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Local One union boss blew the deal says The NY POST- Page 5

Local One union boss blew the deal says The NY POST

Taka Profile Photo
#100re: Local One union boss blew the deal says The NY POST
Posted: 11/20/07 at 9:00pm

Please don't fight!

#101re: Local One union boss blew the deal says The NY POST
Posted: 11/20/07 at 9:04pm

Sorry, I just can't let this go:

"i responded passionately because i feel passionate about the subject. did i name call? yes. did i feel that way abot bk's post? yes. do i regret it? only in the sense that i should be a better person than to allow someones anonymous postings about a subject with which they have little knowledge to push me to lower my natural civility."

Anonymous postings? You cannot be serious. You played a game with me, and I TOLD you who I was - nothing anonymous about MY postings. You, on the other hand, didn't come forward from your cloak of anonymity. Pretty obvious if you ask me.

billynj Profile Photo
#102re: Local One union boss blew the deal says The NY POST
Posted: 11/20/07 at 9:11pm

re: Local One union boss blew the deal says The NY POST

and you guys talk about me, at least i stay on topic in the thread... creat another thread for bashing each other

#103re: Local One union boss blew the deal says The NY POST
Posted: 11/20/07 at 9:18pm

Sorry BK, that didn't start with me nor will it end with me. I never made those statements.. So if you are mad at someone else for what you responded to below don't look at me. I don't use the word passionate.

"Sorry, I just can't let this go:

"i responded passionately because i feel passionate about the subject. did i name call? yes. did i feel that way abot bk's post? yes. do i regret it? only in the sense that i should be a better person than to allow someones anonymous postings about a subject with which they have little knowledge to push me to lower my natural civility."

Anonymous postings? You cannot be serious. You played a game with me, and I TOLD you who I was - nothing anonymous about MY postings. You, on the other hand, didn't come forward from your cloak of anonymity. Pretty obvious if you ask me."

#104re: Local One union boss blew the deal says The NY POST
Posted: 11/20/07 at 9:20pm

"If YOU would read my posts, you wouldn't have wasted your time responding the way you did. I never said YOU hated unions, I never said YOU did anything. I just added you to my post saying ignorance isn't name calling, because you're the one who gets so upset over it. I'm not backing the comments being made on this board. I'm just saying step back, not YOU PERSONALLY, and read what people say and then look at responses. One person says stop being greedy, then in their own response give greedy reasons for someone else to not be greedy.

BK have fun with your buddy who wants to kick my a&&, i'm not a local one member. PS tell your buddy not to be a bully!!! I'm also gonna say I bet that buddy of yours isn't walking a picket line anywhere... Correct??

I NEVER EVER said i disagree with someone for being ignorant. I NEVER EVER said because they disagree with me they are ignorant. I DID SAY that people who make comments here, most of them tend to be union bashing, are ignorant because they have no basis or backing for their comments. I don't call someone you dislikes unions to be ignorant if they have half a clue about what they are talking about. DOES THIS MAKE SENSE YET???? MR. I HAVE 3 UNION CARDS BUT STILL DON'T SHOW SUPPORT TO LOCAL ONE, SHOW ME A POST THAT I MADE SAYING YOU WERE A UNION HATER, SHOW ME A POST THAT SHOWS MY LACK OF RESPECT TO PEOPLE THAT HAVE VALID COMMENTS TO MAKE WITH SOME INTELLIGENCE. DON'T TELL ME YOU'VE BEEN IN THE UNIONS LONGER THAN I'VE BEEN ALIVE. YOU DONT KNOW ME.

I don't care how many union cards you have. Your lack of support shows just how much of a "union" guy you are.

If you wanna continue to make this personal bring it on. In the mean time, while i wait for you and your local one buddy who wants to kick my a&& I'll be supporting my fellow UNION brothers and sisters. You continue to sit back and do nothing.("I have stated repeatedly that I am not taking sides") MR UNION BOY"

I ask you again, are you twelve? My initials are clearly linked with the word "IGNORANT" in your post - perhaps if you'd put a comma after them it would be clearer. And because my initials are the only ones that appear in that paragraph, it seemed to me that it was directed in my direction (as well as others). I corrected you. I know you hate that, but there you are. I do agree that many responses on this board are childish and clueless and I understand that those rankle you (they rankle me, too) - but when you reference me in a very long post then I take exception because you link me to the childish and clueless posts.

Do you think a member of another union should just automatically show support, even if he doesn't agree with everything or, at the very least, questions things? That would make me an idiot and I won't do it. What I do try to do is gather information from both sides of the fence so that I can attempt to have some clarity as to what's being negotiated. I don't think that's ignorant, I think that's measured and it's all I know how to do. I don't just show support - my support has to be earned, and so far it hasn't been, at least on this board.

My local one friend is most certainly walking the picket lines every day. What he isn't doing is making posts on this board, and calling people names. And he is not blindly saying that everything Mr. Claffey is doing is for the good of the union. Not every local one person stands in sheep-like solidarity, and I think you know that. The people I've talked to are actually able to listen to all sides of the story, and while they want the best they can get, they know that there will be compromise - from both parties. But they don't feel the need for all this bombastic rhetoric that flies thick and fast, on this and other boards, and in the press. I'm not making this up - he said what he said, and he's been a union member far longer than you, that I can guarantee.

So, let go of your caps lock, you'll live longer and feel better. I've been called a moron, a dolt, and an ignoramus - I haven't lashed out in return with any name-calling, other than to say that those doing the name-calling are bullies - and they are. If you want to have an adult discussion, let's have at it - local one is big on wanting respect - so am I.

billynj Profile Photo
#105re: Local One union boss blew the deal says The NY POST
Posted: 11/20/07 at 9:20pm

re: Local One union boss blew the deal says The NY POST

Lisa Cawiezell, 42, said she had driven from Eldridge, Iowa, with her daughter, Zoey, 16, to see "The Grinch."

"This is a preview of what we will see," she said. "In the spirit of Christmas, we hope it's going to go on."

Cast Members perform Grinch in the street Tuesday night

JustAGuy Profile Photo
#106re: Local One union boss blew the deal says The NY POST
Posted: 11/20/07 at 9:21pm

Bruce, has it ever occurred to you that no one really cares who you are? Shocking, I know, but there is that possibility. And that localonecrew might not be referring to you when he mentions "anonymous postings"? You give the impression that you think that you are above the fray, but you continue to not only be a part of it, you're actually stirring the pot. Using language like, "I have served on the strike committee for the DGA (the Director's Guild of America, just in case those initials are beyond your comprehension)." is not exactly the rhetoric of someone who's looking to calm the waters or carry on a civil conversation. The insults are still there, and you're just as guilty of name calling, albeit more subtle, as those whom you've been accusing.

"Just a Guy. Your feelings are touching. I am gladdened by the thought that you will one day wind up 6 feet under as we all do." - MrRoxy ------ "I do not suggest you walk out the door onto a New York street with your vulnerable child part exposed and not protected..." - Jason Bennett

#107re: Local One union boss blew the deal says The NY POST
Posted: 11/20/07 at 9:22pm

"Sorry BK, that didn't start with me nor will it end with me. I never made those statements.. So if you are mad at someone else for what you responded to below don't look at me. I don't use the word passionate."

Um, I was clearly quoting and responding to localonecrew's post, not a post by you. Sorry if that wasn't clear.

#108re: Local One union boss blew the deal says The NY POST
Posted: 11/20/07 at 9:33pm

you are right. I'm sorry, I'm a stupid american who types the same bad way i speak. I should have used a comma and even put the phrase in parenthesis. Again, i never stated that you were ignorant, stupid, nor have I ever called you any other name. When i'm wrong, i WILL BE THE FIRST TO ADMIT IT. The only thing directed to you in that post was to hint to you that I'm not throwing mud by calling someone ignorant, because you are the one that gets all uptight about name calling

'My initials are clearly linked with the word "IGNORANT" in your post - perhaps if you'd put a comma after them it would be clearer.'

#109re: Local One union boss blew the deal says The NY POST
Posted: 11/20/07 at 9:37pm

Thank you for that post, roadguy. I really am just trying to understand all sides of the issues - which is all anyone can do. In the end, as I've said, the League and Local One will negotiate the terms of the new contract and both sides will compromise and both will put on happy faces and Broadway shows can go back to doing their performances.

#110re: Local One union boss blew the deal says The NY POST
Posted: 11/20/07 at 9:43pm

"Bruce, has it ever occurred to you that no one really cares who you are?"

No, it has never occurred to me. :)

And while localonecrew may be referring to others with "anonymous postings" his post is a response to me, hence I took it the way it seemed it should be taken.

And who are you? Oh, that's right, I forgot - you're one of those anonymous posters.

Taka Profile Photo
#111re: Local One union boss blew the deal says The NY POST
Posted: 11/20/07 at 9:52pm

Ok, bk. Before all of those other people were picking fights with you. Shame on them. Now, you're starting to pick on fights with *them*. I'm pretty sure that JustAGuy isn't trying to be malicious.

JustAGuy Profile Photo
#112re: Local One union boss blew the deal says The NY POST
Posted: 11/20/07 at 9:58pm

"No, it has never occurred to me. :)"

Obviously. :)

"And who are you? Oh, that's right, I forgot - you're one of those anonymous posters."

And I wear my anonymity with pride. It would be pretty egotistical on my part to think that by revealing my identity, my posts would somehow have more credence. The identity of the poster isn't as important to me, as the actual words that are being posted. If I find them to be logical, well thought out and worth reading, then the posters identity is of no issue to me. There's much to be learned from the nobodies of this world. And it's been my experience that the somebodies, or those who THINK they are a somebody, usually don't have much more if anything to offer than those who are not.

"Just a Guy. Your feelings are touching. I am gladdened by the thought that you will one day wind up 6 feet under as we all do." - MrRoxy ------ "I do not suggest you walk out the door onto a New York street with your vulnerable child part exposed and not protected..." - Jason Bennett
Updated On: 11/20/07 at 09:58 PM

#113re: Local One union boss blew the deal says The NY POST
Posted: 11/20/07 at 10:35pm

i edited this post. i wrote something pretty nasty about bk.

instead, i will save you all from anymore of this nonsense and just ignore our little friend. this will spare us all from this petty arguing and boring thread drift.

my apologies to you all.
Updated On: 11/20/07 at 10:35 PM

#114re: Local One union boss blew the deal says The NY POST
Posted: 11/21/07 at 12:09am

No, no, let me end it - you post whatever you like. I leave the rest of it to you and yours. As Louis Jourdan so aptly sings in Gigi - It's a bore. I'm off to grander adventures.

billynj Profile Photo
#115re: Local One union boss blew the deal says The NY POST
Posted: 11/21/07 at 8:11am

One would think that the head of the powerful Local One union would at least have gotten a college education, even if He had to do it over many years at night.

JustAGuy Profile Photo
#116re: Local One union boss blew the deal says The NY POST
Posted: 11/21/07 at 9:09am

"One would think that the head of the powerful Local One union would at least have gotten a college education, even if He had to do it over many years at night."

Why would one think that? A college education isn't the end all and be all. A lot can be said for practical and real-life experience.

"Just a Guy. Your feelings are touching. I am gladdened by the thought that you will one day wind up 6 feet under as we all do." - MrRoxy ------ "I do not suggest you walk out the door onto a New York street with your vulnerable child part exposed and not protected..." - Jason Bennett

Taka Profile Photo
#117re: Local One union boss blew the deal says The NY POST
Posted: 11/21/07 at 9:21am

I agree. The smartest man I know got most of his knowledge from years working in the military, then went to college and found that what it taught was relatively useless compared to the stuff that he learned at the military. Also (as cliche as this sounds) Einstein never went to college and look where he ended up. I haven't gone to college yet, either, and many people have called me intelligent, if slow to make up my mind. :)
