I apologize for any crazy rambling or incoherent sentence structure, but I am freaking out because I unequivocally LOVED this show.
Idina has been having quite the week and I feel like she showed up to this first preview like Cleopatra making her glorious entrance into Rome. The lights dimmed in the Richard Rodgers and suddenly a spotlight hits Idina on a second tier runway. She's holding a phone and begins to leave a message. She speaks: Hi, it's me. The audience goes crazy, and just like Liz Taylor conquered all those hearts decades ago, Idina has us with three words. After the applause dies down she continues, "I've missed you." This gets a laugh and I'm in love.
The music begins and the prologue sets the story in motion. As many have stated from the out of town thread there is a "Liz" plot and a "Beth" plot. Some of the supporting characters overlap and play different roles in each plot and other characters primarily only appear in one of the two stories. My biggest fear was being confused with the constant switching, but it was soon proven to be unfounded. I thought it was clear whenever she morphed from one character to the other. Glasses for Liz; none for Beth. Plus, the supporting characters always made sure to say her name when they began speaking to her, just to ensure clarity.
Idina is a giving an ASTOUNDING performance. Both vocally and in terms of acting. I am in a total homosexual panic right now because I was dead set on Kelli winning the Tony and now I demand a tie. I actually want a new musical written about two dueling divas, Francesca and Liz/Beth, who must enter into an operatic belt off until they both win Tonys. If Idina was not so grounded and confident I think the whole thing would fall apart.
And then the supporting cast. I have long been obsessed with LaChanze goddamn she brought it tonight. James Synder, Anthony Rapp, Jason Tam and Jenn Colella were all fantastic. They all get moments to shine, and were very in sync with each other. This was a cast that moved like a single-celled organism- each functioning in his or her own role, but always for the greater good to move the show along. I know they had an out of town, but this certainly did not feel like a first preview. It felt like an opening night.
The score was instantly hummable and infectious. Smart, real lyrics and gorgeous melodies. Let's get the double CD recorded on the first day possible.
I don't want to talk about the plot much because I think it's best to go in cold. There are some nice visual effects too that should remain a surprise.
I am feeling complete euphoria and I will be making every effort to return to the show tomorrow night.
Glad you loved it so much, Whizzer. I really do think it's a special piece and the changes from DC I've been privy too seem for the best. Very excited to see it on Friday. :)
Did the audience go crazy after "Always Starting Over"?
Updated On: 3/5/14 at 11:41 PM
I had no problem following the divergent story arcs, but I did think the story would be tighter if it stayed more exclusively on Beth/Liz's relationship with both stories. Rather than this being a situation of exploring how the choices we make impact the lives around you, I felt like Menzel's character(s) was in a lot of ways just walking through different versions of her life and that the story telling felt less specific and interesting as a result.
As said above, this is most evident in the story arcs involving Rapp and La Chanze in the Liz storyline. A lot of what unfolds in that plot didn't serve the exploration of her story which is really what the audience should be most interested in.
There is also an ENORMOUS amount of music in the piece - some of it, frankly, less interesting than the scene work that accompanies it. Since there is no song list in the Playbill I'd be pretty stuck to tell you exact songs. For me, the score was on the whole pleasant, mildly clever but not especially unique. A lot of it sounded a like by the end of the show. Loved Menzel's 11 o' clock number though.
Updated On: 3/5/14 at 11:43 PM
Can't wait to see this tomorrow night! Thanks for your thoughts, Whiz!
I didn't think I could possibly be anymore excited to see this next week, but, Whizzer, your review just made a thousand times for excited to see this! I was choosing between this and Beautiful, and now I am SO glad I will be going to the Richard Rodgers next Thursday night.
There wasn't a songlist in the Playbill, so you'll have to forgive me on guessing song titles, but was that the 11 O'Clock number? If so then YES!!! Idina knocked that one out of the park. They should let her stand there and bask in the applause after that number.
That's the one! Such a great song...she's truly never sounded better than she does singing this (wonderful) score. Updated On: 3/5/14 at 11:47 PM
That's the number they should do on the Tony Awards for sure.
I completely agree, Rocks. Idina has never sounded better in her career.
Considering those opposing reviews, I think I'll go with the Whizzer on this one. Glad you enjoyed it.
Whizzer and those interested in seeing this show repeatedly -- the box office was selling all rear mezz for 50 dollars after the lottery drawing. A good deal. The view from up there is just fine.
Glad to hear you loved it so much, Whizzer. I always look forward to reading your first preview reports. :)
And I can't wait to see this one. I've been an Idina fan since I saw her in Wicked many moons ago (I can't believe it was over 10 years ago already), and I'm so excited she's back in New York. It's kind of crazy that she hasn't done a musical here since 2005, but I'm thrilled she's back in one that seems to have been so tailored to her talents.
I gotta say, I was there tonight, and I know that a lot of people have put a lot of work into, but I didn't connect with anyone except for James Snyder's character. Every other character in the show is a self serving narcisist that doesn't exist in the same world that I do. I would hate to have any of them in my life.
IF i had payed full price for my ticket, THEN I would have felt really cheated. Why are all the characters so P.C. and anti Republican? I found the whole ordeal a fuzzy and self involved mess. I frankly didn't care what was going to happen after the intermission.
MB, I hear what you're saying about some of LaChanze and Rapp's material not directly impacting Idina's story, but as you mentioned the show is about how everything and everyone is affected when choices are made. You can't show that ripple effect without delving into the lives of those around her.
I personally cared just as much about the two of them as I did for Idina. Plus their material was so good! Tam and Rapp have a wonderful duet near the top of act two and LaChanze and Colella have a killer duet later in the same act.
I found it rather refreshing to see such fleshed out supporting characters in a musical, and the creators had to flesh out each character TWICE!
I went tonight and it was a satisfying evening. I was very excited about seeing Idina, and she has never sounded better or looked more beautiful. The sound had a few glitches, but the gorgeous lighting and the sets were fantastic. Very fresh, bright, and vibrant. They use a giant mirror that moves throughout the show, which reflects a lot of great stuff like stars and subway maps. The trees in the upper back stage were beautiful, they were real (not a projection) and I loved what they did to the entire stage.
*************A few spoilers ahead:
I heard several people at intermission saying they didn't really know what was going on. I was confused initially, but then got it pretty quickly. This show definitely isn't for kids due to the abortion storyline, hilarious profanity, and its very adult plots. I hated the plane storyline, I hope they cut it. Some people might be turned off with her choice and reasons to have an abortion, but I'm sure it's non issue for most. The songs were ok, "Always Starting Over" being the only song that I can remember. The supporting cast was decent, but there wasn't much chemistry between Idina and James. A solid evening at the theater, and I fully respect them making a entirely original, new musical.
When I left, the stage door was insane, at least 10 rows thick. I'm so happy I don't stage door, especially when its dead ass cold!
Broadway Star Joined: 12/8/07
I was there tonight and WOW. This season has really kicked into gear finally. Brian Yorkey and Tom Kitt have crafted a wonderful piece of theater, and my favorite part? It's wholly original. Finally not something based on a Novel, Short story, or film!
Idina truly sounded fantastic tonight. and definitely will be giving Kelli a run for the Tony. (I agree with Whizzer, I want a sing off and for both of them to get it!)
The staging is brilliant and seamless. Les Miserables should borrow the turntable on off nights. There were a ton of wonderful surprises, especially two or three moments in act 2 that are really beautiful.
I don't think this will be everyone's favorite show, but I hope that Idina continues to be a big enough draw to make it a big hit. It isn't mainstream, but it is absolutely brilliant with an excellent acessable score. My favorite new musical of the season.
there wasn't much chemistry between Idina and James
Wow, I couldn't disagree more! In DC, I thought their chemistry was the best and most believable dynamic in the cast. I found them to be a sexy, charming, and passionate pairing.
I'm assuming the plane crash is still in the show. Did it make more sense? Did it at least connect to the plot?
Whizzer - my problem with the "ripple" effect as you describe it is that I thought it was then lopsided. If we see how "Liz's" choices effect Rapp/La Chanze, then why don't we see how Beth's choices impact characters' like her boss and his relationship with his wife.
And I'm not advocating that the writers add any more music….
Again, I do applaud all the ideas behind this musical, I just think it gets a little lost in it's grand reach.
Yes there is still the plane crash section and I thought it was a little silly frankly. I know they are going for it being a profound moment for Beth's character but in the moment I found my eyes rolling a bit. It's a little melodramatic.
Updated On: 3/6/14 at 12:05 AM
Broadway Legend Joined: 2/24/14
Yes, the plane crash is still in the show. I really did not get that part. Also they whole fix your marriage because you girls are the definition of love, you have 2 hours to figure it out, really pissed me off.
Broadway Legend Joined: 7/20/13
Whizzer, I love you. Your reviews make me so happy and informed. They really help me make my decisions of which shows I should see because I live 5 hours away from NYC. I can't wait to see it hopefully for my birthday this summer.
Just a thought: What do you guys think about the show having potential international incarnations. Do you think it will be successful?
Hm, so far I'm not hearing a huge number of changes from DC... I wonder how many changes they'll make during previews :/ I was really hoping they'd cut the stupid plane crash, too.
Overall, not surprised to see mixed reviews but happy everyone seems to be unanimous about Idina :)
MB- I agree that Jerry Dixon could probably have had a bigger musical moment either with Beth at the award ceremony or with this wife, but his character already served his purpose and Beth had moved past his plot. We were still wrapped up with Liz and her friends, and don't forget LaChanze and Colella sang their big duet in the Beth timeline, not the Liz one.
I think some of you guys should put spoilers warnings when discussing big plot points like....
the plane crash!
END SPOILERS***************
I don't think the show will have quite the global appeal of NEXT TO NORMAL -- it feels very much written to cater to New Yorkers but sure - they'll do it in Germany.
Yeah, didn't get the plane crash at all. Did it crash or was there just turbulence? No clue, and others around me were confused as well.