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John Lloyd Young Isn't Singing High Notes - Riedel- Page 2

John Lloyd Young Isn't Singing High Notes - Riedel

WickedGeek28 Profile Photo
#25re: John Lloyd Young Isn't Singing High Notes - Riedel
Posted: 4/14/06 at 9:25am

Wow, this guy dishes the dirt!

A lot of well seasoned performers have done this in the past, it's not a big deal, really. I mean, yes, it would be nice to hear the man I'm seeing singing but people seeing "Phantom of the Opera" never complained when a many bits of the show are pre-recorded, included most of Christine's high notes.

Or even Julie Andrews, always a consumate performer, had her high notes pre recorded for "Victor/ Victoria."

"You never really understand a person until you consider things from his point of view - until you climb into his skin and walk around in it."
To Kill A Mockingbird

leadfootlouie Profile Photo
#26re: John Lloyd Young Isn't Singing High Notes - Riedel
Posted: 4/14/06 at 9:32am

Imagine!!! Voice Doubles! On Broadway!!

Does anyone get how ironic the very thought of this is?

Keep casting stones people and a few are bound to land in your own backyard!

#27re: John Lloyd Young Isn't Singing High Notes - Riedel
Posted: 4/14/06 at 9:33am

He probably didn't write it - press agent and Dodgers did it.

FosterChild Profile Photo
#28re: John Lloyd Young Isn't Singing High Notes - Riedel
Posted: 4/14/06 at 9:37am

Yeah, you're right. It sounds like it.

robbiej Profile Photo
#29re: John Lloyd Young Isn't Singing High Notes - Riedel
Posted: 4/14/06 at 10:09am

Between this and a post over at ALLTHATCHAT yesterday about Young's attendence record, there seems to be a number of people gunning for him right before Tony time...which is a terrible shame.

"I'm so looking forward to a time when all the Reagan Democrats are dead."

#30John Lloyd Young--so he does sing it all
Posted: 4/14/06 at 10:26am

The purpose of initiating this thread is just sick, jealous gossip by some producer or actor who thinks it will increase their chances and dis JLY's.

I'm not falling for this garbage.

It just makes me want to see JLY and Jersey Boys even more.

Must sound great.

jerseyboyslover Profile Photo
#31John Lloyd Young--so he does sing it all
Posted: 4/14/06 at 10:29am

I am with you. I mean who cares if they do double his voice, It's not he does not have 8 shows a week. I wonder what he would say if he saw this message board?

Duct tape is like the force. It has a light side, a dark side, and it holds the world together."
Updated On: 4/14/06 at 10:29 AM

#32John Lloyd Young--so he does sing it all
Posted: 4/14/06 at 10:41am

How many shows a week does JLY do?.Has anyone noticed it before the Post reported it, oh wait a minute ITS THE POST.
Even if it it true I dont think it's huge considering the strain on his voice every night.

#33re: John Lloyd Young Isn't Singing High Notes - Riedel
Posted: 4/14/06 at 10:45am

To "double" a voice during an on-stage performance, there must be TWO people singing at the same time.

This is not the same as having an off-stage singer cover high notes which the on-stage actor is unable to sing and have the on-stage actor just mouth the words to make it appear to the audience he is singing when he is not.

JLY IS SINGING EVERY NOTE OF EVERY SONG. At certain places in certain songs (and only in certain songs)where Frankie Valli's voice in the original hit record was "doubled", the same doubling effect is used in Jersey Boys. That is why the music in the Show sounds so great and is indistinguisable from the original Four Seasons recordings.

If JLY was twins he would be doubling himself. But since he is not and he is singing live (unlike in the original studio recordings where the tape was rerun and Frankie Valli doubled his own voice as Bob Crewe explains in the Show to make the sound explode off the radio.)the second accompanying voice is another actor's.

This same method to acheive the unique or signature "sound" of Frankie Valli and the Four Seasons is used in the Play when JLY is not on and one of the Frankie Valli understudies is performing. It has nothing to do with the ability of any of them to hit the high notes....which they and JLY can do without any off-stage assistance,

Riedel has once again proven why he is not generally considered to be accurate and credible and is often more a "gossip" columnist than a legimate Broadway writer. A legimate writer would have more correctly clarified the difference between "doubling" JLY's voice at certain places as opposed to faking he was even singing the doubled notes.
Updated On: 4/14/06 at 10:45 AM

#34John Lloyd Young--so he does sing it all
Posted: 4/14/06 at 10:46am

This thread has presented NO EVIDENCE of vocal strain.

The gossip is getting a lot closer to lies now.

Michael Bennett Profile Photo
Michael Bennett
#35John Lloyd Young--so he does sing it all
Posted: 4/14/06 at 10:48am

Riedel's columns are usually based on some degree of fact; he's rarely "wrong" but ddtruit sums it up - the voice doubling is used to replicate a sound. It doesn't have anything to do with Young's abilities or the direct strain of the role.

And of course, its part of an anti JERSEY BOYS campaign - a show that is becoming less of a dark horse as the other Broadway entries of the season fail to live up to expectation.

But I'll go out on a limb and say, even if BOYS wins the Tony, I still don't think Young is the front runner for Best Actor in that crowded race. I still think Cerveris or Connick Jr. have the advantage.

Corine2 Profile Photo
#36John Lloyd Young--so he does sing it all
Posted: 4/14/06 at 10:49am

JLY gives a wonderful performance. If you have not seen him in Jersey Boys you need to or this big girl will cry.
Additionally, John is one of the most personable actors I have ever had the pleasure of meeting.
He is very talented and does not deserve this nonsense!

Has JLY become the new replacement for Bernadette? I wish he would focus on positive things instead of dumb dirt.
If only he could use his position for good, like Musto.
Musto- loves theater! Updated On: 4/14/06 at 10:49 AM

Jamie Hat Profile Photo
Jamie Hat
#37John Lloyd Young--so he does sing it all
Posted: 4/14/06 at 10:57am

Who cares if it's doubled? At least it's not recorded.
You try singing those notes 8 times a week.
It will have no effect on the Tony votes whatsoever.

YankeeGal#24 Profile Photo
#38John Lloyd Young--so he does sing it all
Posted: 4/14/06 at 11:03am

I agree with ddtruitt.It is JLY's performance--AND singing, doubled or not--that is the one to beat at the Tonys this season, no question.

"You ask four guys, you get four different versions" ~ Tommy DeVito, Jersey Boys

ljay889 Profile Photo
#39John Lloyd Young--so he does sing it all
Posted: 4/14/06 at 11:04am

Michael Cerveris sings everything by himself, now give him the Tony.

WiCkEDrOcKS Profile Photo
#40John Lloyd Young--so he does sing it all
Posted: 4/14/06 at 11:15am

Riedel is an ass. Seriously, so what if he's getting help in the wings? Pointless if you ask me.....

Sleeper2 Profile Photo
#41John Lloyd Young--so he does sing it all
Posted: 4/14/06 at 11:20am

Sure it's true. And it happens more than just occasionally. I don't have a particular problem with it. Frankie Valli supplied the high falsettos for John Travolta in the movie version of Grease.

If this is drama about the Tony's, it's really stupid and unfair. That award will find a little home with another one at Mr. Cerveris' place, anyway.

#42John Lloyd Young--so he does sing it all
Posted: 4/14/06 at 11:29am

Let's see - who has something to gain by having Riedel run this story:

Alan Cumming
Harry Connick Jr.
Michael Cerveris

So one of these guys gets their publicist to plant this story - as dd pointed out, WAY after the fact that it's already been addressed and put to bed - in order to make JLY look like crap during Tony voting. Well, hey, I say if these guys want that Tony so badly they'll stoop to blackballing a fellow performer, let them freaking have it. And my money's on Alan or Harry - they seem like the two most likely to have a publicist highly placed enough to make this worthwhile for the Post.

And this story was planted by someone with an axe to grind against Ben Brantley, too. Makes his appropriate praise of JLY in his review look foolish.

This is all about politics and Tony voting. All this Riedel item proves is that JLY is so talented and his performance so strong that he's got his competitors crapping their pants with fear.

KJisgroovy Profile Photo
#43John Lloyd Young--so he does sing it all
Posted: 4/14/06 at 11:30am

Wow. Talk about defensive! I personally am really let down by the stuff in this article. All the talk I(me, personally)have heard about JLY has been about his AMAZING falsetto and how totally strong it is. How this guy came out of nowhere with SUCH AN AMAZING VOICE. And now there is a caveat to that. I DON'T think his performance is really all that impressive beyond his voice... obviously my opinion... but it certainly doesn't compare to other performances this year. It isn't that the voice is doubled... it's that it's taken THIS long to be honest about it. Obviously the producers and JLY felt the need to keep it a secret. If it's totally exceptable... why didn't they say something? Why don't they credit the offstage singers?


Jesus saves. I spend.

#44John Lloyd Young--so he does sing it all
Posted: 4/14/06 at 11:33am

The truth is probably someplace in the middle. A star will not be yanked if his voice one night is just a little off, and how many times have you seen a lead replaced at intermission.

Check out these two links:

The first is from the Letterman show. You can hear Young strain a bit in "Walk like a Man" as the song progresses. (This was almost two months ago).

The second link is in November. Listen to how clear his falsetto is. None of the slight strain he experienced the nigth he was on Letterman (probably a day when the show was dark anyway and he didn't have to go through his Herculean warmup).

If it seems like he's stuggling at a certain point in the show, is it better for audiences he is pulled or given a little help?

I know this doesn't address the "Doubling" issue which is well documented just that every performer does not hit the ball out of the park every time he or she steps up to the plate (terrible metaphor).
Updated On: 4/14/06 at 11:33 AM

#45John Lloyd Young--so he does sing it all
Posted: 4/14/06 at 11:36am

What's even more amazing and disappointing than the planting of this story, is the fact that SO many of you who have posted on this thread have missed the point ENTIRELY. Go back and read ddtruitt's posts and please, pay attention! Doubling a voice in order to achieve the right sound is NOT the same thing as dubbing, or having a double sing notes, to protect a voice. JLY does NOT need his voice dubbed or protected because he is incapable of singing those notes. Good lord, people, can you not read?

#46John Lloyd Young--so he does sing it all
Posted: 4/14/06 at 11:37am

My pet peeve around here is when someone tries to act as board police and say what has and hasnt been covered. Nothing personal against anyone but it still annoys me.

#47John Lloyd Young--so he does sing it all
Posted: 4/14/06 at 11:38am

Wow, such a bunch of liars.

Obviously, Young is by far the frontrunner and there is a lot of JEALOUSY about it.

jerseyboyslover Profile Photo
#48John Lloyd Young--so he does sing it all
Posted: 4/14/06 at 11:42am

I mean who cares if they double his voice, it does not change the fact that he is a great signer and the show is good. Has anyone read his blog today? he put up a response to the article.

Duct tape is like the force. It has a light side, a dark side, and it holds the world together."

WickedOne2 Profile Photo
#49John Lloyd Young--so he does sing it all
Posted: 4/14/06 at 11:42am

Regardless of whether JLY has an vocal assistance at all, he was pheonomenal. When he was on stage you could not take your eyes off of him (no pun intended) Although singing ability is the key factor in the best actor (musical) category, I think acting ability is right up there, and JLY has the chops. Added bonus is that he is such as sweetheart. I wish him best of luck on Tony night.

"I wish the stage were as narrow as the wire of a tightrope dancer, so that no incompetent would dare step upon it." Goethe
