I've been eager for some New York City lately, and while I can't travel right now, have been following along with some great New York travel YouTube channels and vlogs. Do you have any favorites or ones you'd recommend?
Swing Joined: 11/2/11
This one has a Times Square NYC / Broadway History Tour along with fun facts and there's Theatre History in every episode. Hope it helps.
This is a good question. I started watching and subscribing to youtubers more last year. I used to love muscal theater mash but he stopped making videos in recent years.
Right now I've been watching Wait in the Wings.... and learned more about the Rebecca musical as a result.
Would love to learn of other Bway youtubers out there that you guys watch!
My Favorite Broadway Channel was DoubleD Reviews but it looks like he deleted all of his videos .
People here love Katherine Steel, but I personally find her annoying.
Broadway By Ghostlight does a lot of good history lessons about places like Sardi's, Shubert Alley, etc..
Staged Right also breaks down Celebrity careers, iconic theatre moments, etc..
Featured Actor Joined: 8/9/21
YvanEhtNioj, I too find Steele annoying. I feel that she frequently fails to see the bigger picture in Broadway news and I have noticed false info in her videos more than once.
Last year I listened to a new Podcast on the Broadway Network called Burnt. They also did a broadcast on "Rebecca". It was broken up into 2 or 3 episodes. It was really good.
Chorus Member Joined: 5/20/16
Fave NYC travel channels: HereBeBarr, TomDNYC, Travelling Clatt (his older videos), ActionKid, Sarah Funk (her older stuff, her newer stuff seems more geared towards more rich tourists), Cash Jordan (he focuses on apartments but still interesting) It's History (they have an NYC playlist)
Broadway channels: Billy Hipkins (for more insider stuff), Amy Lovatt, Broadway By Ghostlight (altho I wish he would tone it down with the mile-a-minute references and let the subject he was talking about shine through), It's Chris Smith Time, Schaffrillas, Musical Hell, Micky Jo Theatre, The Drama Dorks, Wait in the Wings, One Man's Opinion
Swing Joined: 12/5/13
Honestly, I prefer TikTok lately for its shorter vlog formats. One of my favs on there is thekatieromero!
Mine of course! But not always about Broadway, but a lot of brief reviews of some Broadway musicals.
This is a compilation of the Broadway Musicals opening in 2024:
Swing Joined: 6/7/20
You can find my New York vlog channel by searching Christine Le on YouTube. I post regularly and do reviews of several cafes and events! For those who are just starting out on their vlogging journey, I recommend buying some cheap organic views. This helped me push through the algorithm and get my videos recommended.
Updated On: 3/1/24 at 04:52 AMSwing Joined: 2/5/24
I discovered a new podcast on the Broadway Network called "Burnt" last year. They also enjoy plinko online with friends featured a series on "Rebecca," which was divided into 2 or 3 episodes. I found it to be quite enjoyable.
Updated On: 3/6/24 at 08:51 AMVideos