cknick was comparing Leo Frank's Jewishness to Jeremy Jordan's (alleged) lack thereof. Isn't this obvious? Do I really have to explain it?
If someone said, "Al Pacino doesn't resemble an Italian from New York", don't you think it would be fair to say that Pacino's Italian background has just been brought up?
Not really, since it wouldn't change that Pacino didn't read as Italian to that person for whatever reason. If someone is Jewish they can still read as non-Jewish to someone. Them being Jewish doesn't then disprove that opinion as incorrect.
This is a pretty ridiculous sub-discussion. You know how to avoid these conversations about actors' Jewish backgrounds? Stop saying that Jews can't play Jews, or aren't plausible as playing Jews, or don't look like Jews, or any variations on this theme.
cknick explicitly said "Jewish", in relation to the actor/character. That would mean they brought the topic up.
@haterobics Yes it does. It's ridiculous and beyond racist to say someone is implausible playing an Italian from New York when they ARE an Italian from New York. Saying it immediately brings up the actor's background, yes. Updated On: 12/18/14 at 06:13 PM
"@haterobics Yes it does. It's ridiculous and beyond racist to say someone is implausible playing an Italian from New York when they ARE an Italian from New York. Saying it immediately brings up the actor's background, yes."
Except they are talking about how that actor reads onstage from a CASTING perspective, which has absolutely nothing to do with their actual ethnic or racial background. I know an Asian actor who wasn't being considered for an Asian show for not reading as Asian enough by the Asian composer/producer. This is nothing unique.
Updated On: 12/18/14 at 06:14 PM
Sorry!! I wasn't bringing up "skinny Jew from Brooklyn" as a comment on Jeremy (or any actor's) religious affiliation. I quoted it as a line from "Big News" because it's a character description in the show and I was comparing Leo's physicality to Jeremy Jordan's. Sorry for the confusion. I don't think Jeremy's religion has anything to do with it. Updated On: 12/18/14 at 07:49 PM
geez, it's a concert people. Jeremy is an amazing singer and a good actor. I saw his show at 54 below, he does the neurotic Jewish thing just fine. What more do you want? This is not for a Broadway revival! And even if it were, he's not that far off! Jewish, not Jewish, practicing Jew, non practicing jew? who cares? entertain me! it's a concert!
I'm sorry the whole debate about his being Jewish is really, really stupid. It's acting. It's all make believe. It doesn't matter the faith of the actor, or hell, the race of the actor. Get over it.