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Fredi's on....

camerangel Profile Photo
#1300Pre-pumkin status...
Posted: 12/1/05 at 2:17am

nah I'm still here.. Wasting what is left of my night.. Good times.. I'm actually heading for the shower in just a minute though.. Cuz I will not wake up with enough time to dry my hair in the morning..

Good night to you though..

"All work and no smut makes Cammy lose her edge." ~DG

"Someday I'm going to have a baby and I'm gonna name her L'il Mimi Marquez and I and will sing to her every day and when she's a toddler I will say "L'il Mimi Marquez, clad only in a bubble diaper, will perform her famous play pen handcuff dance to the sounds of breast milk being pumped!" ~Kringas

TheActr97J Profile Photo
#1301Pre-pumkin status...
Posted: 12/1/05 at 2:18am

Crap! I just missed Fredi! Boo..... thats what happens when I don't get home from the theater 'til 1:30 am.


"I seem to have wandered into the BRAIN load-out thread... "

"Sorry I am a Theatre major not a English Major"

wickedrentq Profile Photo
#1302Pre-pumkin status...
Posted: 12/1/05 at 2:24am

ha K Cam...this is why I refuse to wear my hear straight, sheer laziness...never hafta dry my curly hair with anything but a towel Pre-pumkin status...

It sucks tomorrow is actually a fairly early day for me and I don't get home till 2, 3AM so I meant to be in bed by now...silly Rent OBCers who totally distract me from my work/sleep

"If there was a Mount Rushmore for Broadway scores, "West Side Story" would be front and center. It snaps, it crackles it pops! It surges with a roar, its energy and sheer life undiminished by the years" - NYPost reviewer Elisabeth Vincentelli

camerangel Profile Photo
#1303Pre-pumkin status...
Posted: 12/1/05 at 2:52am

My hair takes forever to dry.. If I wash it in the morning it wont be dry till late afternoon..

It sucks tomorrow is actually a fairly early day for me and I don't get home till 2, 3AM so I meant to be in bed by now...silly Rent OBCers who totally distract me from my work/sleep

Haha, well that tends to happen..

"All work and no smut makes Cammy lose her edge." ~DG

"Someday I'm going to have a baby and I'm gonna name her L'il Mimi Marquez and I and will sing to her every day and when she's a toddler I will say "L'il Mimi Marquez, clad only in a bubble diaper, will perform her famous play pen handcuff dance to the sounds of breast milk being pumped!" ~Kringas

#1304Pre-pumkin status...
Posted: 12/1/05 at 7:43am

Gosh darnit. I always miss the fun.

That's what I get for going to see RENT for the fourth time....

"You just can't win. Ever. Look at the bright side, at least you are not stuck in First Wives Club: The Musical. That would really suck. " --Sueleen Gay

#1305Pre-pumkin status...
Posted: 12/1/05 at 10:49am

Last night was fun. We should find ways to lure Fredi and Anthony into our discussions more often. Pre-pumkin status...

"I would rather take a flawed movie that has as much heart and passion and life and joy and energy and truth in it as this film does over any film that is completely perfectly presented and perfectly constructed but has none of that heart and life." -Anthony Rapp

dancingthrulife04 Profile Photo
#1306Pre-pumkin status...
Posted: 12/1/05 at 6:29pm

Dang. I missed Anthony.

Oh, and if I read back through this entire thread, I'm going to be late for dance, so could someone please explain to me baout the movie thing? I'd like to go, maybe. (Please click and help me win!) I chose, and my world was shaken- So what?
The choice may have been mistaken, The choosing was not...
"Every day has the potential to be the greatest day of your life." - Lin-Manuel Miranda
"And when Idina Menzel is singing, I'm always slightly worried that her teeth are going to jump out of her mouth and chase me." - Schmerg_the_Impaler

Broadwaygirl22 Profile Photo
#1307Scaring the Fish
Posted: 12/1/05 at 6:39pm

Hi! How is everyone? Anthony, thanks for answering my question about the book signings. :) I was just wondering something about your upcoming movie "Scaring the Fish". Will it be released in theatres or is it a film festival movie? Also, when will it be released? I was looking on and it only had 2006 as a release date, no specific month or anything like that. Well, that's all. Now I should get started on my research paper for English and do some college searching.

"The opposite of war isn't peace, it's creation."

#1308Scaring the Fish
Posted: 12/1/05 at 7:03pm

Hey Fredi! Always slow when these threads show up. Still seems like its staying alive though.

Dirty Rotten Scoundrel Profile Photo
Dirty Rotten Scoundrel
#1309Scaring the Fish
Posted: 12/1/05 at 10:38pm

I've actually been lurking in this thread, and the fact that I'm not talking freaks me out! *waves hi* how is everybody! Hi, Freddi, Anthony, and all other posters!
Updated On: 12/1/05 at 10:38 PM

MUNKY Profile Photo
#1310Scaring the Fish
Posted: 12/1/05 at 11:30pm

DRS, I was too...then I thought what the hell.

"Now I may not have much, but I have more determination than any man you're likely to meet." - Big Fish
"Misdirection. What the eyes see and the ears hear, the mind believes." - Swordfish

ShbrtAlley44 Profile Photo
#1311Scaring the Fish
Posted: 12/1/05 at 11:43pm

Hi everyone! What's up?

wickedrentq Profile Photo
#1312Scaring the Fish
Posted: 12/2/05 at 3:35am

Haha well then hi everyone...yup usually up now. I really need to get on some kind of slightly sane sleep schedule...

"If there was a Mount Rushmore for Broadway scores, "West Side Story" would be front and center. It snaps, it crackles it pops! It surges with a roar, its energy and sheer life undiminished by the years" - NYPost reviewer Elisabeth Vincentelli

incendiary_wit Profile Photo
#1313Scaring the Fish
Posted: 12/3/05 at 2:36pm

Well, I missed the boat on this one. *sighs and shakes head*

Anthony...listens to Death Cab for Cutie...*screams in joy* I love Death Cab...I love Anthony...I love Fredi too...OH JOY, OH BLISS OH RAP(P)TURE!

1. Ted Allen: Everyone has an interesting life if you ask the right questions.
2. Great buckets of Spoffnor, they're going to sing!
3. "I love shrubs that are historical." -Johnny and The Sprites
4. "We're not singing it to you, we're singing it for us." -Rosario Dawson, about La Vie Boheme
5. "The best moments in reading are when you come across something - a thought, a feeling, a way of looking at things - which you had thought special and particular to you. And now, here it is, set down by someone else, a person you have never met, someone even who is long dead. And it is as if a hand has come out, and taken yours." -The History Boys
6. "Pass the parcel. That's sometimes all you can do. Take it, feel it and pass it on. Not for me, not for you, but for someone, somewhere, one day. Pass it on, boys. That's the game I want you to learn. Pass it on." -The History Boys

VivaBohemia Profile Photo
#1314Scaring the Fish
Posted: 12/3/05 at 4:08pm

Death Cab for Cutie is awesome! ::cheer::

*Krissy* **Support the use of illegal wood burning stoves. Get your own metal trash can today!**

dragon8fly2005 Profile Photo
#1315Scaring the Fish
Posted: 12/8/05 at 7:45pm


I hate to admit that I have been a lurker here at this board for quite sometime...but you guys have sucked me in.

And I'm not complaining.

So, HI!

keep smiling,
bika Updated On: 12/8/05 at 07:45 PM

Musical_nerd Profile Photo
#1316Scaring the Fish
Posted: 12/8/05 at 8:45pm

Yay lurkers!

dragon8fly2005 Profile Photo
#1317Scaring the Fish
Posted: 12/8/05 at 8:51pm

I know right?

It's pretty much my life story.

So, how is everyone?

keep smiling,
