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Fredi's on....

EverythingIsRENT Profile Photo
#75re: Fredi's on....
Posted: 11/30/05 at 8:10pm

Fredi, so good to "see" you! I heard you were at the premier, but I didn't see you at the after-party re: Fredi's on....

Will definetely see the novie a few times over the weekend! Woot!!

Sunchips: Best Kept Secret in the chip aisle!!

N0tThatGirl213 Profile Photo
#76re: Fredi's on....
Posted: 11/30/05 at 8:11pm


Okay...I'm good.

"A little humility wouldn't hurt." --Ellie, Constantine-Hellblazer, "Dangerous Habits"

#77re: Fredi's on....
Posted: 11/30/05 at 8:12pm

ntg, that is absolutely hilarious. laughed out loud there.

edit - not ^^ that post, the one before it. re: Fredi's on.... Updated On: 11/30/05 at 08:12 PM

N0tThatGirl213 Profile Photo
#78re: Fredi's on....
Posted: 11/30/05 at 8:13pm

I figured as much.

::bites computer::

"A little humility wouldn't hurt." --Ellie, Constantine-Hellblazer, "Dangerous Habits"

adamized88 Profile Photo
#79re: Fredi's on....
Posted: 11/30/05 at 8:13pm

ntg i hate auditions too - mine start monday and i'm flipping out!!!

"Nothing is an accident, We are free to have it all, We are what we want to be, It's in ourselves to rise or fall!!" - "Fortune Favors the Brave" from Aida - the love that never died

#80re: Fredi's on....
Posted: 11/30/05 at 8:14pm

see what happens when i go to answer pms?

i've seen it twice so far and i just want to say thanks to all of you who have been multiple time already

"Stupidity should be PAINFUL!" - Cam "Yeah - painful for the STUPID not the rest of us!" OMDB

N0tThatGirl213 Profile Photo
#81re: Fredi's on....
Posted: 11/30/05 at 8:14pm

Hey guys...while I'm here...

You should all come join my RENTfic forum, because I haven't been able to get enough activity to actually start it yet.

"A little humility wouldn't hurt." --Ellie, Constantine-Hellblazer, "Dangerous Habits"

#82re: Fredi's on....
Posted: 11/30/05 at 8:15pm

hehe, fredi, i was just gonna post asking where you went. re: Fredi's on....

#83re: Fredi's on....
Posted: 11/30/05 at 8:15pm

Did Fredi go bye bye?

I'm hearing A Christmas Story being played on the tv downstairs. As much as I adore that movie, isn't it a bit early? ...On the other hand, how in the world is tomorrow December 1? Ugh.

"I would rather take a flawed movie that has as much heart and passion and life and joy and energy and truth in it as this film does over any film that is completely perfectly presented and perfectly constructed but has none of that heart and life." -Anthony Rapp

#84re: Fredi's on....
Posted: 11/30/05 at 8:15pm

... especially considering that its still 60+ degrees outside. december... whaaa?

camerangel Profile Photo
#85re: Fredi's on....
Posted: 11/30/05 at 8:15pm

**hides from Rentfic forum**

NTG stop biting your computer it might bite back!!

"All work and no smut makes Cammy lose her edge." ~DG

"Someday I'm going to have a baby and I'm gonna name her L'il Mimi Marquez and I and will sing to her every day and when she's a toddler I will say "L'il Mimi Marquez, clad only in a bubble diaper, will perform her famous play pen handcuff dance to the sounds of breast milk being pumped!" ~Kringas

#86re: Fredi's on....
Posted: 11/30/05 at 8:16pm

ahhh Dec. 1 = college early acceptance letters tomorrow!!

Mandi Moo Profile Photo
Mandi Moo
#87re: Fredi's on....
Posted: 11/30/05 at 8:16pm

Rudolph is on right now.

N0tThatGirl213 Profile Photo
#88re: Fredi's on....
Posted: 11/30/05 at 8:16pm

It's still in the 80s here.


The email variety.

Not the canned variety.

"A little humility wouldn't hurt." --Ellie, Constantine-Hellblazer, "Dangerous Habits"

adamized88 Profile Photo
#89re: Fredi's on....
Posted: 11/30/05 at 8:16pm

haha - it's okay fredi - we'll forgive you

"Nothing is an accident, We are free to have it all, We are what we want to be, It's in ourselves to rise or fall!!" - "Fortune Favors the Brave" from Aida - the love that never died

#90re: Fredi's on....
Posted: 11/30/05 at 8:16pm

is the canned variety good? i've never tried it...

adamized88 Profile Photo
#91re: Fredi's on....
Posted: 11/30/05 at 8:17pm

onelastrefrain - not fair - i don't hear from my early decision until the 14th!!!

"Nothing is an accident, We are free to have it all, We are what we want to be, It's in ourselves to rise or fall!!" - "Fortune Favors the Brave" from Aida - the love that never died

N0tThatGirl213 Profile Photo
#92re: Fredi's on....
Posted: 11/30/05 at 8:17pm

Look, you killed the thread :p

I wouldn't know.

"A little humility wouldn't hurt." --Ellie, Constantine-Hellblazer, "Dangerous Habits"

#93re: Fredi's on....
Posted: 11/30/05 at 8:18pm

yeah yeah I don't hear until the 16th but all the friends start hearing tomorrow!! the next 15 days shall be interesting...

#94re: Fredi's on....
Posted: 11/30/05 at 8:18pm

hey, at least i didn't kill an entire FORUM.


camerangel Profile Photo
#95re: Fredi's on....
Posted: 11/30/05 at 8:18pm

You dont have to like it, but everyone must eat spam at least once in their life.. It's manditory!

"All work and no smut makes Cammy lose her edge." ~DG

"Someday I'm going to have a baby and I'm gonna name her L'il Mimi Marquez and I and will sing to her every day and when she's a toddler I will say "L'il Mimi Marquez, clad only in a bubble diaper, will perform her famous play pen handcuff dance to the sounds of breast milk being pumped!" ~Kringas

#96re: Fredi's on....
Posted: 11/30/05 at 8:19pm

i've never eaten spam either... in fact i shudder at the sight. (not to offend any spam lovers)
Updated On: 11/30/05 at 08:19 PM

N0tThatGirl213 Profile Photo
#97re: Fredi's on....
Posted: 11/30/05 at 8:19pm


It is NOT my fault you guys scared all the newbies.

"A little humility wouldn't hurt." --Ellie, Constantine-Hellblazer, "Dangerous Habits"

#98re: Fredi's on....
Posted: 11/30/05 at 8:19pm

10,000 minutes.. LOL

i love that stuff...

my favorite of all time is "bow legged woman" (more than a woman)

re: Fredi's on....

they asked if you had AIDS? *shakes head*

"Stupidity should be PAINFUL!" - Cam "Yeah - painful for the STUPID not the rest of us!" OMDB

#99re: Fredi's on....
Posted: 11/30/05 at 8:20pm

Fredi-- Hi, I've never actually posted a question on here for you before.. I just kind of lurk and admire all the gracious responses you offer to all these people on here- Thanks! I was wondering, if you could change one thing about RENT(not that necessarily anything needs to be change)-- what would you change? Thanks so much.. stay warm
