Mixd bag for me. I don’t really like everyone standing the second an Ensemble member starts the bows. I guess it could be a real feeling of thankfulness for what they just saw but it feels phony to me.
When I saw Bill Irwin/Kathleen Turner in Albee’s Virginia Woolf I was in the first row center. I didn’t stand at the end. I really liked it but it was a pleasure just to be in the first row and not have to stand to see the bows. I remember Ms. Turner looked down at me and smiled. I hope she was really pleased!
And now I eat crow on bows. I saw the OBC of Pacific Overtures 17 times. I would be there on a Tuesday night when the house was 1/4 full and stand the second the bows started. I remember a cast member nudging a fellow actor and pointing towards me. I don’t know if he was pleased or thought I was a nut.
Of course you can stand or not stand.
But I think that if you’ve paid $100 or more, you’re gonna stand for Merde, The Musical. And everything else.
Leading Actor Joined: 5/9/05
I saw Mean Girls Saturday afternoon and to my surprise it did not receive a standing ovation. I felt bad because I thought the talented young cast was great and I really wanted to stand for them.
Updated On: 6/26/19 at 10:06 PMFeatured Actor Joined: 1/28/16
What’s rude is leaving during a curtain call.
It’s not rude to give a standing ovation and potentially block someone who elects not to stand themselves. Barring a disability, they’ve made the calculated decision that the performance did not merit their standing. Which is fine, but the entitlement in saying those who sit should dictate it for the rest of the audience is laughable.
Broadway Legend Joined: 3/18/19
I was in the front roe for a show, and the minute the curtain cane up on the first ensemble member to take their bow I stood. Who cares what the person behind me thinks? I’m short and I’m showing my appreciation for the show! Even if I’m the only one. Even if I’m in the last row of the theater, if I love it, I want the actors to know! It’s your call and no one else’s.
Broadway Legend Joined: 6/5/09
. "Barring a disability, they’ve made the calculated decision that the performance did not merit their standing. Which is fine, but the entitlement in saying those who sit should dictate it for the rest of the audience is laughable."
And if the person does have a disability, then what?
Any person who buys a ticket to see a show seated is "entitled" to see the entire show seated--- and that includes the curtain call.
And as far as dictating what others must do, it is those who stand who are dictating to those behind them what they must do if they wish to see the curtain call. If everyone sat during the curtain calls, everyone would see them. But if some people stand, and others don't want to, then only some people see them.
So tell me, who are the ones displaying entitlement?
Broadway Legend Joined: 6/5/09
Magictodo123 wrote:
"Who cares what the person behind me thinks? "
I care.
And presumably, that person cares as well.
You don’t want to stand, and others want to stand. It’s as simple as have different opinions. Just because someone disagrees with you does not make them entitled. You’re allowed to make the choice to not stand, but it’s hard to be upset when others do since they have the same exact rights that you do.
Broadway Legend Joined: 6/5/09
"You’re allowed to make the choice to not stand, but it’s hard to be upset when others do since they have the same exact rights that you do."
Not standing does not impinge on anyone else's right to see the curtain call. Standing does.
And what's more, not standing is an act of courtesy to the person behind you.
Standing is an act of discourtesy to that person.
After Eight said: ""You’re allowed to make the choice to not stand, but it’s hard to be upset when others do since they have the same exact rights that you do."
Notstanding does not impinge on anyone else's right to see the curtain call. Standing does.
And what's more, not standing is an act of courtesy to the person behind you.
Standing is an act of discourtesy to that person.
Forge the performers on stage though, right?
Mike, you might be confusing bravery with rudeness.
Updated On: 6/25/19 at 07:49 AMBroadway Legend Joined: 6/5/09
"Forge the performers on stage though, right?"
Not at all. Reward them with applause.
Broadway Star Joined: 3/27/19
wait, the question here is "am i allowed to like something if not everyone around me does?"
why should the majority's decision how to react to a performance dictate your own?
no question that standing ovations are overused these days but seems ridiculous to invent a whole new reason to gripe ("but *I* don't want to stand up yet!" )
JDonaghy4 said: "wait, the question here is "am i allowed to like something if not everyone around me does?"
why should the majority's decision how to react to a performance dictate your own?
no question that standing ovations are overused these days but seems ridiculous to invent a whole new reason to gripe ("but *I* don't want to stand up yet!" )"
Exactly. I don't understand After Eight's problem. I liked the show, Im going to stand. If you don't want to stand, you do not have to. Its just as simple as that. Does not make it rude however, and theres usually more than 1 person who stands up so if you're complaining about not being able to see the curtain call, well, then get up! Sorry everyone else does not cater to your needs and sits around you creating the clearest view for you of the curtain call.
kp said: "I don’t think it is rude at all. Just as it isn’t rude not to stand if you don’t want to. I do think that the automatic standing ovation which seems to be the norm on Broadway and has sadly infected the West End, is rather sad. It’s like the word legend. Overused!It has devalued the practice. I do stand for something special if I am moved to do so. Nowadays people seem to stand for mediocre shows and so-so performances. What a shame."
I agree 100% with this. Standing ovations for every performance by every actor /actress has certainly devalued the practice. I stand only when I think a performance or show is deserving of one.
On a side note, I think the same thing of everyone who feels they must tip a server 20 -25% no matter how bad the service. I have friends I go out with regularly, and from time to time the service at a restaurant is horrible (not the food, but the server's service). Yet they feel they need to tip the maximum 'because they feel bad for the server' or 'they don't want to look cheap'. WHAT?
To me,that's unfair to the servers who really deserve the 20-25% tip, and work their butts off to get one. I just don't get it.
I only don’t tip if the server is blatantly rude to me. It’s a tough job, tipping 20% is their income. No, you aren’t responsible for their income but it’s part of decency. A standing ovation is different imo. They happen almost all the time now but in general I think it’s completely fair for someone to stand even if others are not. They’re as obligated to have a reaction to the show as you are, whether it be the same reaction or not. It’s not like their standing on top of their seat and hooting and hollering for the show or the performers like a concert.
Chorus Member Joined: 5/25/19
I completely agree with Mike B
Chorus Member Joined: 6/21/19
I am polite and considerate during the actual performance. But as far as I'm concerned, once the curtain call begins, and the cast is taking their bows, the show itself is OVER, and I can stand and applaud if I want.
I can think of twice when I felt alone standing up.
The first was at TRIUMPH OF LOVE, a show which I adored. In this I was in the minority. I felt isolated in my standing ovation but so what? I don't regret standing. Standing expressed my admiration. It was genuine. My ovation may have surprised many in the audience; but I doubt anyone considered it rude. Why would they?
The second was at the revival of PROMISES but only because I stood up early for a very specific reason. I was astonished by Katie Finneran's performance, the beauty of her acting, her presence, the great lady's natural charm and remarkable skill. I stood up when she took her bow. Again, i have absolutely no regrets for being an unabashed fanboy.
This is in stark contrast to the countless times in which I stand up only because I'd prefer to see the bows than the butts risen in front of me. I don't begrudge anyone enjoying the show and showing it by standing even when i don't wish to stand.
That works in both directions.
BTW "Revival of Promises" strikes me as a not bad title for a play.
Broadway Legend Joined: 2/24/14
dramamama611 said: "So be it. I'm not going to stand during CCs if I don't feel its warranted."
I have been to plenty of shows where the majority of the audience stood and I sat there hoping to get out asap. Some one quoted it in this thread about standing to justify the cost of the ticket. Well, if I don't enjoy the show I'm not standing.
However, it I am having fun, or at least enjoying the performance, you bet your sweet bippy, I will be on my feet showing the cast that I liked what they did.