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Instructed to Perform for the GOP- Page 3

Instructed to Perform for the GOP

umgeoboy Profile Photo
#50The Dear Old GOP
Posted: 8/30/04 at 10:17am

Ok, so now my post from last week is causing me to get hate mail from republicans on this site!

So I decided to share what some have written me "You cannot survive debating so you name call & throw brickbats". I actually have not name called but asked that republicans to understand that actors have the right to take the day off in protest.

I turn this debate back onto the republicans. Why name call at me someone who is just pointing out rights. We as Americans have the right to take the day off (a sick day) out of protest from anything we do. We can march freely (as long as your quiet) in protest.

"I would not want actors to fear one of the rascally republicans are in the audience ( even a former one ). My wife will now steer clear of broadway totally saving ourselves a bundle." Another lovely quote from a republican. So, now you are going into hiding from everyone who disagrees with your views? So, really if it doesn't exist you will be happy?

Sorry, this type of reversed hatred is what really gets to me!

"Judy Garland, Jimmy Dean, You tragedy Queen" ~ Taboo

"Watching a frat boy realize just what he put his d!ck in...ex's getting std's...schadenfruede" ~ Ave Q

"when dangers near, exploit their fear" ~ Reefer Madness the Musical

#51The Dear Old GOP
Posted: 8/30/04 at 10:23am

Actually, I'm no labor lawyer (or am I?) but we as Americans don't have a right to take a sick day as a form of protest. We have a right to take a sick day because we are sick. And employers have a right to ask you to bring in a doctor's note verifying that you were sick.

If we are given personal days off with pay, we have a right to take those days as a form of protest. But if an employer finds out that you took a sick day when you weren't sick, that would be grounds for corrective action.

Personally, I think people should perform and take the money and consider that if they didn't take the Republican money that maybe they would just be spending it on malatov cocktail supplies for family planning clinics.

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umgeoboy Profile Photo
#52The Dear Old GOP
Posted: 9/3/04 at 2:39pm

For all of those who though the GOP convention would help broadway sales and the ny economy!!!

Broadway sales were down an estimated 50% accross the board while they were here.

"Judy Garland, Jimmy Dean, You tragedy Queen" ~ Taboo

"Watching a frat boy realize just what he put his d!ck in...ex's getting std's...schadenfruede" ~ Ave Q

"when dangers near, exploit their fear" ~ Reefer Madness the Musical

#53The Dear Old GOP
Posted: 9/3/04 at 2:42pm

No ****. Conventions are like sports stadiums- politicians (and team owners, in the latter case) like to convince people that the government should pay for them because of the benefits they'll get in return, but it's all BS.

Auggie27 Profile Photo
#54The Dear Old GOP
Posted: 9/3/04 at 2:58pm

Everyone is just SOOOOO stunned that the broadway box office fell. But there's no surprise here. At least 4 shows closed because there were no sales this week. And: weeks before the convention the Fear Brigade was telling us at every turn about explosive sniffin' dogs and backpag random checks and banks with bed red X's over 'em and how Anarchy Will Rule in the hands of the world's angriest Bush Haters and how Penn Station will become the most dangerous place outside of Baghdad. (" train will be allowed in the station, once Bush heads for MSG...") Now everyone is like, "what happened?! The tourists didn't come! And the convention folk didn't see that many shows!" Jeez, other than the Sunday before the big start, the delegates had to cram the Garden everynight for that "positive" convention, leaving only the Wednesday matinee available.

Oh, it's just such a shock, NYC being so damned empty, no??

"I'm a comedian, but in my spare time, things bother me." Garry Shandling
Updated On: 9/3/04 at 02:58 PM

SamIAm Profile Photo
#55The Dear Old GOP
Posted: 9/3/04 at 5:31pm

Too bad that, while the Equity actors were instructed to work (which they should have done and DID) the Republicans didn't also follow the requests of the theaters in giving their welcome to NY speeches onstage before each of the shows the RNC went to.

The 'welcomers' (Republicans all) were asked to just keep it simple and say 'welcome' and NOT do anything politial, but Giuliani (for whom I used to have some respect) insisted on giving a political statement during his welcome while astonished actors stood backstage (most of whom were Democrats and many of whom I'm sure were gay and not exactly FOND of the current administraiton) and they were unable to speak their mind. Nice of Giuliani (who was mayor of NY and knows its composition and makeup in terms of population) felt he could take over someone else's building and stage for his own political purposes.

They should have given him the old fashioned burlesque hook

"Life is a lesson in humility"

BlueWizard Profile Photo
#56The Dear Old GOP
Posted: 9/3/04 at 5:52pm

Knowing that it was going to be a disastrous week, maybe the producers should have just closed for the week and given the cast and crew a week off.

BlueWizard's blog: The Rambling Corner HEDWIG: "The road is my home. In reflecting upon the people whom I have come upon in my travels, I cannot help but think of the people who have come upon me."

kissmycookie Profile Photo
#57The Dear Old GOP
Posted: 9/3/04 at 5:53pm

I doubt Actors Equity would have allowed that...

SamIAm Profile Photo
#58The Dear Old GOP
Posted: 9/3/04 at 6:25pm

BlueWizard: A little bit of revenue is better than none especially when so many shows are struggling to stay alive.

There is no way they would have gone dark up and down Broadway from 8/30 thru 9/2...even September 11th didn't keep the marquis dark that long.

"Life is a lesson in humility"
