Swing Joined: 7/27/16
Hi all! I created this account solely so that I could get feedback on this first world problem I've encountered.
About four months back, my family and I purchased four tickets for an upcoming Hamilton show. Our seats are partial view, in Row X of the orchestra. At the time, they were the cheapest seats available (and because it's Hamilton, they weren't that cheap at all), so we bought them, not knowing how much of an obstructed view they really were.
Recently, I've conducted a bit more research, and I realized that the mezzanine hangs really low in the Richard Rodgers, so much that it basically blocks the top half of the stage, especially if you are in the very very back right corner of the orchestra, like we are. Then, while I was casually browsing tickets today, and I noticed that there were cheaper seats available in the front and rear mezzanine and even a bit further up in the orchestra for cheaper, with a much better view (according to aviewfrommyseat.com.)
This is where the dilemma comes in. Do we keep the tickets we originally bought in Row X? (If anyone has seen the show from there, any input would be appreciated.) Do we buy the other tickets online and try to sell the four we had? And if so, what would be the best way to approach selling the tickets? The show is coming up quite soon, so we're in a time crunch, and I'm hitting myself for not checking earlier. Hamilton is my family's favorite musical, and I really just don't want it to be a negative experience.
Anyway, any input is appreciated! Thanks so much, and I hope you're all having lovely days! :)
Stand-by Joined: 2/6/16
A View from my Seat has an image of the view from row V! I, personally, don't have a perspective of what the view is from back there, but I would recommend the front mezz because of the importance of the choreography in the show--you can see the staging very well from there. I sat in row G of the orchestra, and the view was perfect from there as well.
Featured Actor Joined: 11/12/12
I can't give any opinion on the view but I just wanted to remind you to keep in mind that you mightn't be able to sell the original seats and that if you do you will likely have to take a loss as you'll need to sell them for less than the better seats including Ticketmaster's fees.
Since having a good experience of the show is critical to you, I would sincerely suggest purchasing closer seats (I would go as close as you can afford as, in my opinion, this show is really made by the facial expressions and the experience of the energy and emotion coming off the stage, etc) - I have sat in the first row when my boyfriend won the lotto and in the first few rows side orchestra and was very, very happy with the seats. I think row X is going to feel very far away and remote and will lessen your enjoyment. I would list your current tix as a resale on Ticketmaster and try to recover whatever you can since that is really the only site people feel very secure about the legitimacy of the tickets anymore - and they handle the delivery electronically etc without your having to do anything - which is important since you are crunched for time. Hope that helps and hope you enjoy!
Swing Joined: 7/27/16
Is there a guarantee someone will buy the tickets though? Even if we do take a bit of a loss, I'd rather have someone buy them for $90-$100 cheaper than not at all. Does every show completely sell out?
Swing Joined: 7/27/16
Is there a guarantee someone will buy the tickets though? Even if we do take a bit of a loss, I'd rather have someone buy them for $90-$100 cheaper than not at all. Does every show completely sell out?
Understudy Joined: 4/13/15
I would try to get mezzanine seats as close as possible. Mezzanine overhang in the Richard Rogers starts at J, so you will be much closer if you are in the front mezzanine and have a cleaner view. I've seen the show from Row A of the mezzanine (to the side) and Row V of the orchestra (center aisle of side section). I'm not tall and from Row V I didn't experience much blockage of the upper part of the set, but I think if you were two rows (or even one row) further back you'd miss a lot, especially in the corner. If I was taller, Row V would have had issues as well given the stadium seating in the second part of the orchestra. I was definitely closer in Row A of the mezzanine.
As far as resale, you can go on Stubhub and start to list (once approved) and you can see resale activity for that date. My guess is that Ticketmaster exchange is similar. But I would list on both as I get the sense that Stubhub gets a lot of activity as well with resale. That can give you a sense of what you would get for the date.
Personally, I would sell now and then pick up tickets the day before (or day of) the day you want to see the show. Ticket prices go down significantly as the day of the show approaches from what many on this board who follow this have said.
Chorus Member Joined: 5/15/16
I've seen the show from row T and row U, both times off to audience right. I think the row T seats were billed as "partial view." I felt that I could see the show perfectly fine, though admittedly I'm not particularly picky when it comes to seats. I may not have seen everything that happens on that second level, but I don't think much happens up there, I was able to see enough of it. And the time I saw it from row T, it was the second day of Broadway previews and I went in knowing absolutely nothing about the show.
I'm seeing it again in January from the last row of the orchestra (though in the center). And yeah, that might not be ideal, but not bad given that it will be my third time and I paid only list price for the tickets. I also know people who paid $$$ to sit in the very last row of the rear mezzanine, and they still loved every minute of it.
So I personally would take the "bird in the hand is worth two in the bush" approach and stick with the tickets you have, but YMMV. I honestly think it's just great to be "in the room where it happens." Enjoy the show whatever you decide!
Understudy Joined: 4/13/15
seriously13 said: "I've seen the show from row T and row U, both times off to audience right. I think the row T seats were billed as "partial view." I felt that I could see the show perfectly fine, though admittedly I'm not particularly picky when it comes to seats. I may not have seen everything that happens on that second level, but I don't think much happens up there, I was able to see enough of it. And the time I saw it from row T, it was the second day of Broadway previews and I went in knowing absolutely nothing about the show.
I'm seeing it again in January from the last row of the orchestra (though in the center). And yeah, that might not be ideal, but not bad given that it will be my third time and I paid only list price for the tickets. I also know people who paid $$$ to sit in the very last row of the rear mezzanine, and they still loved every minute of it.
So I personally would take the "bird in the hand is worth two in the bush" approach and stick with the tickets you have, but YMMV. I honestly think it's just great to be "in the room where it happens." Enjoy the show whatever you decide!
True, but his seats are in row X so one row behind where you sat -- there are some all the way in the corner one row further back than most of the last row....
There's no guarantee that you will be able to sell your current tickets. I don't know what you paid for them.
I am seeing a softening of the resale market now that key cast members have left, and some of the replacements haven't even started yet. So there's a bit of uncertainty at present.
If you're flexible on price, however, you will have more success. Both StubHub and Ticketmaster will extract fairly large fees from both buyer and seller. I haven't sold on StubHub, but I know that Ticketmaster will ask you what YOU want to get for your tickets. Then TM will build in an added amount to cover its fee. When someone goes to buy your tickets, that person will see the TM amount to pay plus an additional fee.
Also, if your tickets are for Friday night or Saturday (both shows), they will be easier to sell.
I would just keep the tickets. Too much hassle and worry about reselling and worrying if you'll end up selling them to fund for the new pair. And with the recent dips in prices an hour before showtime, it may be a hard sell to make your money back. I've purchased $500 tickets in the 3rd row aisle 30 min before curtain and would again over a ticket in a back row.
In March, I purchased the cheapest pair I could find. They were for May, rear mezz row F. When I ended up buying a last min ticket in April due to a castmember departure, I wanted to sell the ones I bought for May. In order to break even and make my money back, I had to sell them for $200 over the listed resale price I bought them for so ended up just taking my sister.
Broadway Star Joined: 12/31/69
I would absolutely sell the tickets. I saw it a few months ago from the back of the orchestra and was a little ticked off at how much the mezzanine overhang obstructed my view. I really think the Richard Rodgers is a terribly designed theatre in that way.
Bottom line, it really depends on how much you paid for your tickets and how much you want to get back.
We had to sell a pair of tickets for 7/22 because both my fiance and I had bronchitis. We listed them on Ticketmaster as soon as we realized we wouldn't be well enough to go (and would be disruptive and potentially contagious to those around us). After they were listed, we continued to keep an eye on the prices on the surrounding seats and adjusted the price as needed to be competitive. Our tickets sold the day before the show for $300+ per ticket than we had paid for them. We had good seats so I understand our situation may not be entirely comparable - but I would say that if you monitor the situation closely and are willing to take some loss if need be, I would think it is a reasonable expectation that the seats would get sold. I hope you have good luck and can get some better seats for a reasonable price.
My best friend's husband surprised her with tickets and flew her in from Seattle to see the show in March - the seats ended up being in the back (a few rows in front of yours) and she was pretty miserable about how removed she felt from the experience. I will admit we are both spoiled and used to being able to see well and see facial expressions etc - and we certainly fall in the category of those who are picky about seats and being able to see the nuances and expression - and the more we care about and love the show, the more heightened that pickiness becomes. It sounds like you are going to feel that way too, particularly with how much your family loves this show. I would give yourself permission and get the tickets you want and do you need to do to get rid of the lesser ones.
Swing Joined: 7/27/16
Thanks everybody! We ended up selling our tickets for a fairly decent price surprisingly and purchasing seats with a better view! Your feedback is greatly appreciated :)
Are my November tickets in row O center considered "the back" as described in this thread? I'm not going to let this get me down, but maybe I should temper my expectations.
Row O in the orchestra is excellent, even over on the sides. I've sat in both P and Q and loved the seats.
pkjunieb said: "Thanks everybody! We ended up selling our tickets for a fairly decent price surprisingly and purchasing seats with a better view! Your feedback is greatly appreciated :)
Glad to hear it works out. What row did you end up purchasing in exchange for the row X?
macnyc said: "Row O in the orchestra is excellent, even over on the sides. I've sat in both P and Q and loved the seats."
Many many thanks for the quick and reassuring response!