The police? This isn't a legal issue, at all.
dramamama611 said: "The police? This isn't a legal issue, at all.
I can see the line sitters calling the cops though. That's what I meant.
Broadway Legend Joined: 8/31/15
...Over what?
Broadway Legend Joined: 6/26/16
aaaaaa15 said: "...Over what?"
Failure to follow cancellation line rules and attempted illegal cutting. That's a 419 or is it a 314, wait, no that's indecent exposure. But I know it's a class D misdemeanor.
Like everyone else, I love this show a ton. But it's gotten to the point of insanity. When I was in the SRO recently, we were singing and dancing and having a great old time and there was this superfan in the rear orchestra who someone said had seen the show 8 or 9 times (can you imagine?) and was giving us the evil eye. Made me scared cause she looked like a crazy. I complained to an usher and he had no interest in stopping her. So kinda ruined it for me.
Broadway Legend Joined: 8/15/15
I just wasted 45 minutes of my life reading through this whole thing. Feel sorry for the OP but life is full of disappointments.
Leading Actor Joined: 7/6/14
Get a life. It's a show. It's a musical theater show...literally. And I'm sure Jeremy is just being a good socialist - believes he's entitled to the time you spent in this effort. Feel the bern.
UncleCharlie said: "Like everyone else, I love this show a ton. But it's gotten to the point of insanity. When I was in the SRO recently, we were singing and dancing and having a great old time and there was this superfan in the rear orchestra who someone said had seen the show 8 or 9 times (can you imagine?) and was giving us the evil eye. Made me scared cause she looked like a crazy. I complained to an usher and he had no interest in stopping her. So kinda ruined it for me."
LOL I think that was ChiTheaterFan.
I agree that singing in the SRO is a little extreme, but so is seeing a musical 8 times in a year.
Broadway Legend Joined: 8/31/15
The difference is one has a negative effect on other people's experience seeing the show and the other has no negative effect on anyone. Do we judge people for listening to their favorite album 8 times a year? If people can afford it and they're not breaking Ticketmaster's policy, let them get on with it.
Broadway Legend Joined: 8/15/15
UncleCharlie said: "Like everyone else, I love this show a ton. But it's gotten to the point of insanity. When I was in the SRO recently, we were singing and dancing and having a great old time and there was this superfan in the rear orchestra who someone said had seen the show 8 or 9 times (can you imagine?) and was giving us the evil eye. Made me scared cause she looked like a crazy. I complained to an usher and he had no interest in stopping her. So kinda ruined it for me."
No comment on seeing a show x many times in a year but singing and dancing at a show is just rude. Those people paying $177(or more) per ticket don't want to hear your off key singing the whole show. I'd be pissed too if I paid all that money to have people in back of me singing.
Broadway Legend Joined: 6/26/16
mailhandler777 said: "UncleCharlie said: "Like everyone else, I love this show a ton. But it's gotten to the point of insanity. When I was in the SRO recently, we were singing and dancing and having a great old time and there was this superfan in the rear orchestra who someone said had seen the show 8 or 9 times (can you imagine?) and was giving us the evil eye. Made me scared cause she looked like a crazy. I complained to an usher and he had no interest in stopping her. So kinda ruined it for me."
No comment on seeing a show x many times in a year but singing and dancing at a show is just rude. Those people paying $177(or more) per ticket don't want to hear your off key singing the whole show. I'd be pissed too if I paid all that money to have people in back of me singing.
Relax dude, it wasn't during the whole show, just during the musical numbers. And I'm always on-key, thank you very much. I've been told I have the voice of an angel (and a face for radio but I'm not sure what they mean by that). And if people didn't want to hear it, they wouldn't have put more than $150 into the tip jar I had out as they were leaving the theater.
Broadway Legend Joined: 8/15/15
UncleCharlie said: "Relax dude, it wasn't during the whole show, just during the musical numbers. And I'm always on-key, thank you very much. I've been told I have the voice of an angel (and a face for radio but I'm not sure what they mean by that). And if people didn't want to hear it, they wouldn't have put more than $150 into the tip jar I had out as they were leaving the theater."
If you're trying to be humorous it's not working.
Broadway Legend Joined: 6/26/16
mailhandler777 said: "UncleCharlie said: "Relax dude, it wasn't during the whole show, just during the musical numbers. And I'm always on-key, thank you very much. I've been told I have the voice of an angel (and a face for radio but I'm not sure what they mean by that). And if people didn't want to hear it, they wouldn't have put more than $150 into the tip jar I had out as they were leaving the theater."
If you're trying to be humorous it's not working.
I'll talk to my writers. They assured me it was so humorous, people would be doing spit takes.
I thought it was hilarious.
ljay889 said: "adamgreer said: "I'm always amused when people on these lines appoint themselves the line police, making their own set of rules, then seem incredulous when the theater doesn't follow their unofficial rules.
YES!!!! It's so humorous.
I'd love to see an in depth article in the New Yorker or the Atlantic about the self appointed line leaders of the Hamilton cancellation line.
The OP said: "I had to call out of work twice just to stay out her for these tickets. "
Wow. The OP is upset about the unfairness of a theatre not following rules made by the people waiting in line, that they had not committed to following in the first place. But at the same time they have no problem calling out of a work job, either using two vacation days with no advance notice or two sick days without being sick, both of which are actually unfair and unethical acts, due to the commitment that one makes to an employer in exchange for being paid.
It is really hard to feel sympathy for someone behaving so unethically and unfairly to their co-workers and employer complaining about being treated unfairly because a theatre did not choose to pay attention to a list that some line-waiters tried to make them follow.
On a separate note, it is even possible that patrons were complaining about the odors of people camping out for four days sitting next to them in the theater, and that the theater employee choosing people 'at random' might have actually been choosing people who had probably showered within the last 24 hours, as evidenced by their not having a drastic odor.
Broadway Legend Joined: 5/28/15
^^^ LOVE
Hey OP, I didn't quite catch it. Who were you waiting to see?? Who was it again? Was it Lin, Leslie, and Pippa? I didn't quite get that the 138493929021111044 times you said it. And HOW many hours did you wait again? Was it 96 hours? 54544? 3? Again, you didn't say it enough so I really just don't know.
You know you are acting like an entitled little brat. I am a millennial as well and no matter what, I would never feel entitled to see any show, regardless of the time I wait on the street for a ticket. That was your choice. Sometimes you lose the game. Hamilton has been playing for an entire year and half now. You dont live far from NYC so you could have planned ahead and got tickets a year ago. Thousands have done that. You chose not to. I saw Hamilton for free, two times. With the entire OBC. I am grateful for that experience. You slept on the gross streets of NYC for days, and you didn't get to see it. Life is not fair. That's your lesson here. People are dying, people are suffering in this world, people have ACTUAL problems to deal with. Come back here when you have one of those. Or come back in 2019 when Hamilton comes to your city. Until then?
Is this what it was like trying to see Hello, Dolly! In 1964?
This is a new episode of Curb Your Enthusiasm??! Right???
Broadway Legend Joined: 5/28/13
This thread (and the OP) is truly horrific in far too many ways to count. I, too, would support a "lock" on this thread. There is no productive discussion happening. Nothing is progressing forward. It's time. #shutitdown
Broadway Legend Joined: 5/16/16
I mean say whatever you want about OP but I don't think waiting 96 hours to see something makes anyone entitled, maybe a little crazy. The dude who walked up and expected to get in the front of the line, that guy is entitled.
Broadway Legend Joined: 8/31/15
Some would argue that you don't actually have the right to a ticket until you've paid for one. Not saying this is my view, but that's probably where the 'entitled' idea comes from.
Updated On: 6/27/16 at 06:34 AM
Broadway Legend Joined: 5/28/13
Schubox - that argument isn't a strong one. Who are you to say or decide what constitutes as "crazy?" It's all relative to your own personal frame of reference and your past experiences. You may not think it's insane to sleep outside for four nights just to buy full-price tickets to a Broadway musical. But others clearly do. So what? Everyone will feel differently and bring their own experiences to that conclusion, which further informs them. That's all there is to it. Again, this validates my earlier point: the conversation is going nowhere. Moderators, lock this thread down!!!
Broadway Legend Joined: 5/16/16
Liza's Headband said: "Schubox - that argument isn't a strong one. Who are you to say or decide what constitutes as "crazy?" It's all relative to your own personal frame of reference and your past experiences. You may not think it's insane to sleep outside for four nights just to buy full-price tickets to a Broadway musical. But others clearly do. So what? Everyone will feel differently and bring their own experiences to that conclusion, which further informs them. That's all there is to it. Again, this validates my earlier point: the conversation is going nowhere. Moderators, lock this thread down!!!
I said "maybe a little crazy." I've done the cancellation line. I'm not judging anyone. People know what their time is worth to them. Some would rather work some extra shifts and buy a resale ticket. Some would rather wait to get a shot at a good seat at face value. As long as you're not hurting anyone do whatever you want.
Also why are people on this board so determined to shut down threads? If it is no longer interesting you, stop opening it. People want threads locked, but then are enraged when people come in and start new threads. Clearly the thread has some value since people keep responding to it.
Broadway Legend Joined: 5/28/13
Please tell me what your definition of "value" is.
Broadway Legend Joined: 5/16/16
Liza's Headband said: "Please tell me what your definition of "value" is.
In relation to threads? I would say a thread has value when it continues to create discussion. This clearly is as people continue to open and respond to it. You could argue that the value is negative, but it is still doing what a thread on a message board is supposed to do. This thread is clearly annoying you, stop opening it.