Stand-by Joined: 3/1/04
To be honest, I did not think I would care for this show based on what I'd heard. I was pleasantly surprised - this is one hell of an ambitious show, and I found myself very moved by the end of it. The first act is messy, but entertaining and had a few beautiful songs. It just doesn't quite gel yet.
The second act is OUTSTANDING. The story kept going into places I didn't expect, and I found myself moved. The audience went crazy, as expected for a first preview with this cast. But I was surprised at the amount of people in tears throughout the second act and walking out of the theatre.
This is Idina's show and she nails it. She is on stage virtually the entire time, sings like crazy, makes you laugh, and has intensely emotional scenes. It's one of those roles that wins awards. Best Actress in a Musical this year is insanely competitive. She has an 11 o clock number (would love to know the title) that stops the show and is the evening's highlight. I found Kelli O Hara and Jessie Mueller don't get a big "being alive" moment to bring the house down like this. However Kelli is overdue...
If they can fix the first act (quite fixable), they will have a big winner. It's very Company + Sunday in the Park + a little Rent.
Updated On: 3/6/14 at 12:14 AM
My question is if the show ends up touring or Idina ends up leaving can anyone play it like she can? Could the show survive without her?
Thanks for pointing that out Whizzer. While I could follow the two story arcs -- I will say if there is anything that is confusing its some of the side stories (La Chanze/Rapp) because several happen without Menzel -- and her presence is really the only thing that confirms whether its in the "Liz" track or the "Beth" track.
And I did laugh because in one scene I was pretty sure La Chanze and Jen Collela were going to jump on the table and break into a chorus of "Take Me or Leave Me"
It felt, to me, like a much more intimate show than NEXT TO NORMAL, as well. And I'm not sure if "intimate" will work on tour and across the world, but then again I was wary that a musical about mental illness would sell on Broadway alone...and it certainly did. NEXT TO NORMAL runs the gamut of emotions and has some sustained high-wire sequences of intense high-stakes drama. IF/THEN is a much more character-driven, grounded, chill piece (with some emotional moments as well, though not the same kind of emotional moments as N2N). IF/THEN sounds, looks, feels, and unfolds so differently than really impressed me how versatile this creative team is. Updated On: 3/6/14 at 12:19 AM
"Could the show survive without her?"
No, this is the Idina show.
Hope someone who also saw the show in DC reports back. I wasn't a fan in DC, and if they didn't make changes, i'll be skipping this in New York. I am disappointed that the SPOILERS***crash***SPOILERS is still out of place
WickedRocks - its interesting to hear you describe this as a more intimate show than NEXT TO NORMAL because I would say the opposite. The appeal of NEXT TO NORMAL is in its intimate depiction of family and the secrets and feelings that exist under the layers of a lot of families in modern society -- whereas I think IF/THEN is pretty esoteric in it's themes of parallel realities and the ripple effect of individual choices.
I don't think this piece is nearly as cathartic.
Not to take anything away from Idina AT ALL, but the show could survive with replacements/on tour because of the strength of the material.
People said N2N couldn't play without Alice and how wrong they were. Both shows were tailored for their leading ladies, but the goods are in the book and score.
Sutton, again, I disagree. Idina is a major, undeniably huge asset to the show and the part was written and tailored for her talents, but it could certainly (and should) survive without her. People said the same thing about Alice Ripley's performance in N2N. That no one could even come close to topping her portrayal of Diana. And many talented women took on the role, on tour and on Broaway, and made it their own. For my money, Marin Mazzie wasn't as great as Alice, but she was great nonetheless. Halfway through the first act, I had forgotten about Alice and was completely engrossed in Mazzie's take on the part. This isn't a Hugh Jackman in THE BOY FROM OZ-type situation. The subsequent Elizabeths may not be as great as Idina, but they can be great in their own way. And that is more than enough.
And BroadwayNYC2, I saw the show in DC (my thoughts from DC are here: ) and see it in NY on Friday. I'll try to take a mental note of all of the changes I notice.
Updated On: 3/6/14 at 12:26 AM
Broadway Legend Joined: 6/5/09
Nearly three hours to tell us a truth we all know before the curtain even comes up seems a considerable waste of time and energy. Our time and their energy. If the two tales they used to prove their point were even slightly interesting, that might have compensted a bit. Unfortunately, attention flags early and often in the first act, and the second act is a complete downer. Idina Menzel is saddled with an uninteresting character; she is given one of those wailing power ballads at the end, a wholly undistinguished one. The score is less dreary than some recent offerings, but in no way memorable. Anthony Rapp is quite charming. The physical production is fairly attractive.
How about all the people doing covers of LET IT GO on YOUTUBE.? Surely some of them could play Liz in IF/THEN JR
Broadway Legend Joined: 2/24/14
My biggest problem with the show is the ending. IT just does not go anywhere. I spent almost 3 hours watching What/If (which should have been the title) and nothing gelled. Had no problem following the story lines I just thought there are too many and all of them go no where. Frankly by the end of the first act, I just didn't care anymore.
Ok but she's the draw, she is what gets people through the door, at least for now. I'm curious to know what they change (if anything) during previews.
Ok but she's the draw, she is what gets people through the door, at least for now.
There's been one official performance so far though. Who knows what word of mouth on the show itself may be like. It's too soon to say whether or not the show could financially survive without her. I was talking about the future of the show on Broadway, etc without her specific talents.
And I think a lot of people who loved N2N are interested in the show as well, based on the merits of the creative team. I don't think she's the only draw.
And Michael Bennett, I hear what you're saying. I'm not sure if I'm articulating it quite the way I want to, but I did find IF/THEN to be a "smaller" (not in a negative way, in a more intimately-focused way) and, well yeah, more intimate experience. N2N moved me tremendously and did feel intimate in many, many ways. IF/THEN hit home with me in a lot of the themes it touched on and could not have felt more tangible and accessible to me. Maybe it's just a personal, individual thing? That probably makes zero sense...not sure how to say what I'm trying to say about them comparatively (partly because, as I mentioned, they are so completely different in every way).
Updated On: 3/6/14 at 12:32 AM
Absolutely not, there are many draws. But, I think a lot of people will go because she's in it.
The piece that oddly came to mind watching this show was not one about parallel realities but a show that covered a character's journey and her impact on the people and the world she lived in over a span of many years and that is David Hare play PLENTY.
I do feel like that in their ambition, the writers of IF THEN, perhaps feeling that they needed to chart every single thread that extends from the moment that is the catalyst for the two stories ultimately include too much information and get tangled up a bit.
I think that the audience would be able to easily fill in the gaps if some of the plot were more streamlined. For example, I thought it took way too long for Liz to end up with Josh. We know from the first scene that they are going to end up together and indeed that their getting together is going to be the basis for "Liz's" journey, so its superfluous to take so long getting to their "getting together" -- The brilliance of David Hare's play is in its economy. Often years pass between scenes and so we get a real sense of the ripple effect of one person's decisions from one scene to another. And indeed the second act of IF/ THEN works better largely because it isn't precious with covering the passage of time. I think that's what is slowing down Act 1 -- which is mostly concerned with covering a period of just months.
Updated On: 3/6/14 at 12:37 AM
I liked what they did with the ending. Ultimately she got to experience the job and the man in both timelines, just in flip-flopped times in her life. As different as we think our lives can turn out by choices we make, sometimes certain things are so fated that no matter what we do they will happen eventually. I think it's the only satisfying way they could have ended it, really.
END SPOILERS*************************
Broadway Legend Joined: 2/24/14
I loved N2N, one of my favorite shows. N2N this isn't. No where close to as entertaining or emotional. I think they just wrote this to show off Adelle's voice. I believe they workshopped N2N for 2 years, this has been around for what, 8 or 9 months. Send it back to work shop and tighten it up or something.
I actually liked the ending and agree with Whizzer that it was the only really satisfying option given the story that preceded it.
I do agree this show could have used a few more workshops, but it doesn't appear that the show has really changed much from DC so I'm not sure those workshops would have really changed much. For better or worse, this must be the story the writers want to tell.
Ok - can someone clarify if this thing is really 3 hours!? I feel like that has to be an exaggeration but I could always be wrong. I also appreciate the tip about the rear mezz being sold for $50 after the lottery, but for anyone who was there... how was the crowd/how many tickets were given out and where were they located? Hoping to try this sometime next week and any & all info is greatly appreciated! Updated On: 3/6/14 at 12:58 AM
Broadway Legend Joined: 2/24/14
There were about 100 people for the lottery, only 20 tickets were sold for $25. Do not know where the lottery seats were located.
Edit, YES, it is running 2:50 right now. That may change if they cut songs.
Updated On: 3/6/14 at 01:01 AM
Stand-by Joined: 3/1/04
I agree that Act One is messy, but my takeaway is that it had emotional power. And I'm not a sucker! Haha.. It felt fresh and contemporary unlike most musicals I've seen lately. I hope they clean this one up.. Would love Act One to move faster and be less dense. There was a song I really liked in the middle of Act One with the 4 women - would love more of that type of energy in Act One. Looking forward to a song list.
When Idina was doing her concert tour I saw in Vancouver Summer 2012. She performed the first live performance of a song from IF/THEN at that concert, and talked about being in workshops... So I certainly think it has been a lot longer then 8-9 months.
The show's been in development/been workshopped for way longer than 9 months.
Broadway Legend Joined: 2/24/14
okay, but it still needs work. Both my BF and I agree, the way it is right now, this is a huge gamble. The selling power is Idina, not the music or the script. I was looking forward to this after seeing N2N numerous times on B'way. This left me feeling ripped off. N2N was emotionally exhausting to watch. This was just exhausting. Could not wait to get out.