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Idina & Kristen go head to head with DONNA- Page 4

Idina & Kristen go head to head with DONNA

NYCbabe3789 Profile Photo
#75re: Idina & Kristen go head to head with DONNA
Posted: 5/11/04 at 9:16pm

Oh for God's sake...

While it is true that there are a good deal of kids out there who think that Wicked is the only show on Broadway, it is a HUGE stereotype to say that we are all just gushing kids who "follow the fad." Did it ever occur to you that people might like Wicked because they, let's say, ENJOYED it?

THEATRE IS SUBJECTIVE, as people on this board seem to need to be reminded so often. Just because one person likes Wicked or Rent and another doesn't, does NOT mean that the fan is closeminded and doesn't know good theatre or bother to learn about it. It also doesn't mean that they are just liking it because it is "popular." It means that that person was touched by and truly enjoyed that show. If you didn't, that's okay too, but how is one's taste better or worse than the other?

Broadening horizons is GOOD, and I agree that those who consider their favorite shows to be the only good thing out there can get pretty annoying. But I found many of the posts above to be VERY stereotypical and unfair.

Oh, and Al-if the average age on this board bothers you so much, why don't you go hang around Times Square and chase all of the teenies away? Then let's see where Broadway is in fifty years... Updated On: 5/11/04 at 09:16 PM

luvtheEmcee Profile Photo
#76re: Idina & Kristen go head to head with DONNA
Posted: 5/11/04 at 9:20pm

Oy. Wicked. Hmmm.... Today in school I had argument with this girl who insisted that Kristin just *HAD* to win. We were looking at the list of nominations and she went on and on and on about how Kristin was going to win, no ifs and or buts about it. She's very condescending, and I don't like her at all, but I wanted to prove that - despite what she thinks - pit musicians can be just as into musical theater as actors can - so I said that I really felt like Idina and Cheno were going to cancel each other out, and Donna Murphy or Tonya Pinkins was going to win. Of the two Wicked leading ladies, I'd rather see Idina win, but I really don't think either of them are going to. Anyway, this girl looked down at me, swung her ponytail - very "Mean Girls" - whined/screeched "Kristin Chenoweth IS GOING TO WIN." and marched away.

You guys know that I totally believe everyone's entitled to his or her own opinion, whether I agree with it or not, and you guys also know that I love Wicked - I really do - but I'm getting so sick of people who love Wicked so much that they refuse to believe that there's anything that - in certain areas - is better than Wicked. Like, on said list, the all-knowing "drama kids" had highlighted those that they "knew" were going to win. With the exception of Hunter Foster, (SO wrong. That award was Hugh's the moment he took the job.) everything highlighted was for Wicked... included best choreography. I was thinking to myself "Hello? There are what - three- dance breaks in the ENTIRE show? AND, IMO, they're not too great." Oy....

I don't know... I just felt I needed to vent. I feel like these people really need to get off their high horses and get some perspective.

Oh, and to anyone who loves Wicked (becuase I do too!) and to anyone who's an actor: please, please, please don't take offense to anything I said. I'm NOT at all generalizing... I was just telling a story. I don't want anyone coming after me accusing me of offending anyone. I'm not at all trying to. Y'all know I wouldn't do that. Thanks for reading my rant - if you made it this far!

A work of art is an invitation to love.
Updated On: 5/11/04 at 09:20 PM

TheGirlinTheFrock Profile Photo
#77re: Idina & Kristen go head to head with DONNA
Posted: 5/11/04 at 9:30pm

LuvTheEmcee: I understand completely!!

I too love Wicked (cast, costumes, music, sets, i love it all) but it is NOT the only show out there. Many .. MANY people in my school have seen the show and i think it was their first and only show they have ever seen. For some reason they think that since they havent seen anything else then no one else has either. I have said a couple times on this board that if i had to choose between Idina and Kristin i would like to see Idina win. Since i havent see all 5 ladies in the category i cant and refuse to comment on who DESERVES it over the other 4. The big thing in my school was that they were going "WOOOHOO!! WICKED got 10 Tony noms.!!" I kept saying, yes but they should have only gotten 9 (again coming from someone who loves the show) .. Best Choreography? Please. When did they dance? Dancing Through Life and ...... ? i am coming up blank. During What is this Feeling they kind of just marched around stage. O well.

Though scattered and divided we are still its heart...AIDA SEPTEMBER 5th, more longing backward glance... I AM NOW "TGIF!"

NYCbabe3789 Profile Photo
#78re: Idina & Kristen go head to head with DONNA
Posted: 5/11/04 at 9:31pm

No offense taken, luvtheemcee. I have a similar story to share, just so that everyone knows that I DO understand what you are all saying.

Today a girl I know who LOVES Wicked but doesn't know all that much about Broadway in general is gushing about how Wicked got 10 Tony nominations. She says "Oh god Idina had better win, or even Kristin...but I really hope Idina does." I agree with her, saying though that I think the Tony will probably go to Tonya Pinkins or Donna Murphy. The girl has never heard of either of them and insists "Oh who CARES about them! Idina's AMAZING!"

Yeah, there are people out there who think that Wicked is the only show on Broadway. But those people are generally not Broadway fans anyway, just Wicked fans. There are posters on this board like that, but to generalize about kids, let alone young posters on this board, being obsessed with one show and being closed to other opinions is unfair.

BroadwayGirl107 Profile Photo
#79re: Idina & Kristen go head to head with DONNA
Posted: 5/11/04 at 9:40pm

Al, you're frustrating me here. I understand completely your frustration, I too am frustrated with many of my own generation for the very same reason. But I beg of you, when someone mentions that he/she is a fan of a certain show and/or person, don't automatically assume it is because they are only following the fads and not completely looking at the talent involved.

I love Wicked, but I'm terribly frustrated with 99% of its fans because I feel as though many of them are not even grasping what the show means. I feel like they like it because it's bubbly and shiny and "OMG! SHE FLIES!" and all this other nonsense. SOME people see more in the show. On top of that, I feel many of those who are saying Kristin or Idina should win say so because Kristin is so cute and lovable and Idina can belt the roof off the Gershwin. That is frustrating. These are not awards for solely for vocal skill or talent.

That being said, I think Idina deserves the award in this case. While it's nice and all that she can belt , that's not why I want her to win. If she can't act, what's the use in giving her the award for best ACTRESS in a musical. I was impressed with how she handled the complexity of the character and intensity of Elphaba's emotions and deeply moved by her powerful performance in the role. I saw everything I was hoping for in her portrayal of the role. It was such a real character to me. Persoanlly, I think she was just beyond stunning in every way, and for that, I think the Tony should be hers.

But who's to say I would be disappointed if Tonya Pinkins won?
re: Idina & Kristen go head to head with DONNA

TheGirlinTheFrock Profile Photo
#80re: Idina & Kristen go head to head with DONNA
Posted: 5/11/04 at 9:40pm

There is a difference between 1. loving a show and wanting it to do well and 2. being close minded and not even acknowledging the other shows talent and brillance

Though scattered and divided we are still its heart...AIDA SEPTEMBER 5th, more longing backward glance... I AM NOW "TGIF!"

ShbrtAlley44 Profile Photo
#81re: Idina & Kristen go head to head with DONNA
Posted: 5/11/04 at 9:44pm

Deeisadiva said: "for her singing alone she should get the add her acting and she's a shoe in"

The Tonys are not singing awards. They are awards given to the person who gives the best overall performance.

Elphie Profile Photo
#82re: Idina & Kristen go head to head with DONNA
Posted: 5/11/04 at 10:13pm

NYCbabe3789- I hear you!

"They hear drums. We hear music."

brdwaybaby17 Profile Photo
#83re: Idina & Kristen go head to head with DONNA
Posted: 5/12/04 at 5:03pm

I agree with you all here, but I think the only reason Al was upset in the first place is because I offended him because he rarely has anything good to say..... god forbid I should have an opinion too! But, seeing as he likes Tonya (and he never likes anyone) she must be great.... wish I could see her..... Updated On: 5/12/04 at 05:03 PM

HunterFosterIsMyGod Profile Photo
#84re: Idina & Kristen go head to head with DONNA
Posted: 5/12/04 at 5:08pm

exactly, NYCbabe3789. thank you.

Al Dente Profile Photo
Al Dente
#85re: Idina & Kristen go head to head with DONNA
Posted: 5/12/04 at 6:32pm

Again friends, that is why I used the word MOST. I guess I should have capitalized it in my other post. I'm not going to Times Square to chase little children away anytime soon NYCBABE but it's an interesting visual, to say the least. And yes, Pinkins is that good and no, I don't dish out complements easily and/or because it's the cool thing to do. That makes me discerning, not bitter. And trust me, there is a difference.

brdwaybaby17 Profile Photo
#86re: Idina & Kristen go head to head with DONNA
Posted: 5/12/04 at 7:26pm

Ok, ok, I get it, I apologize. But I would at least like you to read the post I made right after you made that comment to me. If I can respect your opinion, then I do hope you can respect mine....

HunterFosterIsMyGod Profile Photo
#87re: Idina & Kristen go head to head with DONNA
Posted: 5/12/04 at 8:41pm

Al: I'm bitter that the average age of posters on this board is under the legal drinking age.

WHAAAT!? and even if i'm not 21, what do YOU care? i do have opinions too! sheesh...

brdwaybaby17 Profile Photo
#88re: Idina & Kristen go head to head with DONNA
Posted: 5/12/04 at 9:47pm

lol Who's a little late?? re: Idina & Kristen go head to head with DONNA Updated On: 5/12/04 at 09:47 PM

Al Dente Profile Photo
Al Dente
#89re: Idina & Kristen go head to head with DONNA
Posted: 5/13/04 at 9:38am

Oh, just a little re: Idina & Kristen go head to head with DONNA

brdwaybaby17 Profile Photo
#90re: Idina & Kristen go head to head with DONNA
Posted: 5/13/04 at 6:56pm

Eh, it happens.....
