For the lottery is anyone else NOT receiving notifications when you lose?
The frozen lottery I usually get an email saying I lost for each performance I enter for, but I feel like mean girls I'm getting nothing. Anyone else having this issue?
Excited to read the reviews tomorrow, it seems like a mixed bag. I normally hate a dominant use of screens for the set but it seems pretty effective from the photos/videos I've seen, but the bits of the score used in the B-Roll were pretty bland.
Broadway Star Joined: 5/19/17
BroadwayLuv2 said: "For the lottery is anyone else NOT receiving notifications when you lose?
The frozen lottery I usually get an email saying I lost for each performance I enter for, but I feel like mean girls I'm getting nothing. Anyone else having this issue?"
Same, I haven’t gotten a lotto loser email in weeks. But my coworker won the other day so at least we know it’s working.
Alright finally back from my trip, Last week I saw Wicked and Mean girls. I have to say, I loved this show it was super fun. Kate rockwell was a star for me, every single joke she did landed and it was hiliarous. I only ended up liking around two songs. In the theatre it was super hard to understand what the princiaples were saying the ensemble was drowning them out. Kerry Butler was also fantastic. I loved Barrett’s coustumes but the ensemble’s was eh, it was just kinda thrown there. The only tony award I see them picking up is one for Kate rockwell IMHO. Overall i would give it around a 6.5/10
Stand-by Joined: 4/25/17
The negativity around this show surprises me as I absolutely loved every second of it. It stays true to the film (with most of the more iconic jokes retained) while adding some really hilarious moments (Karen and Cady's emoji conversation) and some really impactful moments (Regina's strong vs. Reginald moment). The entire cast is top notch. Special shout out to Taylor, Kate, and Kerry Butler. The only character that I thought was underutilized was Aaron. They added a few things to give him more to do but it didn't totally work for me. Kyle Selig is fine in what turns out to be a pretty thankless role.
I was worried about the use of screens in the show but I thought everything about it was well done. I also really enjoyed the choreography and I don't typically like Casey's dances. They usually feel forced and out of place but something about them really worked in Mean Girls.
Reading these threads, it seems the biggest complaint about the show is the music. Sure, there isn't a big Defying Gravity-esque number that everyone will leave the theatre talking about but I nonetheless enjoyed it very much. I really liked Roar, Fearless, Watch the World Burn, and Stars. Kate's I Can Be is brilliant. I'll admit that Stars got me a bit emotional.
The show is not going to transport you to a place we haven't seen before in theatre (i.e. Fun Home, Band's Visit) but it is a smartly crafted show with a very talented cast and some really special moments.
Late to the party but will post my thoughts on the show:
- I thought Tina Fey did great on the book but the score was generally not good besides a few songs. When I think of A mean girls musical, I imagine the score to be incredibly catchy. This one was not and that's disappointing. The best songs to me were Gretchen's solo, ( whats wrong with me), Janice's song ( I'd rather be me) and the duet in act 2 ( more is better). The ensemble songs were so bland and not memorable.
- I did have one problem with the book. Cady's transformation just sort of happened. There wasn't much build up. She just started being mean and not herself and I thought the film was better at showing the transformation.
- Taylor Louderman as Regina was great. Definitely lived up to the film. She wasn't given good songs though. It's like the musical writers didn't know how to write for the character.
- Ashley Park as Gretchen. WOW she was a highlight. I can see why she got a tony nomination. She's one of the best things in this show.
- Kate Rockwell as Karen was great. She looked a bit more like how I imagined Regina George. I could definitely see her playing the role in the future but her Karen was great
- Barrett Wilbur Weed as Janice is the other main highlight of the show. Her voice is just incredible. I thought she nailed it. She has a very grounded appeal to her onstage, I hope she finds more roles that bring out her talent. She's a star in the making. I didn't know much about her until this show and I'm now a fan
- Grey Henson as Damian nailed it. Pitch perfect and overall just nails it.
- I got the biggest Crush on Kerry Butler and thought she was freakin fantastic. I thought she looked too young to play the Mom and the Teacher though.
- Kyle Selig was bland as Aaron.
Overalll I thought the performances were better than the material they were given (score wise) but the actors overcame that and gave multiple outstanding performances. I won't be buying the cast recording though.
It's getting great numbers, and seats are really hard to come by I am seeing. There are people reselling their seats for a grand. HAHAHAHA. What the hell do they think this is? Hamilton in 2015? Anyways, does anyone know of a promo code for show? Thanks in advance!
Featured Actor Joined: 3/25/18
EllieRose2 said: "It's getting great numbers, and seats are really hard to come by I am seeing. There are people reselling their seats for a grand. HAHAHAHA. What the hell do they think this is? Hamilton in 2015? Anyways, does anyone know of a promo code for show? Thanks in advance!"
If it has good numbers, and seats are hard to come by why would there be a promo code?
Broadway Star Joined: 1/15/18
Last night, Ashley De La Rosa was on as Gretchen and Tee Boyich was on as Cady!
And Becca Peterson will make her Cady Heron debut tonight at 8pm!
Broadway Star Joined: 1/15/18
Got lucky today and won the lottery! My fourth time seeing Mean Girls and it was understudy heaven!
The understudies on today were Ashley De La Rosa as Regina, Tee Boyich as Gretchen, Jonalyn Saxer as Karen, Ian Young as Coach Carr/Mathletes Moderator, and Becca Peterson in the ensemble.
Everyone was fantastic and it was great to see Ashley as Regina again as she always gives an amazing performance!
Taylor Louderman has been out the past 2 Sundays due to her losing her voice. Honestly surprised she didn't miss any shows due to health until last week since Regina is so tough vocally. Maybe she only does 7 shows a week for the rest of her run?