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FROZEN to Arrive on Broadway in Spring 2018- Page 34

FROZEN to Arrive on Broadway in Spring 2018

Notreallysilent 2
#825FROZEN to Officially Hit Broadway
Posted: 8/17/17 at 10:59pm

I can't remember if it was this thread of the review thread, but someone said that let it go is more of a flashback moment? Idk how it works but they did reorder the scenes. 

#826FROZEN to Officially Hit Broadway
Posted: 8/17/17 at 11:04pm

JBroadway said: "

Other than that, I'm excited by the song list! Looks like some great potential based on the titles and placement. Curious to see what they have to change to make Let It Go work as an act 1 closer. Theoretically they could just not show what happens to Elsa at all after the coronation until that number, but it might be weird to see her going through this life-changing epiphany so long after the events that instigated it. 



Agreed with a lot of this. I know people know LiG for being the act break, but honestly what else COULD be the act break? They possibly could have written something new, but LiG is such a "button/bookend" type of song, really IS the act break. I mean it is the Disneyfied Defying Gravity after all. Over the years of learning what an act break entails and what they should be, LiG is 1000% exemplifies what it needs to be. They need to be big turning points, big decision makers, or some montage where act two starts some time later, or a mix of any of these. It doesn't have to be a whole bunch of time, just enough to where it's obvious we've progressed somehow. It's why I'm still pissed Hellfire wasn't the act break in Hunchback. It's EVERYTHING an act break is and should be. Same with Prince of Egypt. Through Heaven Eyes NEEDS to be the act break, it's too obvious to not be.  

But the issue with LiG is exactly what you mentioned. In the film, it's totally the character definer and big decision maker with a clear cut to Anna on her search. Here's a problem I realized some times back. The songs in Frozen are scenes unto themselves, there's no seamless flow of transition into these songs/no real scene that leads into them. This is why the movie is slightly jarring in terms of flow, but it still works of it's own accord though it ins't perfect by any means. But that is DEATH for the stage...hence why as you said it's gonna be weird to be to see some epiphany when we haven't seen her on stage for a while. The problem is Anna is technically on her search the same time Elsa could be singing this, so how can that that be done on stage? Ok, so they could do the "have her sing it soon after she runs off" (Ala DCA) which can work, she's still in a bit of a frenzy and begins to sing and has her come to Jesus moments. Great, it actually almost makes more sense. Or have her run off, and just go with Anna searching from there, Ala the Disney on Ice show, and we don't see Elsa for a bit. But but with it being the obvious act break, what do you do with act one? Expand it, or take the events after LiG in the film and put them before LiG for the stage (again, Ala Ice show)? It's hard, because it's more potent for character development to have her sing it sooner after she runs off, but it's slightly better for stage flow to continue with Anna searching...this the problem with having LiG (or any song) as scene to itself, because neither of these ideas is ideal. Either option for the stage is this awkward cut and transition to the song, yet LiG is the only song that musically and dramatically makes any sense as a bookend act break. I know people have said the FFiF reprise should be the act break...but how and why? Granted the piece itself is kind of weird already, but it's even weirder as an act break because it disturbs an already gaining dramatic momentum. An act break must be a spot where story momentum can be sensibly stopped for a bit, and LiG is the only existing song that does that. In Summer COULD work in that spot, with some reworking, but I feel like it makes more sense to meet Olaf in Act 2 in terms of the overall structure, kinda like how we don't see much of Scar in LK after he commits regicide until his mad scene in Act 2. Granted he's the villain, but it still made perfect sense. 

I am nervous about those spoilers changes (yes I read them). They sound a tad odd...hans singing while handing out blankets?? Ok...And he sings about...being from the southern Isles...ok that really has me wondering how that sort of thing is useful to the overall story narrative AS WELL as his character. But the song list def gives an idea of what changed structurally. I'd rather see Frozen Heart kept rather than Fixer Upper, because at least FH had a point of foreshadowing. It was actually a pretty decent opening number. Not perfect but it worked. I always thought through the Vuelie should be the actual overture, with FH as the opener, but oh well. Now, does Anna not sing her final verse in "Snowman" anymore, is it all Young Anna now? Not a perfect song, but I felt that overall passage of time montage is necessary. And is Monster this vocally flashy number the NYT mentioned? I was literally looking for a second solo song, but that the only option..and it adds Hans...I hope beyond hope his bits in it expand on him rather than some hackneyed/trite idea of him singing about "Elsa being the monster". 

#827FROZEN to Officially Hit Broadway
Posted: 8/17/17 at 11:05pm



For Elsa: Alyssa Fox

For Anna: Aisha Jackson

For Sven: Adam Jensen 


For Elsa: Ashley Blanchet 

For Anna: Lauren Nicole Chapman 

For Kristoff: Jacob Smith and Noah J Ricketts

For Hans: Zach Hess and Ross Lekites

For Olaf: Jeremy Davis and Austin Lesch

For Duke: Jeremy Davis and Austin Lesch 

For Pabbie: Zach Hess and Noah J Rickets 

For Oaken: Jeff Pew and Jacob Smith

For Bulda: Alicia Albright and Tracee Beazer

For King Agnar: Travis Patton and Nicholas Ward

For Queen Iduna: Alicia Albright and Wendi Bergamini

#828FROZEN to Officially Hit Broadway
Posted: 8/17/17 at 11:08pm

Scarlet Leigh said: "JBroadway said: "Curious to see what they have to change to make Let It Go work as an act 1 closer. Theoretically they could just not show what happens to Elsa at all after the coronation until that number, but it might be weird to see her going through this life-changing epiphany so long after the events that instigated it. "


Not only that but Elsa creates Olaf DURING "Let it Go" in the movie. The movement of the song means there has to be a new way he is created for Anna and Kristoff to encounter him before "Let It Go" closes out Act 1.



Holy hell, with all my thinking to death about sensible structure changes, I didn't even THINK about this brain just went for a spin with this obvious plot hole/plot contrivance. All the more reason why I've always said we should meet Olaf in Act 2. IT JUST MAKES SENSE. Sure have that small bit of her creating him, and move on, people will get it., but I'm really wondering about that change. 

"I can't remember if it was this thread of the review thread, but someone said that let it go is more of a flashback moment? Idk how it works but they did reorder the scenes."

I forgot about that also, the heck would playing that as a flashback work?? I mean, considering the oddity of not seeing her for longer than we should after she runs off and coming to a life epiphany, ok, but how well is that going to to play and read on stage?

Updated On: 8/17/17 at 11:08 PM

JBroadway Profile Photo
#829FROZEN to Officially Hit Broadway
Posted: 8/17/17 at 11:11pm

Oh man I would LOVE to see a show with both of those standbys on. 

#830FROZEN to Officially Hit Broadway
Posted: 8/17/17 at 11:14pm

JBroadway said: "Oh man I would LOVE to see a show with both of those standbys on. 



I agree! I saw Aisha in Waitress and while she didn't have much to do in the show. She was pure light. Her Daddy's Son was stellar when she played Sarah in the Ragtime concert at Ellis Island. I've heard great things about Alyssa, but I'm not as familar with her. 

#831FROZEN to Officially Hit Broadway
Posted: 8/18/17 at 12:52am

So to answer some questions:

We meet Krisotff at the Coronation.  He brings ice and Hans & Anna fall on his cart. He then leaves.

Let it Go isn't a flashback.  

The sequence is:

Elsa flees the party.  Anna says she's going after her, leaves Hans in charge.  

Transition to the woods where Kristoff & Sven appear for "Reindeer are better than People"

Anna finds him and sings "What do you know about love" while getting into winter clothes. They climb across the bridge shown in the prciture in this thread. Both almost fall, but save each other. 

Get to the other side and Olaf appears, I believe it's the same way as the movie.  They hear singing and then he appears. Most of the dialogue is straight from the film. He says Elsa created him and will show them the way to her. 

Go to Hans singing and handing out blankets. It's about as momentum killing as it sounds. 

There is a narrator character, basically the troll king from movie, but now he's a person of the woods. (And gets a bit unnecessary after the beginning of the show) He sets up Let It Go.

Elsa sings it. End Act 1. They have the glove fly away like her cape, and the costume change is similar to DCA, but there's no staircase. She's just on stage with projections and set pieces around her. 

#832FROZEN to Officially Hit Broadway
Posted: 8/18/17 at 1:00am

Act 2 opens with Oaken and his shop. He sings "Hygge" which is basically a Disney version of Schenfraude or Hasa Diga Eebowai. Think Hakuna Matata. It ends with the ensemble in skin tone body suits, dancing while using leaves to cover their private parts.  Yeah.

There was a tech glitch about 10 minutes in.  The girls playing Young Anna and Young Elsa covered it well, but they ended having to stop and restarted after about 10 minutes.  No other tech issues, save a blue screen that came down, when it didn't seem like it should have. 

The trolls are now people of the woods, but have lighted necklaces that at times they use to recreate the movie moments when you just see the trolls eyes.

Hans reveal of being evil didn't pack a lot of punch.

ETA - They never pay off the Duke of Wesleton. Maybe during the Broadway rehearsals they'll find a way. And Hans just runs off after Anna punches him. Also something they might address. And Olaf never gets his "own personal flurry." That one isn't big, I just like the line. 

Updated On: 8/18/17 at 01:00 AM

blaxx Profile Photo
#833FROZEN to Officially Hit Broadway
Posted: 8/18/17 at 2:42am

So, is it any good?

Listen, I don't take my clothes off for anyone, even if it is "artistic". - JANICE

disneybroadwayfan22 Profile Photo
#834FROZEN to Officially Hit Broadway
Posted: 8/18/17 at 2:45am

10086Sundays said: "It ends with the ensemble in skin tone body suits, dancing while using leaves to cover their private parts.  Yeah."

What the f**k?

#835FROZEN to Officially Hit Broadway
Posted: 8/18/17 at 3:01am

blaxx said: "So, is it any good?"

It's the movie on stage. It doesn't improve on it and the new songs aren't anything special, but it's also not the worst thing I've ever seen. Transitions are clunky as someone mentioned above. If you liked the movie, you'll probably like the show, but if you didn't it won't change your mind.  Lots of kids in the audience of course, but they were all very quiet.  Not sure if that's good or bad.  Choreography was pretty meh, but there really weren't any spots for a showstopper anyway.

For those asking why Sven has a standby, that puppet suit requires him to be on all fours, so I can only imagine the stress on his body.  Definitely wise to have a backup ready during the show. 

disneybroadwayfan22 - Wish I was kidding. I have a feeling that bit won't make it to Broadway. The reason they're there is that they're in the sauna at Oaken's and join him for his song, wearing towels and funny hats. Then as a transition after the scene is over, they come out in the body suits. 

Updated On: 8/18/17 at 03:01 AM

disneybroadwayfan22 Profile Photo
#836FROZEN to Officially Hit Broadway
Posted: 8/18/17 at 3:08am

Please to God let it be removed. I think this won't last long either and it better bc that'd be an awkward moment to sit with with my prudish mom, who loves Frozen

blaxx Profile Photo
#837FROZEN to Officially Hit Broadway
Posted: 8/18/17 at 3:15am

I found the movie to be ok. Entertaining but it has nothing on modern Disney classics (e.g. Lion King or BATB), maybe just the annoying song. 

At least it can't be worse than Tarzan or Mermaid.

Listen, I don't take my clothes off for anyone, even if it is "artistic". - JANICE

rosscoe(au) Profile Photo
#838FROZEN to Officially Hit Broadway
Posted: 8/18/17 at 7:11am

Parts sound like a train wreck ( cue Disney fanboys to scream it's a first preview ) but than again I was never a fan on the movie.

Well I didn't want to get into it, but he's a Satanist. Every full moon he sacrifices 4 puppies to the Dark Lord and smears their blood on his paino. This should help you understand the score for Wicked a little bit more. Tazber's: Reply to Is Stephen Schwartz a Practicing Christian

disneybroadwayfan22 Profile Photo
#839FROZEN to Officially Hit Broadway
Posted: 8/18/17 at 8:02am

^No I get that feeling too

adamgreer Profile Photo
#840FROZEN to Officially Hit Broadway
Posted: 8/18/17 at 8:14am

The set and costume designs we've seen so far don't look any more impressive than the ones used for the DCA show.

bwayphreak234 Profile Photo
#841FROZEN to Officially Hit Broadway
Posted: 8/18/17 at 8:27am

How are the sets, and how it Let It Go staged?

"There’s nothing quite like the power and the passion of Broadway music. "

#842FROZEN to Officially Hit Broadway
Posted: 8/18/17 at 9:06am

Footage of the costumes


#843FROZEN to Officially Hit Broadway
Posted: 8/18/17 at 9:13am

The fanboys can scream all they want about "first preview/give it time" but I very rarely have been proven wrong with my hunches that I get within five minutes of seeing a show or even when I don't see it. Of course I was hoping for the best for this, but eeeppp...

If Olaf mentions Elsa creates him then we got go FORWARD to LiG when she creates him?? Unless they just didn't do's still weird because he's an incarnation of what happens when she's free to do what the damn song says. No staircase?? How full is the stage for then? DCA is underwhelming as heck but that's one thing they got right. Disney has as close to unlimited funding as one can have and they can't do more sets for that? 

OMG BODY SUITS...just no...I can't believe they kept the sauna bit, like come on! Plus I still have nightmares about a show in college where we did the same thing...unitards are just NO

disneybroadwayfan22 Profile Photo
#844FROZEN to Officially Hit Broadway
Posted: 8/18/17 at 9:31am

^Can't even believe they would even consider having naked people in the first place. Shame on the creative team honestly. Sad part is if they made Elsa a lesbian, families would throw tantrums about that over the fact there is "nudity" in a Disney show.

#845FROZEN to Officially Hit Broadway
Posted: 8/18/17 at 9:42am

I definitely wouldn't say this is a train wreck, except the Act 2 opener/body suits. It does need a good deal of polishing, as some tryouts do.  I think the main thing for me is, it didn't feel magical. There also isn't a joyous, rousing number like "Be Our Guest" or "Friend Like Me." I think the Lopezes are just to word-oriented as writers.  It's missing that Disney imagineering quality, if that makes sense.

Elsa doesn't create Olaf during "Let it Go." We don't see his creation, he appears and says that she made him when Anna asks. During LiG, Elsa simply moves about the stage with projections tied to her hand movements and some white backdrops come in as well as a shimmering one with snowflake designs on it.  The climax of the song is just her standing downstage center singing. Plus some snow falling from the ceiling.

As for sets, the palace sets are good and big, although basically the same in style as DCA. Other than Oaken's Trading Post, there really aren't any other physical sets.  Everything is done with backdrops or projections. During "Monster" some ice spikes come out of the ground and revolve as they try to capture Elsa.  

That's a moment that needs work.  As an 11 o'clock number it isn't big enough and the end is iffy.  She knocks down Hans' & Wesleton's men, but then they get up and catch her.  It never quite worked in the movie either, that I remember.

The costumes are very similar to the movie and DCA, but like the choreography, don't standout at all.

As it stands right now, if you've seen the DCA show, you've seen this one, just in less time. 

Updated On: 8/18/17 at 09:42 AM

#846FROZEN to Officially Hit Broadway
Posted: 8/18/17 at 9:51am

My god, why are some of you so negative? Most of y'all haven't even seen it yet jeez.

disneybroadwayfan22 Profile Photo
#847FROZEN to Officially Hit Broadway
Posted: 8/18/17 at 9:54am

10086Sundays said: "As it stands right now, if you've seen the DCA show, you've seen this one, just in less time. "

Honestly, this is extremely disappointing to know. I loved the DCA version, but I really wanted something new and more original. Especially wth the Let It Go scene. And it's also way too bad they apparently don't develop the Duke at all (according to Reddit). He had the most potential in the movie and wasted him completely. This sounds like they're doing nothing here too when they now can have much more time with him now.


#848FROZEN to Officially Hit Broadway
Posted: 8/18/17 at 10:00am

disneybroadwayfan22 said: "10086Sundays said: "As it stands right now, if you've seen the DCA show, you've seen this one, just in less time. "

Honestly, this is extremely disappointing to know. I loved the DCA version, but I really wanted something new and more original. Especially wth the Let It Go scene. And it's also way too bad they apparently don't develop the Duke at all (according to Reddit). He had the most potential in the movie and wasted him completely. This sounds like they're doing nothing here too when they now can have much more time with him now.

It's true, the Duke is basically a non-entity in this. He doesn't work or function as a villain either. And they never pay off his story. His "It's Weselton!" didn't get laughs the 2 times it's said. 

I feel like in trying to cram in the extra songs needed to qualify for awards the book suffers greatly. There's no time to development anything outside of Anna and Elsa. Kristoff's Act 2 number about love is nice though. 

Notreallysilent 2
#849FROZEN to Officially Hit Broadway
Posted: 8/18/17 at 10:54am

I just heard it... THAT ENDING OMG. That was amazing not expecting that at all I'm in shock.
