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John Lloyd Young Isn't Singing High Notes - Riedel- Page 3

John Lloyd Young Isn't Singing High Notes - Riedel

#50John Lloyd Young--so he does sing it all
Posted: 4/14/06 at 11:47am

So if it takes 3 people to create the "Sound" they want. What happens when one of them is out? Or both Michaels are out?

munkustrap178 Profile Photo
#51John Lloyd Young--so he does sing it all
Posted: 4/14/06 at 11:54am

Why is this such an issue? It's perfectly legitimate.

"If you are going to do something, do it well. And leave something witchy." -Charlie Manson

jerseyboyslover Profile Photo
#52John Lloyd Young--so he does sing it all
Posted: 4/14/06 at 11:55am

I think John could do by himself, but with the three of them the sound is better. Here is what he posted on his blog.

Friday, April 14, 2006

In response to Michael Riedel's reporting in the New York Post on rumors about JERSEY BOYS, here's some interesting history on the sound of the Four Seasons and some behind-the-scenes info on how JERSEY BOYS re-creates that sound:

The signature sound of the Four Seasons, originally called "The Four Seasons, featuring the sound of Frankie Valli" was created by having Valli record his vocal part twice and then running them back together. If you listen to the original recording of "Sherry" you will hear TWO Frankie Vallis! This technique was called "doubling," and the Four Seasons were one of its earliest pioneers, using it on some of their most famous songs.

When we recorded the JERSEY BOYS cast album, we were able to do exactly the same thing in the studio. If you listen to the JERSEY BOYS CD carefully you'll hear TWO John Lloyd Youngs on some of the signature up-tempo Seasons songs (for instance, track #5, "Sherry"). Other vocal parts are doubled, as well, just as in any choral arrangement.

To recreate that sound live, onstage, we did the following. Here's how the producers of JERSEY BOYS explain it:

"The authors of JERSEY BOYS require any actor playing Frankie Valli (not specifically John Lloyd Young) and other featured actors in the show to have a second voice accompany them at certain moments during the show to recreate the authentic sound of Frankie Valli and the Four Seasons.

The multiple voice technique was pioneered on the original Four Seasons records, and is talked about and explained in the show as part of the story of JERSEY BOYS!

Everything in JERSEY BOYS is sung live. Everyone who appears to be singing on-stage is singing live. There are no tapes or click tracks. Accompanying vocals are performed by members of the cast singing on or off stage."

A few things should be clarified: the falsetto is actually easier on the voice, and it's a large part of my almost-four-octave range. I need no "help" to hit any notes in falsetto. Doubling is a way to layer support under a sound, not a replacement for it, which is why you hear it if I make a vocal mistake: there's no place to hide. Doubling is not used on any of my ballads or solo numbers during the show; it's only those signature four-part harmonies (which, in reality, can have as many as ten voices onstage and off supporting each of the four vocal parts). It happens in parts of the show where I'm not one of the singers: look for other characters onstage singing in the early scenes of JERSEY BOYS where the "Variety Trio" is performing -- those are doublers.

Though it's a lot of hard work to sing the lead vocals for 27 songs, live onstage each and every performance, it's very rewarding to know the authentic signature Four Seasons studio sound we all remember is being delivered every night to the audiences of JERSEY BOYS.

Duct tape is like the force. It has a light side, a dark side, and it holds the world together."

KJisgroovy Profile Photo
#53John Lloyd Young--so he does sing it all
Posted: 4/14/06 at 11:57am

"Wow, such a bunch of liars."
This is overstepping the line of decency. People are sharing their reactions to the situation.


Jesus saves. I spend.

YankeeGal#24 Profile Photo
#54John Lloyd Young--so he does sing it all
Posted: 4/14/06 at 12:00pm

Thank you jerseyboyslover--I was about to post that myself. That should clarify any doubt since it came directly from JLY and not a "reviewer".

"You ask four guys, you get four different versions" ~ Tommy DeVito, Jersey Boys

jerseyboyslover Profile Photo
#55John Lloyd Young--so he does sing it all
Posted: 4/14/06 at 12:07pm

Yep it should. peolpe just need to leave the kid alone.

Duct tape is like the force. It has a light side, a dark side, and it holds the world together."

sweetestsiren Profile Photo
#56John Lloyd Young--so he does sing it all
Posted: 4/14/06 at 12:11pm

So seriously not a big deal. It isn't as though it's been found out that Young is unable to sing the falsetto or hasn't been. It doesn't sound like the show's gone out of their way to hide the doubling thing, they're very up-front about it, and as others have pointed out that's what the Four Seasons actually did. Riedel's article is awful and spins it to seem as though someone in the wings is actually singing most of his high notes for him.

Edit: Because some misonceptions were pointed out. Updated On: 4/14/06 at 12:11 PM

YankeeGal#24 Profile Photo
#57John Lloyd Young--so he does sing it all
Posted: 4/14/06 at 12:14pm

Again, they are NOT DOING it because it's "best for the show." They are DOING WHAT THE FOUR SEASONS did, to replicate the sound and make it authentic.

I'm sorry to be so cranky about this, but their reason is CLEAR and it has ONLY to do with making it sound authentic. In other words, if Frankie Valli himself were playing Frankie Valli, they would double his voice. Why? BECAUSE THAT'S WHAT THEY DID!!

"You ask four guys, you get four different versions" ~ Tommy DeVito, Jersey Boys

jerseyboyslover Profile Photo
#58John Lloyd Young--so he does sing it all
Posted: 4/14/06 at 12:17pm

Thats right, they are doing this like the season's did. And I dont blame you for being cranky about this, I have not even seen the show and I was mad about it.

Duct tape is like the force. It has a light side, a dark side, and it holds the world together."
Updated On: 4/14/06 at 12:17 PM

Sleeper2 Profile Photo
#59John Lloyd Young--so he does sing it all
Posted: 4/14/06 at 12:27pm


#60John Lloyd Young--so he does sing it all
Posted: 4/14/06 at 12:42pm

Micheal Reidel is crazy. I don't believe this at all. Is this a trick Micheal set up so he doesn't win the Tony? It sounds real and natural from his voice, which is the only thing that counts. He is a real, not dubbed, performer and should deserve the respect for getting through the show. Jersey Boys must be at a disadvantage having this article on the newsstands.

"This is a stupid story. It never stops. But we keep making lemonade! We're opening the biggest f***ing lemonade stand you ever saw!" -Walter Bobbie after a long day of Sweet Charity Rehersals (

jerseyboyslover Profile Photo
#61John Lloyd Young--so he does sing it all
Posted: 4/14/06 at 1:04pm

It sounds to me like someone is just jealous because John is doing so well on broadway.

Duct tape is like the force. It has a light side, a dark side, and it holds the world together."

broadwaystar2b Profile Photo
#62John Lloyd Young--so he does sing it all
Posted: 4/14/06 at 1:06pm

JLY says it clearly "Doubling is a way to layer support under a sound, not a replacement for it"
It's just yet another case of Reidel's vicious gossip. The cure? Take it with a shaker of salt

jerseyboyslover Profile Photo
#63John Lloyd Young--so he does sing it all
Posted: 4/14/06 at 1:13pm


Duct tape is like the force. It has a light side, a dark side, and it holds the world together."

mikem Profile Photo
#64John Lloyd Young--so he does sing it all
Posted: 4/14/06 at 1:23pm

IMO, there is a big difference between "doubling" to enhance the sound and Riedel's allegation that others are "occasionally hitting the high notes for him" (implying that JLY isn't singing every note along with the doublers). If Riedel's allegation is true, I am not sure I am okay with that.

"What was the name of that cheese that I like?" "you can't run away forever...but there's nothing wrong with getting a good head start" "well I hope and I pray, that maybe someday, you'll walk in the room with my heart"

jerseyboyslover Profile Photo
#65John Lloyd Young--so he does sing it all
Posted: 4/14/06 at 1:28pm

He has a almost-four-octave range, he is hitting all the high notes.

Duct tape is like the force. It has a light side, a dark side, and it holds the world together."

Al Dente Profile Photo
Al Dente
#66John Lloyd Young--so he does sing it all
Posted: 4/14/06 at 1:30pm

I have ONE question, who gives a Sh*t?! No one outside of the theater queens, even READ Reidel, so it's not going to stop people from going to see JLY in the show and if this does cost him the Tony, then it's more typical behaviour from the jealous people who dwell in muscial theater. Someone must have gotten a bit peeved when JLY got a sketch at Sardi's and leaked the little known situation. Sadly, I expect nothing more from Reidel and all the wanna-be's somehow "involved" in theater.

Here's a new spin on the old adage, "if you can't do, make sure you RUIN it for someone who CAN"!

jerseyboyslover Profile Photo
#67John Lloyd Young--so he does sing it all
Posted: 4/14/06 at 1:34pm

boy, is that the truth.

Duct tape is like the force. It has a light side, a dark side, and it holds the world together."

Al Dente Profile Photo
Al Dente
#68John Lloyd Young--so he does sing it all
Posted: 4/14/06 at 1:39pm

It's so obvious, it's painful. This is all to keep someone who "they" deem to be an upstart, from winning a Tony he more than deserves. I don't know JLY, I don't much know the show, I do however, know all the back-biting, disgusting behaviour that people in the Broadway community get away with ALL THE TIME. It's no mystery why all of the egregious miscasting that has permeated the boards in recent times goes on. I feel for JLY and there is no excuse for any of this.

jerseyboyslover Profile Photo
#69John Lloyd Young--so he does sing it all
Posted: 4/14/06 at 1:50pm

your right, just think what it would do to him if he saw what had been posted here. I know him and I dont think he would like it. he is one of the sweetes guys i know. He go's out of his way for his fans and we all love him for it and I hope he gets the tony,he is doing a wonderful job.

Duct tape is like the force. It has a light side, a dark side, and it holds the world together."

DreamFlyer22 Profile Photo
#70John Lloyd Young--so he does sing it all
Posted: 4/14/06 at 1:51pm

Gotta wave a red flag about comparing the Thanksgiving Day Parade with Letterman.... because that's live vs. prerecorded vocals.

On the Macy's parade, ALL the shows are miming to pre-recorded music. That would be why JLY sounded perfect with no strain- pre-recorded, ideal vocal situation. Letterman, for those who are unaware, is taped live in front of a studio audience. Furthermore, Letterman keeps his studio at a "balmy" 48 degrees- just about like performing outside. I wouldn't compare these two performances to use as evidence of some sort of vocal exhaustion on John's part. Apples and oranges.

*~* Every time you double-post, God kills a kitten. *~*

Kay, the Thread-Jacking Jedi
Quando omni flunkus moritati (When all else fails, play dead...)

"... chasin' the music. Trying to get home."

Peter Gregus: "Where are my house right ladies?!"
(love you, girls! - 6/13/06)

#71John Lloyd Young--so he does sing it all
Posted: 4/14/06 at 1:52pm

Preach it, Al Dente!! Can you hear me applauding?

Smear campaigns are risky. You have to be very careful who you're dealing with. Tony voters are not stupid. If this article does blip their radar they're going to know exactly why this story was planted. And it may backfire significantly, as in, JLY gets both the nomination and the win because people feel he's being targeted by the, to paraphrase Al Dente, theater community bitches. I don't think he should win because of that, I think most people will see his wonderful performance and judge it on its (numerous) merits, but this stupid Riedel story may swing the pendulum back his direction out of sympathy for people picking on the new kid on the block.

DreamFlyer22 Profile Photo
#72Singin' ALL of it
Posted: 4/14/06 at 1:56pm

Yeah, the smear campaign is nothing new. There's a reason Reidel has been thrown out of parties, events, etc... people know what his column is worth. Diddly.

jerseyboyslover, honestly, I think JLY will be fine. Hurtful things being said? Sure. Expected in THIS industry? Without a doubt. He strikes me as a guy who is fully aware of behind the scenes drama. He's probably a bit insulted, but far from devestated.

*~* Every time you double-post, God kills a kitten. *~*

Kay, the Thread-Jacking Jedi
Quando omni flunkus moritati (When all else fails, play dead...)

"... chasin' the music. Trying to get home."

Peter Gregus: "Where are my house right ladies?!"
(love you, girls! - 6/13/06)

jerseyboyslover Profile Photo
#73John Lloyd Young--so he does sing it all
Posted: 4/14/06 at 1:57pm

yeah DreamFlyer22 your right.

Duct tape is like the force. It has a light side, a dark side, and it holds the world together."
Updated On: 4/14/06 at 01:57 PM

BreeDaniel Profile Photo
#74John Lloyd Young--so he does sing it all
Posted: 4/14/06 at 2:01pm

Ah yes, the "queens" are at it again. Let's just hope that justice prevails and the whole nasty *plan* backfires. All I can think is, it must be a slow news day.
