I saw this in La Jolla, and I have to say that I was extremely disappointed. I really, really disliked the show and felt that I had been talked down to the whole time. For me it was a very uncomfortable mix of heavy serious theme with "cartoon" music. I'm afraid the music seemed to veer very abrutly from cartoon to dark and even the choir (which was an element that I liked) wasn't used as effectively as it could have been. Now, I will admit the audience that I saw it with seemed to love it, but, I personally, was a bit insulted.
I had seen the film years ago, which for all its faults, I pretty much enjoyed (not my favorite Disney musical, though). If they were going to keep most of the music from the movie, I believe the should have kept the more fantasy elements (like the talking gargoyles). The music seemed to fit that style better than the kind of hybrid that was presented.
Also, about the staging, I've been a subscriber at La Jolla for about 10 years, and when the set is so closed in (as was the case with this show), large cast shows seem very cramped on that stage. If the set is more stylized and open, then the casts and movement don't seem so cramped (as on the Topsy Turvy number). I think the staging even with the same set on a differently configured stage might be alright.
Updated On: 2/14/15 at 12:53 PM
Featured Actor Joined: 10/24/14
Just curious, mish. Which songs did you find most cartoonish?
I actually was glad to see they took out "A Guy Like You" because I think that's the most cartoonish sound in the movie.
What they left for the play though, IMO, was pretty melancholy and thought-provoking. Sans, Topsy Turvy, of course.
Though, I must admit that even Topsy Turvy, while upbeat, has a darkness to it in the way they're treating Quasimodo. Almost an oxymoronic thing going on.
This is a pretty dark show.
And I can remember feeling a sense of conflict when I first saw the movie too, even though I did like it, as well.
Maybe that had something to do with the mixture of cartoonish and serious that you mention.
To be honest though, I didn't feel that as much in the play.
It felt pretty dark throughout to me. And the music held keel pretty well, IMO.
As for the staging, would I be cool with them making some changes there?
Sure. If it moves on to a larger stage, I could see them making some good use of the space. I think this show has a lot of potential.
One thing it will still be though is a musical with darker undercurrents. I think the songs they left work okay with that.
And overall I liked it.
Good to hear a review from someone who saw it though and has critiques based on what they saw.
The obvious answer to your question is Flight into Egypt which seemed like it was from a completely different show (perhaps an early draft of Joseph/Dreamcoat?). I could be wrong, but it seems like The Court of Miracles, The Tavern Song and Rhythm of the Tambourine might be others. However, perhaps it was the orchestrations rather than the actual songs that were jarring to me? It just seemed that the show would go from the heavy, church-influenced sound with the chorus and then the solo numbers didn’t quite fit that sound as they were more typically Broadway-style songs. To my ear, it was a bit of an uncomfortable mix. I have to admit that I only saw the show once, and I do not have super strong memories of some of the specific songs. I haven’t really made a point of analyzing or parsing the show. It just seemed more like a “miss” to me than a “hit”.
There just seemed to be something tonally off about the show.
Updated On: 2/15/15 at 08:13 PM
It's interesting. When the show first opened and during the run, a majority of the reviews were positive, but since the show is closed and is gearing up for Paper Mill, a majority of the reviews I've seen on here are very negative or disappointed. Is this some Disney backlash?
Hunchback along with Let The Right One In was two of the best shows I saw last year, did Hunchback have a couple of issues, of course. Nothing that can't be fixed, it was dark and it was the perfect tone for the show. Those who are basing there reviews soley on a video (botleg at that ) need to put there money where there mouth is and see it on stage.
I did see it live (in person, at the theatre), and for me (and I might say the 4 people that I saw it with), I didn't much care for it. It would probably be near the bottom of the 40, or so, shows that I saw last year.
Also, I tend to like Disney stuff, so I'm not really Disney bashing to answer Brave Sir Robin 2 above.
The show does have a lot going for it, and I hope they find the right mix to make it successful. For me, it wasn't quite there in La Jolla.
Of course, mine is only one opinion. And (rosscoe) I'm glad you liked the show.
Updated On: 2/15/15 at 09:16 PM
Featured Actor Joined: 10/24/14
Thanks, mish. Just curious.
I think, for me, the Tavern songs made me almost think a little of "Master of the House" from Les Miserables. So that worked for me in that way.
Regarding the "Flight/Egypt" song, I can see your point. The first time I saw the show, I thought the song a bit odd too though.
The second time I saw the show with another friend who wanted to see it (we both worked for Disney years ago), the song seemed better to me and I felt like I "got it" a little more. I suppose I almost saw it as providing some comic relief from a rather dark show.
I don't think any of the songs though ever really allowed me to totally lose the depth and themes of the show.
But I can see what you're saying. Even the movie goes from that glorious choral number of "Bells of Notre Dame," but then moves into lighter fare such as "Guy Like Me." Then "Topsy Turvy" to "God Help the Outcast." On to "Hellfire." It's kind of all over the place too.
Now again, had they put in that "Friend Like Me" number I would have found that disconcerting. That would have been entering an Aladdin realm with that song. Too light, IMO.
The rest though I was mostly okay with. For this production, that is.
Again though, that's my opinion. Some things work better for some than others.
I've certainly seen my share of shows where my opinion didn't match that of the majority.
Such as Urinetown, which I did not like at all, but I know many others did.
I wasn't a huge fan of Book of Mormon or Kinky Boots either. But they are both big hits with audiences.
At the end of the day, it all comes down to personal taste.
Thanks for your response. Interesting perspectives.
Updated On: 2/15/15 at 11:51 PM
mlsheehan, I hope I didn't offend, people can dislike the show with a passion, wish it was better, more based on the cartoon whatever they like. All I meant was don't judge it on a bootleg video ( which you did not ) .
No, you didn't offend me. I can't make it through bootleg recordings. They miss the most important aspect of theatre, which is the live dynamic of the actors and audience in the same space feeding each other. I have enjoyed some professional recorded productions (The Nance, Frankenstein, come to mind), but I can't make it through some grainy, handheld bootleg recording. Even shows that I've really wanted to see, I'll think, "Ok, let's give this a try. It's the only way that you'll see this." But, I only make it a few minutes before I turn it off. So I share your feels about judging a show based on a bootleg. I just wanted to be clear (I guess I was pretty emphatic about having seen the show in person) that my feelings weren’t based on a bootleg.
I’m interested to hear what will be different, in New Jersey. I do want the show to succeed.
I think that Hunchback is going to do just well when it comes to Paper Mill. They got new cast members for the show. I think the creators have been working hard on tweaking a few things, just so every thing is fresh. I could be wrong. That's just my assumption. I know Sacra/Profana will not be joining this production. I read that a New Jersey choir will be doing the background vocals. I'm excited to see it! :) Paper Mill always does fantastic productions!
Featured Actor Joined: 10/24/14
I'm with you, mish. I'd like to see it succeed too.
BTW, Mo….who exactly in the cast did they replace for Paper Mill? Do you happen to know?
Featured Actor Joined: 10/24/14
I'm with you, mish. I'd like to see it succeed too.
BTW, Mo….who exactly in the cast did they replace for Paper Mill? Do you happen to know?
They only replaced the three local Actors from LaJolla.
I thought the show was excellent in CA, I think the changes will be slight, I do hear they are trying to make it darker (less comedic) and simplifying the costumes and adjusting the set a bit. I'm very excited to see it again and again in NJ since it's a short train trip from NYC.
Broadway Legend Joined: 6/25/14
Well, I haven't seen it, but I've been reading the thread on and off. I am very interested in how this show will do. This version seems to move to a more realistic version with music from the Disney version, rather than a stage version of the Disney movie, which proves to be interesting.
There seems to be a lot of split opinions. I think the set looks fine, however, as I've not seen the show, I have no idea how it works in the production. Perhaps if the set is moved to a bigger stage, it will work better and feel less "confining". I must say as a fan of the movie, I was a little disappointed to see some of the iconic costumes weren't used for the characters.