Broadway Legend Joined: 5/11/04
The whole "doubling" thing creates a bigger impact with the songs then just him by himself, and it creates a somewhat echo, and besides it might be a way to keep him from losing his voice and not straining his throat on the high notes. It doesn't really matter cause John Lloyd Young will still get nominated and he will win, "My hand to God".
"You go into any casino in Vegas and say "Tommy DeVito, you will be thrown out of there in 12 seconds. My hand to God."
-Jersey Boys
Is there a video where is is not doubled? do they double Michael when he plays john's part? if so who else sings to back him up?
This is the same crap that always goes out about this time of year. Personal attacks fueled and paid for by greedy producers and printed by Reidel to make the Tony race a little more interesting.
It happened with Bernadette, it happened with Donna Murphy, and now it's happening to JLY. The Tony's are purely political and if you don't believe that, take a look at Avenue Q/Wicked. The producers of Avenue Q went far enough to lie to the Tony voters to get their award. They released a CD just for Tony voters to sway their decisions. It's campaigning...luckily, it was an election year, so they were smartly able to diguise it as a spoof of the presidential race to the general public. It's just the way it works.
I'd be willing to bet there is a producer of Sweeney, Wedding Singer, PJ Game or Tarzan behind this all of a sudden being "reported."
Bottom line is it's BS and Reidel is only reporting selectively on the topic. He leaves things when Kristen Chenowith was missing nearly as many performances as Donna Murphy was. Whoops! Forgot about that. Yet Reidel printed 3 or more articles all about Murphy's missed performances.
JLY IS INDEED a front-runner for the Tony, and if you don't think so, go back and read his love-letter reviews in just about every publication. That is why he is under attack...just like JM Barrie says in Finding Neverland "You find a glimmer of happiness in this world, there's always someone who wants to destroy it."
I sent an e-mail to the jersey boys today and ask if John sings all the high notes. I just got an e-mail back and yes john is hitting all the high notes.
Please people, it's not like he's pulling a Milli Vanilli or Ashlee Simpson. Sad but true that people who are in the public eye get brought up by the media, only to have them bring them down. Am I a teensy surprised? Yes, a little. Am I disappointed? No, not at all. Will this stop me from seeing it again? Hell no!
IMO, yeah, it's probably disappointing, but really, whatever. People seem to be really thrilled with the way he's playing the part, and if they got the best man for the part but he can't hit all of the notes (those are crazy high -- it's probably hard to find someone who can hit them, no?), then that's okay. Think of it this way: would you rather someone be playing the part who can sing all of the crazy high notes, but isn't cut-out for the part in other senses? Probably not.
Then what's the problem? Obviously not everything Riedel says is true, so, then fine, take what I said and preface it with "IF" he's beign doubled, or whatever.
He says they're not being hit. Other authorities say he is. I'm not going to get into an argument over whether or not we should believe Riedel, because frankly, I have a lot of big problems with what he does, but I'm talking hypothetically.
" it's a large part of my almost-four-octave range."
I'm sorry. but did he really need to add that in there. It rubbed me the wrong way. Sounds like bragging to me.
Though Riedel loves to cause drama. Lets not forget, 95% of what he writes about usually turns out to be absolutely true.
Updated On: 4/14/06 at 03:49 PM
95% turns out to be true?
Are you kidding me with this? Does that include "the" and "and?"
Broadway Legend Joined: 12/8/04
ljay - the point is what Reidel is reporting truth.
And that's the problem. He reports the truth but not the other part of it.
JLY sings the high notes - but has someone singing with him to increase the power. I suppose they would have been better off having him prerecord the high notes and sing with a backing. But that would be a pain in the ass for the stage manager.
One more time--JLY IS singing the high notes, the low notes, and all the notes in between. But, BECAUSE IT'S THE WAY THE FOUR SEASONS recorded, he has someone singing with him. It REPLICATES the original music. Simple.
Riedel writes twisted truths. He takes something that is legit, blows it out of proportion, and then either tells exaggerated versions or ones that are missing information.
I don't think that can be considered 95% truth, even if the root of his gossip is truth.
The Post infuriates me. And why people "blab" to them is beyond me. Do they pay people for info?
JYL is extremely talented. Why someone would want to tear him apart with half truths is beyond me. The snide tone in these so-called articles is absurd.
Legibus- I applaud you for setting the record straight.
Everyone just needs to back off and leave him alone. i just talked with his girl friend and she said he is have a very rough day because of what as been said.
Everything he posted recently about the Sweet Charity revival was absolutely true.
What he posted recently about Company transfering was absolutely true.
And he is usally right about shows closing before it's announced, and usually right about shows in deep trouble, financially.
Just because he talked bad about Raul, Bernie, Donna Murphy (who did it to herself), and he decides to support a film/tv star like Christina Applegate making her Broadway debut, doesn't mean all his info is false.
Updated On: 4/14/06 at 04:20 PM
Broadway Legend Joined: 12/8/04
Get over yourself and Sweet Charity.
You just named TWO shows. Two productions in the past two years.
Chorus Member Joined: 10/14/05
Accusing JLY of "Bragging" by stating he has an "almost-four-octave range" after having his artistic integrity and talent attacked by it being suggested in a major NYC newspaper by a minor NYC theater columnist that he actually doesn't sing and cannot hit the high notes in his tour de force Broadway debut, is totally unjust and unfair.
And, of course, it completely overlooks the great acting job he does in the Frankie Valli role by going from 16 years old to 60 years of age right before the audience's eyes. This alone makes him an exceptionally fine actor...the fact that he has an almost four octive singing range and is a great singer is just topping on the cake.
Bragging??? I think not.
Setting the facts straight....definately
Point taken, ljay, but when he delves into personal attacks, I still hold to what I said about his writing. He starts with the truth, and then he makes a snowball. Say a show is in trouble, and he knows it and he's right -- but then he goes after the actors. Personally. And maybe what he's saying, somewhere, is true -- but everything he's writing is certainly not all truth.
I have very, very little respect for what he does. And no, I don't think support of a couple of shows and their stars here and there makes up for the crap he pulls.
That's because bitter cast members obviously like to have drinks with him. Again I ask...does he pay people for info??
Perhaps he doesn't like JLY's killer smile.
BSO, suck it. I am just using the the two most recent examples I can think of. I don't memorize all of Ridel's articles. How is a production that didn't even open a year ago, and a production that didn't even transfer yet, a span of 2 years? Math problems, I guess. now screw off.
Emcee, I agree that personal attacks are not called for. There is a way of gossiping (usually true facts) without personally attacking the perfomer.
Updated On: 4/14/06 at 04:26 PM
I think spreading untruthes even WITHOUT outright personal attacks are hurtful, and if that's his "gossip," I don't think he should be doing it at all. I realize that it's "boring" or whatever to have gossip that's just about shows but not involving the people IN them, but I still think he's full of sh*t.
Yeah, but isn't that kind of his job? Think about it.
Of course that's his job. I just don't agree with the existence of his job, because it hurts a lot of people. Are a few bits of right information worth the amount of people he insults every year?
Good points, Emcee.
But I just feel, he is hired to be a gossip columnist, it's what he's payed for. I think gossip columnists in Hollywood are ten times worse than Riedel, and REALLY hurt a actors reputation and career.
I think New York people are smart and take it all for what it's worth...gossip. Simple.