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Josh Groban Performance Schedule- Page 2

Josh Groban Performance Schedule

#25Josh Groban Performance Schedule
Posted: 2/7/17 at 2:58pm

On Sunday I got an email in the morning saying he was out that day and I could rebook my tickets for another performance. 

I do think it's really good they offered that.. it's certainly not a given that they would. When I arrived for the show there was a huge queue for refunds/exchanges so at least they acknowledge lots of people have booked purely for him.

Skimbleshanks2 Profile Photo
#26Josh Groban Performance Schedule
Posted: 2/7/17 at 3:47pm

What's the reason behind his absence... Is GROBAN sick with a cold? Also, what does this mean for THE GREAT COMET when GROBAN leaves? Will it flop...?

"See that poster on the wall? Rocky Marciano." - Andy Karl as Rocky in 'ROCKY'
Updated On: 2/7/17 at 03:47 PM

#27Josh Groban Performance Schedule
Posted: 2/7/17 at 4:41pm

Are tickets cheaper when Groban calls out? Like if I were to hypothetically go to the box office to purchase whilst others are refunding?

#28Josh Groban Performance Schedule
Posted: 2/9/17 at 12:58am

Mr. Groban was back in tonight, after his reported illness. He was in excellent voice and was even better, than the first time I saw him. His acting seems to have deepened and only become better. Denee Benton impressed me more, as well. But, this time and last, we left, talking most about Brittain Ashford, who is making her Bway debut. Her 'Sonya Alone' is my favorite song in the show and her delivery is perfection. Tonight, it was soul crushing (in a good way).

The audience did not seem as receptive as when I saw it back in November. There was a reluctant and only partial standing ovation. We were in the stage banquets and we all seemed to stand before anyone else in the theater. I love this show more than I care to admit, although having sat on stage twice, I would like to see it from the "other s/ide."

I hope the show keeps an audience after Mr Groban leaves. I was thinking a younger Paolo Szot could have replaced him or Chris Mann (the opera singer from The Voice), but not sure if he's an actor. I love the Michael Cerveris idea, but not sure he would sell tix. (I guess there's always Hugh Jackman :)

GreatWhiteGay Profile Photo
#29Josh Groban Performance Schedule
Posted: 2/9/17 at 1:38am

Chris Mann toured as Phantom a while back, definitely could be a good replacement if they're looking to keep the opera thing going. But the role wasn't conceived that way, so who knows

haterobics Profile Photo
#30Josh Groban Performance Schedule
Posted: 2/9/17 at 5:22am

GreatWhiteGay said: "Chris Mann toured as Phantom a while back, definitely could be a good replacement if they're looking to keep the opera thing going. "

I don't think they want an opera thing, they want a famous thing.
