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"Honeymoon in Vegas" Preview Thread- Page 8

"Honeymoon in Vegas" Preview Thread

Mister Matt Profile Photo
Mister Matt
#175Honeymoon in Vegas - Previews
Posted: 12/3/14 at 1:37pm

I don't think it's knocking flying through Atlanta in anyway. It's just supposed to be funny because it's so far out of the way. How would it make any sense to go from Honolulu to Atlanta and then back to Vegas?
It's a sort of commentary on bizarre airline routes.

I think the heart of the humor of the song is the fact that Atlanta is the busiest airport hub in the US, and has been for a long time.

"What can you expect from a bunch of seitan worshippers?" - Reginald Tresilian

themysteriousgrowl Profile Photo
#176Honeymoon in Vegas - Previews
Posted: 12/3/14 at 1:47pm

Right, and that, because of that, it's a horrible airport to connect through under any circumstances.

It's a funny number, despite the actor who feels it necessary to play a male airline employee like "South Park's" Big Gay Al.


#177Honeymoon in Vegas - Previews
Posted: 12/3/14 at 11:48pm

Just got back from tonight's preview and oh boy do I have some thoughts.

First of all... Brynn O'Malley has GOT to go. I don't get the appeal of her at all - she's such an "adequate" performer. She's fine, she's okay... but I could list 20 other actresses that would be fantastic in the part. I hate being this cold toward performers but man I kept thinking "what a missed opportunity".

I have to agree with everyone else who has said that show is just "okay", because it is. It's not great, but it's not bad. But I'm having a hard time understanding how JRB went from Bridges to... this. I appreciate his versatility but I can't find his signature in this at all. It sounds like an attempt at Cy Coleman's style mixed with Shaiman and Wittman. It's easily accessible, completely commercial... but just somehow misses the mark at being great.

The show needs to be funnier somehow. All of the jokes got tepid laughter. Nancy Opel is working her ass off with her material but by the end it's just not funny anymore. Rob McClure is fantastic but deserves better, and Tony Danza is... fine. He was exactly what I expected.

"A Little Luck" needs to be rewritten or cut - the action flat out stops with this song when the show could really benefit from a push here. I loved Tony's tapping and it was a nice surprise, but it should either be placed somewhere else in the show or with a more upbeat song. The show could speed along excitedly into its ending if the song was gone but instead we get another midtempo one.

I thought the orchestra was fantastic and the set was nice, the projections didn't bother me except for the Flying Elvis's "landing".

Oh also, the singing at the end of the bows should be cut too. We had a sporadic standing o (maybe like half the orchestra stood up?) for when Rob and Brynn took their bows, but then the cast starting singing and it was that awkward moment where we could either clap along, or sit back down. Most of us sat back down.

I think the show really has potential - I feel like these are such easy fixes and hopefully they are working on them. I had a lot of fun tonight but I just keep thinking how much better the show could be.

Also, Gaelen Gilliland needs a raise. She's completely owns it as an ensemble performer and her singing in the "Airport Song" is a stand out.

Updated On: 12/3/14 at 11:48 PM

newintown Profile Photo
#178Honeymoon in Vegas - Previews
Posted: 12/4/14 at 8:06am

"I'm having a hard time understanding how JRB went from Bridges to... this. I appreciate his versatility but I can't find his signature in this at all."

How would you describe Brown's "signature" (or voice, as I would call it)? I've never really identified one, but for a frequent tendency to repeat a simple harmonic progression over and over, starting soft and building to an incessant pounding, and then specifically notate riffs that should be left to the individual singer to create.

Updated On: 12/4/14 at 08:06 AM

#179Honeymoon in Vegas - Previews
Posted: 12/4/14 at 9:11am

Caught last night's preview. Agree about Gilliland having a standout voice. I was pleasantly surprised by Danza's nimble feet. His singing may not be top drawer, but it fit his Tommy--a lounge lizard-like smoothie glossing over the darker parts of his character. Rob McClure is such a wonderful physical comedian; I enjoyed his panicky scenes, especially with Nancy Opel. And David Josefsburg steals every scene he's in with his multiple characters. I'm neutral on Brynn O'Malley.

But having never heard the score before, I felt a little let down, especially on the heels of the gorgeous BRIDGES score. A few times I thought a song was going to rise up there, only to peter out. As to "Out of the Sun," it's a mixed bag of shock and dark humor, but it changes the tone too much and should probably be jettisoned. Some songs were OK, but they didn't stay with me on a first hearing. When the only musical bit that truly stays with you is the Flying Elvises singing, "Jump, jump, jumpety jump" over and over again, there's something amiss. Still, often I grow to like a score more after repeated listenings, so I plan to see it again during late previews.

I'm hopeful it can be tinkered with enough to propel VEGAS (HIV would be an ill-advised acronym) from fairly OK to very entertaining.

Updated On: 12/4/14 at 09:11 AM

#180Honeymoon in Vegas - Previews
Posted: 12/4/14 at 9:25am

"Brynn O'Malley has GOT to go."

Well it's a little late for that now. I mean, I agree with you that she isn't very strong, but she's who they picked so that's all.

"As to "Out of the Sun," it's a mixed bag of shock and dark humor, but it changes the tone too much and should probably be jettisoned. "

God, it's still there?

Also, they're using HMIV, I think. Not that that's much better. Updated On: 12/4/14 at 09:25 AM

#181Honeymoon in Vegas - Previews
Posted: 12/4/14 at 10:55am

Possible SPOILER!!!!

I laughed so much during the performance I saw yesterday. This show feels like an homage to the shows from the 60's: light, breezy, fun score and you CARE about the characters. O'Malley touched me during Anywhere But Here and had me laughing when she beats up McClure with her shopping bags: very Roz Russell with an edge. Danza is a charmer and having not seen the movie, his scam was a total surprise in the second act: I audibly gasped! McClure is a neurotic riot and so wonderful and sooooo different than his Chaplin. Yes, the show is long, needs cutting in spots and it will take some time to tighten up I'm sure, but it is a delightful piece, highlighted by a surprising departure for Brown and his score and beautifully orchestrated: Those musicians are wonderful!!! I love the trumpet players in the overture and the violin riffs in the entre acte!!!

Updated On: 12/4/14 at 10:55 AM

#182Honeymoon in Vegas - Previews
Posted: 12/4/14 at 12:07pm

OK. I didn't care for any of the characters.

#183Honeymoon in Vegas - Previews
Posted: 12/4/14 at 12:48pm

In case anyone is interested - I rushed this show yesterday and got to the box office around 11:00am for the matinee and got G3 in the orchestra. Amazing seat. I don't think getting a full view orchestra seat close to the front is a common thing so I guess I just got lucky!

little_sally Profile Photo
#184Honeymoon in Vegas - Previews
Posted: 12/4/14 at 12:57pm

In regard to Brynn O'Malley: I don't think Betsy's a really strong or well-written character, so I really can't see anyone else doing a better job than she is right now. Like someone said, she's just a plot device. Even her big solo number, "Betsy's Getting Married" fell flat for me because I thought, "Why should we care? I know nothing about you, what does it matter that you aren't married yet?" She doesn't have any development at all.

A little swash, a bit of buckle - you'll love it more than bread.

#185Honeymoon in Vegas - Previews
Posted: 12/4/14 at 2:29pm

re: little_sally

I would say that "Anywhere But Here" is her big solo number and is also where we learn more about her motivation so that we care more about her by the time she sings "Betsy's Getting Married"

#186Honeymoon in Vegas - Previews
Posted: 12/4/14 at 2:48pm

Her big song is "Anywhere but Here" but it's still not a good character song. It's just about how she wants to get married. That's what her entire character is.

#187Honeymoon in Vegas - Previews
Posted: 12/4/14 at 3:02pm

The show is not meant to be a deep character study into Betsy, it is a comedy based on an outrageous situation.

I would compare to Gentlman's Guide - do we get any better development of the female love interests in that show? I don't think we do - and it is fine because that is not important to what the show is trying to accomplish.

Updated On: 12/4/14 at 03:02 PM

little_sally Profile Photo
#188Honeymoon in Vegas - Previews
Posted: 12/4/14 at 3:34pm

I don't need a deep character study on Betsy. I'm just saying that she's so underdeveloped that it really doesn't matter who's playing her.

A little swash, a bit of buckle - you'll love it more than bread.

adam.peterson44 Profile Photo
#189Honeymoon in Vegas - Previews
Posted: 12/4/14 at 6:37pm

To the poster above who asked if it bothered anyone else when the main character and one of the Elvises just stepped out of the "in-flight" plane to do some choreography and then stepped back in - Yes!!! - that was super-distracting! It made me start thinking about those Looney Tunes cartoons where Wile E Coyote steps off a cliff and doesn't start falling until he realizes that he has stepped off the cliff. All i could think about was how weird it was that in this Broadway play the staging invokes the "Cartoon Laws of Physics", and i completely stopped hearing the lyrics for a while after that due to the distraction. I hope that they fix that horrendous staging in the previews.

Updated On: 12/4/14 at 06:37 PM

Mr Roxy Profile Photo
Mr Roxy
#190Honeymoon in Vegas - Previews
Posted: 12/5/14 at 2:05pm

Saw it last night & my wife & I thoroughly enjoyed it

It is not meant to be high art. It is supposed to be an entertaining musical and it succeeds. It has 2 great leads (Danza & Mc Clure) & a great supporting cast. It is nice to see real sets instead of backdrops. Staging was great especially the number in Tiffanys. The harpist was a stroke of genius & it fit right in. The score is a 180 degree turn from Bridges which goes to show the versatility of Brown as a composer. We eagerly await the cast album. The band is great and their being on stage was a smart move.Having been to Vegas many times the music is perfect. The Elvises in the plane number was great nitpicking aside. It ain't Hamlet guys

We went downstairs to look at the souvenirs at intermission. Be forewarned they do not take credit or debit cards so it is all strictly cash only. They shoot themselves in the foot with this move but it is their call. Really stupid as they have a good selection of merchandise. On the way back upstairs, I noticed Brown with a legal pad talking to 2 other people. I waited until he was finished and told him how much my wife & I enjoyed Bridges and that we were enjoying this show as well. He did not strike me as egotistical at all. His response to me was "Thank You - You are very kind.

We sat mid mezzanine and the seats were great. Never sat up there before but the theater is small enough that it does not matter. This would have been a perfect theater for Sideshow.

Poster Emeritus
Updated On: 12/5/14 at 02:05 PM

#191Honeymoon in Vegas - Previews
Posted: 12/5/14 at 2:50pm

"We eagerly await the cast album. "

It's out already.

newintown Profile Photo
#192Honeymoon in Vegas - Previews
Posted: 12/5/14 at 2:52pm

You really covered all the Roxy Bases in that one post, didn't you? Except for bemoaning how Brantley will look down his nose and destroy it. You should add that bit.

Mr Roxy Profile Photo
Mr Roxy
#193Honeymoon in Vegas - Previews
Posted: 12/6/14 at 12:00pm

Hey New

From your snotty tone, it sounds like you are rehearsing to play Scrooge in A Christmas Carol

Poster Emeritus

uncageg Profile Photo
#194Honeymoon in Vegas - Previews
Posted: 12/6/14 at 5:22pm

Seeing it on Tuesday. Really looking foreward to it. Thanks for the heads up on merch Roxy.

Just give the world Love.

#195Honeymoon in Vegas - Previews
Posted: 12/7/14 at 9:30am

i love when people use the excuse "its not supposed to be high art so we will excuse all the bad plot points, songs in weird places, poor staging, and bad performances".

this is broadway. This is regarded as the height of professionalism in the art form. Even if its just "fun" like a kinky Boots or a Motown, or on the town, it should still be done with a sense of good acting, good singing, good direction, good transitions, great music and a good linear story line.

Just saying "its just stupid fun. enjoy it". doesn't fly when people are dropping 125.00 in tix prices.

Mr Roxy Profile Photo
Mr Roxy
#196Honeymoon in Vegas - Previews
Posted: 12/7/14 at 12:01pm

By the same token, paying big bucks to be bored to death does not do it for many people. There should be room on Broadway for everything. Your nose in the air approach is what is wrong with Broadway

Tourists drive Broadway. Do they want to be entertained or do they want to see Hamlet every night? You pay your money so you have a right to see what you want & not what some highbrow says you have to see

You want to see high art fine. A show can be funny and entertaining and still professional. Copenhagen was professional & high art. Many people left at intermission and some next us were fast asleep when we saw it.

Honeymoon was professional if that helps you. Bridges was also professional but it sank like a rock

Poster Emeritus

#197Honeymoon in Vegas - Previews
Posted: 12/7/14 at 1:23pm

Seeing it this afternoon. Got there at about 7 minutes to 12 and there were about 8 people ahead of me for rush tics (and the theater people were nice enough to let them wait inside because it's freezing). This couple had gotten there much earlier because they read on some site that the Box office opened earlier than 12 on Sunday - the site was wrong. Box office guy said he would report the error and get it corrected.

I got one tick mid-mezz, so it seems the rush seats are all over. I have been in the mid mezz of this theater before and I am sure it will be fine.

SmokeyLady Profile Photo
#198Honeymoon in Vegas - Previews
Posted: 12/7/14 at 1:24pm

I saw this last week and already forgot about it. A entertaining evening that shouldn't be high on anyones list. I would put it below Cath Me If You Can in my ratings list. I can't see tiis lasting long.

Updated On: 12/7/14 at 01:24 PM

Mr Roxy Profile Photo
Mr Roxy
#199Honeymoon in Vegas - Previews
Posted: 12/7/14 at 2:05pm

Totally disagree but everyone is entitled to their opinion.No matter what even a show universally praised will not be liked by some. Take Mormon. We hated it with a passion. Others would sell members of their own family for a ticket.

Hope it succeeds but I am jaded enough to realize it probably will not. A shame but life goes on. I used to care and feel bad when a show we liked closed.No more.

Poster Emeritus
