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John Lithgow's vacation confirmed by telecharge

John Lithgow's vacation confirmed by telecharge

#0John Lithgow's vacation confirmed by telecharge
Posted: 7/19/05 at 11:52am

I did a search and didn't see this listed...and I know there's been questions of when the rest of the leads were taking their vacations..

I was just looking for DRS tickets and noticed that telecharge posted today that John will not perform Aug 9th thru 21st.

This has to be a new notice as I was on telecharge yesterday for DRS tickets and Lithgow's vacation notice was not posted.

thespian geek Profile Photo
thespian geek
#1re: John Lithgow's vacation confirmed by telecharge
Posted: 7/19/05 at 12:33pm

Nice. I'm seeing DRS his first day on vacation. Who's his understudy?

#2re: John Lithgow's vacation confirmed by telecharge
Posted: 7/19/05 at 1:43pm

His s/b is Nick Wyman, but I don't think he has gone on yet (unsure if he is still with the show to be honest)
Tom Galantich is his u/s and has gone on a few times.

Thenardier Profile Photo
#3re: John Lithgow's vacation confirmed by telecharge
Posted: 7/19/05 at 1:46pm

Nick Wyman hasn't been with the show for a while now...not since Tony time.

Tom Galantich will go on.

He replaced Nick.

#4re: John Lithgow's vacation confirmed by telecharge
Posted: 7/19/05 at 1:52pm

I see they finally took Nick off of the website, he was still listed last week as s/b

VoiceofReason Profile Photo
#5re: John Lithgow's vacation confirmed by telecharge
Posted: 7/19/05 at 1:53pm

Saw it with Tom a few weeks ago. His comic timing was not incredible, but his voice was delightful. "Love Sneaks In" was absolutely gorgeous--saw it with a friend who had previously seen it with John--her notes were mainly that he just didn't have the same chemistry with Norbert (as to be expected), and that Tom wasn't as comedically inclined, but that his singing far exceeded the previous performance. Overall--I still fell head-over-heels for the show, and Gregory, Joanna, Sherie, Norbert, etc...were excellent as always.

For heaven's sake, don't try to be cynical. It's perfectly easy to be cynical. ~The Importance of Being Earnest~

#6re: John Lithgow's vacation confirmed by telecharge
Posted: 7/19/05 at 4:30pm

Shame Nick never performed; I'd have loved to see him. I'm sure he would have been great.

#7re: John Lithgow's vacation confirmed by telecharge
Posted: 7/19/05 at 5:04pm

Tom is AMAZING! Both times I saw the show I managed to see it when John was out and Tom was on. He has a fantastic voice (I actually prefer his singing to what I've heard of John on the cast album) and great timing and interaction. My parents loved him as well, when I took them to see it for my second time.

Plus he's a real sweetie at the stage door. A few of us waited for him to come out (about 10 minutes after the other leads had left) and he was so surprised! He waited until everyone had an autograph or photo who wanted one.

I can't say enough good things about Tom.


"If you start from a place of joy and charm, you can get away with a lot in the second act. It may be that that's my life. I'm not sure." ~Roger Bart

#8re: John Lithgow's vacation confirmed by telecharge
Posted: 7/21/05 at 4:06am

I just gotta say this...

I had tickets for 6/18 matinee - Lithgow was out and I switched for 6/19 matinee - Butz was out and I switched for 8/13 evening - now Lithgow is out.

Jeez - it seems I have the lousiest luck. Now what do I do?

I so want to see both of them in it. It frustrates me to know that the people who bought half price tickets the entire week of 6/12 got to see them both and I pay full price months in advance and cannot seem to buy a break.

I am from out of town - switching to another date is almost impossible for me. Does anyone know how long both are contracted with the show?

Should I wait until my mini-birthday visit in November?

#9re: John Lithgow's vacation confirmed by telecharge
Posted: 7/21/05 at 8:50am

Can't tell you whether to change it so you can see both; only you can say that re your schedule. But I can say that if you have to choose one to see, choose Norbert. Lithgow gives a good performance, but when I found out that Nick Wyman (a longtime Thernardier from Les Mis) was his understudy, I was interested to see Nick's performance eventually (never happened). However with Norbert, I have no desire to see anybody else play this part.

Mamie Profile Photo
#10re: John Lithgow's vacation confirmed by telecharge
Posted: 7/21/05 at 8:54am

Which just goes to show that it's all a matter of personal taste. I would have said just the opposite. I thought Lithgow was incredible.
A click for life.
mamie4 5/14/03

#11re: John Lithgow's vacation confirmed by telecharge
Posted: 7/21/05 at 9:04am

Won't try to argue. Definitely personal taste.

BobbyBubby Profile Photo
#12re: John Lithgow's vacation confirmed by telecharge
Posted: 7/21/05 at 10:11am

For me, seeing the show without both Butz and Lithgow in it would be pointless. I'd demand a refund or exchange. It's like seeing Laurel without Hardy, or just 2 of the 3 stooges.

nychick9876 Profile Photo
#13re: John Lithgow's vacation confirmed by telecharge
Posted: 7/21/05 at 11:35am

ah i have tickets for the 10th. hopefully Norbert will be performing that day.

sometimes i think my head is so big because it is so full of dreams- the elephant man

wendy72 Profile Photo
#14re: John Lithgow's vacation confirmed by telecharge
Posted: 7/21/05 at 12:41pm

I would see it on 8/13--as much as I loved seeing the original cast both times AND I do think Lithgow is great, the longer the show goes on, it just stands to reason more vacations will be coming up, go see it with Norbs.
Or, try changing tickets for around Thanksgiving if you can, which I would imagine would be a big tourist time and likely to have all cast members in. (Not taking vacations,etc., illness just can't be predicted.)
I think the entire cast in in the show thru the end of January.

Good Luck!
