photo
#5re: Embarassing Encounters!
Posted: 7/9/04 at 11:27pm

I've said more stupid things than I'd like to share publically... but I was simply happy to have found the ability to speak in such situations! My gosh... I've said dumb things to just about everyone... Adam Pascal, Raul Esparza and John Tartaglia come to mind right away.

Anyway, story! My mom was with me one of the times that I met Adam, and she hadn't seen him in person in about four or five years. She didn't remember him being particularly attractive, but when he was making his way down the line she just kept oogling over how cute he was. Adam was two or three people away from me, and my mother goes "Emcee! (Well, you know... insert my actual name, for those who know it.) He's so adorable!!" I'd be surprised if Adam *didnt'* hear.

Ah, yes... and a friend of mine asked Susan Egan to sign her shoe. She took it off and handed it triumphantly to Susan, who seemed to take no issue with it. She smiled and said "Your shoe? Okay, sure!"

A work of art is an invitation to love.
Updated On: 7/10/04 at 11:27 PM

#6re: Embarassing Encounters!
Posted: 7/9/04 at 11:27pm

my mom always manages to do something embarrassing in front of celebs.

#7re: Embarassing Encounters!
Posted: 7/9/04 at 11:28pm

that saved by the bell episode is one of my favorites! what would we have done without good old zack morris?!?

#8re: Embarassing Encounters!
Posted: 7/9/04 at 11:29pm

omg Mamie that's horrible! If actors get all huffy like that, its plain rude.

Gypsy, it's okay, we love you!

On a clear day I can see myself for miles ~Taboo

Gypsy2 Profile Photo
#9re: Embarassing Encounters!
Posted: 7/9/04 at 11:30pm

Aww, thanks Sammy. It's comforting that ONLY Eden think's I'm a mental patient.

You know it and you want it... you just can't believe you've got it.

#10re: Embarassing Encounters!
Posted: 7/9/04 at 11:31pm

haha I've never met Eden! One day I shall!

Mistress, that's why I stopped taking my mom to shows! hehe

On a clear day I can see myself for miles ~Taboo

luvtheEmcee Profile Photo
#11re: Embarassing Encounters!
Posted: 7/9/04 at 11:32pm

Wicked_Elphie may kill me for this one, but hell, she's proud of it.... Raul Esparza grabbed her shoulder to stop her and tell her something just after we had finished speaking to him. Not a very far distance from Raul, she goes "OH my gosh you guys.... RAUL ESPARZA just pet me!!" I won't share the rest of the petting story, as her computer is finally fixed and she'll be back soon re: Embarassing Encounters!

A work of art is an invitation to love.

#12re: Embarassing Encounters!
Posted: 7/9/04 at 11:36pm

hahhaahhaah he PET her! oh I would have been mortified!

I think I scared Liz McCartney one time. I was at Wicked and she was sitting across from me and this was right after Taboo had opened and I was addicted. My mom pushed me to go up to her during intermission and I seriously sounded like I was on speed. She was probably so scared!! I was like "omg. love your show. love your voice. love Euan....." - she seemed frightened but admitted to liking Euan too. Her husband glared at her. It was cute.

On a clear day I can see myself for miles ~Taboo

luvtheEmcee Profile Photo
#13re: Embarassing Encounters!
Posted: 7/9/04 at 11:38pm

haha, I've done my share of useless rambling.

And the petting... Raul was mobbed. I doubt he heard, but other people certainly did!

A work of art is an invitation to love.

Clarinetbiter135 Profile Photo
#14re: Embarassing Encounters!
Posted: 7/9/04 at 11:38pm

This didn't happen to me, but its worth sharing. My friend was outside the stage door to Gypsy and was getting a picture with good ol' Ms. Peters. She had her arm around her and then turned around quickly to say something to her friend. Well, Ms. Peters turned around as well and some how my friend licked her neck! She just laughed it off buy my friend was soooooo embarrassed! Anyways. Just thought I would share.

#15re: Embarassing Encounters!
Posted: 7/9/04 at 11:40pm

Lots. Last week with Denis O'Hare outside Assassins comes to mind. And the last night of Cabaret when I was too petrified to say something to my favorite Emcee. I am such an idiot.

luvtheEmcee Profile Photo
#16re: Embarassing Encounters!
Posted: 7/9/04 at 11:41pm

Well that's an interesting one, clarinetbiter! LOL!

A work of art is an invitation to love.

#17re: Embarassing Encounters!
Posted: 7/9/04 at 11:42pm

i try not to remember what she says, i know she told matt something about making all the girls jealous when he hugged her and commented about how shed be dead if she did all that dancing. Sebastian Bach embarrassed me in front of my parents once by telling them all about my sexy outfits... yeah that was interesting change.

brdwaybaby17 Profile Photo
#18re: Embarassing Encounters!
Posted: 7/9/04 at 11:49pm

Ok, this wasn't at a stagedoor but...

Anyway, I was at camp in Stratford last year and we had a meet and greet with some of the actors. Well, I was basically obsessed with this one actress Jennifer Gould, and my friends and I got over to talk to her right before she had to leave. On of my friends says to her, "You should know, she's obsessed with you and never stops talking about you." I was already in tears because I was meeting her, but my eyes just got really wide... and I said "Yeah, like, Gigi is the best thing ever..." and then giggled. Really, truly giggled. She just said, "Oh, thanks." and then I asked a smart question so she wouldn't think I was an idiot.

This summer I saw an actress that I liked in the grocery store... and I kept staring, so my dad asked me what was up. I said that I thought it was her, but wasn't sure, so he said, let's go ask. He started walking over there and I grabbed his arms, but that made him turn and we looked like we were playing ring-around-the-rosey. She saw us, smirked, and kept walking. So, then my dad followed her and I ran the other way. He came to me a couple of minutes later and said it was her and told me about their conversation. But, after what I said to Jennifer Gould last year, it was probably a good thing I didn't meet her.

#19re: Embarassing Encounters!
Posted: 7/9/04 at 11:50pm

Licking Bernadette?! OH DEAR! these are hysterical.

Mistress, good point. Has anyone had the actor say something embarassing ?
At Taboo, Cary Shields was holding a beer while talking to some of us and when he went to take a picture with my friend he goes "maybe I should put this behind your back so your mom doesn't see." hahah
Raul Esparza also told us he was kicked you-know-where during the fight scene of Taboo and he was in pain and we had NO idea how to respond... some said ouch. I told him to use ice and then he walked away. Odd!

On a clear day I can see myself for miles ~Taboo

luvtheEmcee Profile Photo
#20re: Embarassing Encounters!
Posted: 7/9/04 at 11:53pm

Oh my gosh... poor Raul!

A work of art is an invitation to love.

SuperSchubert Profile Photo
#21re: Embarassing Encounters!
Posted: 7/10/04 at 12:06am

This isn't so much of an embarassing story, per se, but the circumstances were humorous, at least to me.

So, it's last summer...and right after a production of Godspell at the St. Louis MUNY. I was with a dear friend who shares a bit of my musical theatre interests, but I don't think she was used to me being at a stage door. The funny part of it all is that she was especially creeped out at the fact that I knew most of the actors' names, therefore I was able to approach them and say "Hi, Hunter..." "Hey Montego..." etcetera.

Then, I spotted Michael McGrath (now in Wonderful Town) who was there that night to see Godspell after a rehearsal for next week's South Pacific (he was Luther Billis). I had met Michael twice before, so I felt comfortable approaching him--and he at least seemed comfortable with my approach even if he probably didn't remember the last two times we had met to talk. After chatting with him for a second, my friend said "Are you creeped out when people approach you and call you by name?" Michael laughed, saying something to the effect of "I'm only creeped out if they come up to me in a train station and do that!"

Truth be told, I really get nervous in some stage-door situations. Approaching these people is sometimes very hard for me becuase I don't want to offend them or waste their time, since they might want to get the hell out of the theatre to rest. However, if it's a performer that I have come quite a way to see, I will be really persistent. After Sweeney Todd in Chicago, I was bound and determined to meet opera superstar Bryn Terfel, and I made my way to him--and was assisted by a friend who stood in front of another guy that wanted to meet Bryn before me!! (a bit cheeky of her, and I swear I didn't know she did it until she told me afterwards) Because of that, I have a program and two CD jackets autographed by Bryn and they are framed in my room... re: Embarassing Encounters!


JoizeyActor Profile Photo
#22re: Embarassing Encounters!
Posted: 7/10/04 at 12:08am

Lol. I love that Saved By The Bell episode, too. The worst part was that she sang it all dramatically and desperate like Jessie sang it in the episode.

Elizabeth must hate that.

#23re: Embarassing Encounters!
Posted: 7/10/04 at 12:29am

Super, cool story. I have autographed Playbills or CD things but that's it. Awesome!

On a clear day I can see myself for miles ~Taboo

jonartdesigns Profile Photo
#24re: Embarassing Encounters!
Posted: 7/10/04 at 12:32am

my only really embarassing moment was a few years ago during the revival of oklahoma. I was still young and stupid and literally babbled like an idiot when jessica boevers came out and started chatting with me (or at least trying to)my response sounded something like "i...i...i..uhhhhh.....ummm" damn that was a bad day

"Grease," the fourth revival of the season, is the worst show in the history of theater and represents an unparalleled assault on Western civilization and its values. - Michael Reidel
