Ugh! I hated Huttlestone in Les Miz. His raspy/throaty/husky voice was very grating. Hopefully, his voice would have broken by then, and for the better.
Broadway Legend Joined: 6/28/07
The Deadline article did not mention James Corden. Perhaps the Hollywood Reporter article from last month saying that he had signed the deal to play the role were premature after all.
Either he is is still in negotiations or his schedule with theatre forced him to withdraw from the film and now they are looking for someone else.
It's too bad that the Narrator won't be in this film. In October 2012, David Garrison did serve as the narrator for the reading of the screenplay.
Updated On: 6/21/13 at 02:50 PM
Broadway Legend Joined: 5/28/05
"The Deadline article did not mention James Corden. Perhaps the Hollywood Reporter article from last month saying that he had signed the deal to play the role were premature after all."
I don't know how much stock I would put in that just yet. The purpose of the article was to mention Huttlestone, and Corden isn't exactly a major star. He may have just fell through the cracks in the casting recap. Who knows?
If they're looking for a 14-ish year old Little Red, I vote for Bailee Madison. She has gumption and spunk.
I hate spunk.
Broadway Legend Joined: 5/28/05
She looks too prissy. Can she act?
Updated On: 6/21/13 at 03:14 PM
I think Daniel Huddleston was great in Les Mis, and since he's growing up quickly, he'll probably be the perfect age and height for a screen "Jack."
As far as Little Red, I agree she needs to be of an age just on the cusp of "awareness" and puberty.
But since girls (and boys) mature at different rates, that age could be as young as 12 or as old as 16. It will depend on how mature she appears on film and how mature she acts, more than anything. I'm less concerned with how old she really is than how old she seems to be portrayed in the movie. It's the same trouble casting Wendy and Peter Pan. I thought the live-action film from 2003 did an excellent job of capturing that "moment" between childhood and adolescence. Just when they start to "know things now."
If they're going young for Jack, why not Nolan Gould?
Broadway Legend Joined: 5/28/05
"If they're going young for Jack, why not Nolan Gould?"
...because they cast Daniel Huttlestone.
As long as we're talking about talented Modern Family kids, if they're going younger for Red, then Nolan and Sarah's TV-sis Ariel Winter might be an option.
My only concern for both the kids being this young is how much more off-putting "Your Fault" will get. Two adults (depending on how they cast Cinderella) arguing with children who actually look 14.
Broadway Legend Joined: 5/28/05
It will probably come off as any other teenager arguing with someone older than them.
Broadway Legend Joined: 5/28/13
madbrian - As several people have mentioned here ad nauseam, it's a pretty sure bet that actors who are series regulars on the network shows will be unable to accommodate the filming schedule; especially with filming taking place in England.
Broadway Legend Joined: 8/5/11
SO i am half way through the script here are my thoughts.
- I just feel like i am reading the Broadway libretto. That's not a bad thing or anything but I am still having trouble seeing this film working on film. To me its just not a great show to put on the big screen. By reading the script it looks like this is going to be very stagey instead of cinematic. This material really doesn't lend itself to the screen.
-I think the Opening is going to look like a hotmess on film. All the different panels might make it look like a cheap tv movie.
I like that Cindy's Mom is a tree.
- I love how they have decided to do The birds.
- The witch turning into an owl is cool .
-I hate the way they are going to do the wolf cutting open scene. Doing the silhouette is just dumb .
- So happy they cut "i guess this is goodbye" The pace will be better.
- Not sure how i feel about the wolf being a man first.
- I really can't stand " i know things now" but i like the flashback idea.
-The lead in to "Giants in the sky" sounds really clunky and bad.
-I like that the witch has a lot of abilities in this.
- I love how they will do "it takes 2"
Updated On: 6/21/13 at 05:25 PM
Broadway Legend Joined: 5/28/13
Jordan, so true. I agree with all of your thoughts. Nice!
Broadway Legend Joined: 8/5/11
I see this going like phantom of the opera (2004). Something fun to look at but nothing inspiring that warranted a film. I hope I'm proved wrong.
Chorus Member Joined: 10/3/12
ANNA KENDRICK is going to play Cinderella!!
Broadway Legend Joined: 5/28/13
Chorus Member Joined: 5/3/13
Hollywood Reporter also saying Kendrick is in talks to play Cinderella
Broadway guy, what draft of the script are you pulling from? Some of your info seems way out of date.
So glad about Kendrick! She'll be great.