With Rapunzel surviving at least she escaped the horrors yet to come.
That was a great interview with James Lapine, it should convince fans of the show that it has never been "Disneyified".
"With Rapunzel surviving at least she escaped the horrors yet to come."
Defeating a Giant?
@ShakinBaconGirl Just witnessing her mother go crazy/enraged when she vanishes (or does she die to?) once and for all and the Giant's rampage which brought the deaths of Jack's mother, Little Red's family, and The Baker's Wife.
For a girl who's on the verge of cray-cray she'd be sensible enough to go away with her prince in this version. What do you know, she does.
Updated On: 12/5/14 at 03:55 PM
"For a girl who's on the verge of cray-cray she'd be sensible enough to go away with her prince in this version. What do you know, she does."
This brings up a question of mine. Does Rapunzel go cray cray in this version? Maybe someone who has seen the film can answer. I don't really see a reason for her to go crazy. She gets her "happy ending" and rides off with the prince, correct?
Everyone keeps saying "oh she gets a happy ending in this version" and then people are like "but she be cray cray" so I'm just really confused.
I said that she was close to be crazy not entirely. I think in this film version she does have some senses left to tell off The Witch and run off with her Prince.
Broadway Legend Joined: 6/21/06
She doesn't go cray cray. She's just not used to her new life with other people around (which makes running away make more sense)
@Wildcard Thanks, that makes sense.
So what is the final shot of Rapunzel?
Leading Actor Joined: 9/16/13
So this was snubbed for Visual effects I was for sure they might have had this under consideration then again because so much of it is filmed on location the effects are probably only there to enhance rather than excite.
I expect a nod for Meryl, costume, Make up and hair design and maybe Sound Mixing and Cinematography if they don't get over shadowed by Interstellar.
Updated On: 12/5/14 at 07:04 PM
Broadway Legend Joined: 6/25/14
Disney is actively campaigning this film in Best Picture according to it's FYC ad online.
New Video With Kendrick:
Some new camera angles/footage
Broadway Legend Joined: 6/25/14
I love the promotion! Very pleasant surprise in the marketing!
So, we agree!
Updated On: 12/5/14 at 09:09 PM
Broadway Legend Joined: 6/25/14
Here's the new tv Spot that played during the NBC Christmas in Rockefeller:
Some new footage!
Meryl's "Shhh" is very well done! The agitated/annoyed finger movement was wonderful.
They had a Movie Surfers-esque segment on Disney Channel that premiered during the "Shawn is Back/Christmas" episode of GIRL MEETS WORLD. A few new shots/scenes were shown but it was basically a brief interview with Kendrick about the movie itself, her favorite song ("On the Steps..." of course), and her love of the film's designs.
But if Rapunzel runs off with the Prince, she still could have gotten killed by the Giant...
I still definitely think Disney made Rapunzel survive, though.
In fact, from that interview posted a page back, this transpires:
"Let’s talk about Rapunzel, who doesn’t die in the film. There was also early backlash about that. I assume the choice to keep her alive had something to do with the fact that she’s a Disney Princess?
JL: Oh, no. There was a lot of discussion about the body count and how many people were dying in the second act. There was just a compromise, frankly, in not having her die. It wasn’t like I thought she had to die, as long as “Children Won’t Listen” would resonate. And I thought, Yeah, it wouldn’t matter, dramatologically.She’s less damaged in the film version than she is in the stage version. So I guess that was a compromise, yeah."
Did you notice, James Lapine ADMITS in the end it WAS a COMPROMISE? So it's not what they REALLY WANTED!
And it's weird Anna said "On the Steps of the Palace" was her favorite song on Disney Channel, when in another interview she said it was "No One is Alone".
Updated On: 12/6/14 at 01:41 AM
They had to make a compromise cause you know Disney wasn't going to budge. It's not what they originally wanted because it makes no sense for Rapunzel to live. If Lapine and Sondheim had their way, she would have died. But at least they are being good sports about it. They pretty much have to..
Broadway Star Joined: 12/31/69
Can someone who has seen the film share how the ending is different from the leaked screenplay? I know that we no longer see the other characters as ghosts, but are the final four not going to be seen arriving back in the Baker's village to begin rebuilding? Because that seemed like a very powerful image to me and a great way to end the film.
PLEASE...PLEASE don'tt tell us anymore...i want to go to the movie theatre and be surprised and amazed and discover this film for my self...i do not understand why so many of you want to know every detail of the upcoming film...yes some leaks and previews are exciting but it can also be too much information...
i suggest AFTER we see the movie that we talk alternative endings and lyrics and all that jazz...:)
Disney has released the full audio to Meryl's "Stay With Me", if people are interested in hearing the full song rather than just the excerpt that has been featured in the video clip:
Updated On: 12/6/14 at 01:08 PM
Broadway Legend Joined: 6/25/14
Corden will be on CBS Sunday tomorrow
Lila, Billy, and Mackenzie will have a face book Q and A Monday at 3 ET
In summary:
-Has not seen it before
-Runs long
-Sometimes stagey
-Looks very beautiful
-Score is top-notch
-Very dark for PG
-Cast is wonderful
Broadway Legend Joined: 6/25/14
Another review (7/10)
-Never seen show
-Wonderful cast
-Beautiful production
-Nothing amazing however
-Very nice film
Broadway Legend Joined: 5/28/05
I am getting to the point where I may dip out for a while. I don't need/want to read every Tom, Dick, and Harry's spoiler infested review. I also don't need to a play by play of every shot in the film before I get to see it myself. I love the promo clips, trailers, and tantalizing teases released by the studio, but I still want some surprises. I am afraid some folks here are going to ruin it by having everything explained to them.
Broadway Legend Joined: 6/25/14
Theater Mania is releasing exclusive footage on the 10th
"Can someone who has seen the film share how the ending is different from the leaked screenplay? I know that we no longer see the other characters as ghosts, but are the final four not going to be seen arriving back in the Baker's village to begin rebuilding? Because that seemed like a very powerful image to me and a great way to end the film."
I haven't seen it, but from those who have seen it, it apparently ends with
The Baker's Wife reappearing, then the VO song comes on, then the camera slowly pans over the forest, the village, and the destructed kingdom as all of the characters join in. Then, I think (stills?) are shown with the actor's (or characters?) name. At the end of the song Cinderella at the tree says "I wish...". The credits roll and the "though it's fearful" round starts. It is apparently very beautiful according to those who have seen it.
Disney has released the full audio to Meryl's "Stay With Me", if people are interested in hearing the full song rather than just the excerpt that has been featured in the video clip:
CHILLS. I can't believe how absolutely brilliant her take on this number is. Had to listen once. Now I'm going to try to abstain until after Christmas.
But in the full audio...Rapunzel doesn't say "It was lonely atop that tower" and the Witch doesn't say, "I was not company enough?" I await the film to see if that was a good idea to cut out or not?
Meryl does a really, amazingly great job...but I prefer Bernadette Peters beautiful version. Meryl's still amazing with it, I just have my preferences.
I think that one review that said Meryl Streep had "Such an authoritative and deeply affecting performance" used the word "authoritative" correctly? Anyone care to shed some light on that?